The bigger Ilaorunth got - and by Faranth, was she getting big! - the longer it took to get her properly bathed. Not that Nashwa minded, as she'd never been one to shy from hard work, and at least Ilaorunth hadn't been hatched at High Reaches, or else they'd have been doing this in the icy cold. Hmph. I'm quite sure Western is superior anyway, regardless of weather...although I do hear that some of High Reaches' golds have veritable harems.

The young Queen's eyes tinged with purple at the thought, and Nashwa just shook her head as she scrubbed. "They'd expect more of you than you'd like, darling," she told her bonded, gently tapping her with the brush. "If you think Liat and I work you too hard, I suspect High Reaches wouldn't be to your liking."

Much as Ilaorunth liked to be the center of attention, with a gaggle of attendants and admirers, actual leadership was not to her tastes at all. You do work me very hard, she agreed on that point with a sigh, But I have been very good these last months, and it is high time you did some of things I want you to do.

"Is that so?" Oh, this was going to be good.

Yes. It is time for you to look at boys. You have been putting it off saying that it was against the rules - very silly rules, mind you - but now it is not, so don't you give me any more excuses!

"What, right this second?" Nashwa cast a glace around, then gestured with the brush. "Hate to break it to you, but this early the pickings are pretty slim." Not everyone liked to be up at the crack of dawn like Ilaorunth.

Another sigh. Tianxiath, Yours is also very stubborn, she reached out to her most beloved confidant for advice, Have you been able to convince him to look at girls yet? ...or boys? Does he have a preference?
