((Fuzzy-timed to a little bit after Esurienth's and Phylideth's hatching.))

Even in the rain, his day was sunny. Astariarth stood beside him, stretching her wings rhythmically as he warmed up muscles pre-exercise. She was sunshine, light and happiness bundled up into a beautiful green body, and each day he was grateful to see her shine so bright.

"How are you feeling? Ready to do a few laps running?"

{Of course. But... When will I be allowed to fly? It's much more exciting than running...} She shook herself, folding her wings once more against her back.

Ce'rys pulled himself from one side to the other, stretching his upper body. His arm still hurt a little, more sore than painful, but he smiled at this. He'd suffer much more for Astariarth: she had captured his heart so wholly that he struggled to remember his previous life.

"Be careful. It's slippery okay?" It was good to practice in all conditions, although she wouldn't exactly be running whilst fighting Thread. He started the first lap with a rush of exercise-induced euphoria, and she fell into step slightly behind him. He sensed her uncertainty and sent waves of gentle encouragement towards her. /You can do this. You're doing really well!/ He cared about her so much, and really wanted to help her through these lessons and training.

By the third lap, she seemed to have found her rhythm and confidence, and was bounding ahead in eager steps. The rain picked up its pace, and a rumble of thunder in the distance caused the young dragon to startle. One foot went one way, and another the other: poor Astariarth tumbled ungracefully with a small, pitiful squeak.

Fear gave the man whiplash as he sprinted to her side, crouching over her. He was no dragonhealer by trade, but he inspected her forepaws for broken claws or swelling, then her muzzle for anything scraped, bruised or bleeding. Astariarth's eyes turned grey, and she opened her mouth. {It tastes funny.}

"Oh, my love... You've bitten your tongue." Relief and sympathy swept through him. If that was the extent of her injuries, then there was nothing to fear. "Come on my sweet, let's get you to the healers so we can get some advice, and then get you warm and dry."