The move from the candidates barracks to the whirling barracks hadn’t been a hard move for Niviora. Certainly, she had her fair few things; coming to Western Weyr, she had some things that she owned -- a fair few clothes, a trinket or three, her sash, and one dress. Since staying at Western Weyr--for… twelve turns now? Had time truly flown that much?--she’d collected more things. Upgraded clothes of better quality, a few more keepsakes. She’d gotten Royalty’s egg, as the golden firelizard perched keenly on Sauzath’s shoulders and preened the freshly oiled hide of the dragonet. Trunk across the end of the bed, as she sorted what should be out, and what should remain inside for when she moved it back to the floor.

Two things ever remained; the sash, and the dress.

As she’s unpacking her trunk, Niviora cast a lone glance at the dress. Primly tucked into the bottom of the trunk, taking as little space as possible while also trying to preserve the fabrics. Deep blues and silver sparkles peek from where the edge of the protective wrap has peeled back a bit, showing off the rich color. Most of her clothing was of good degrees of fashionable, perhaps she shouldn’t…

Why-ever-not? You’d look rather fetching in it. Curled up on their new cot, Sauzath had been watching Niviora unpack her belongings -- what ones she did want to unpack. It seemed like a whole affair to go through for them to eventually move out of the barracks in just a few months, but. If it made Hers happy, she supposed she would have to oblige.

It was still something she was trying -- in the best of ways -- to get used to. Suddenly there was someone there who could hear her most intimate thoughts, ones that no one else was privy to. Yet those tidepools of green and blue, fringed by the barest curl of purple, had Niviora feeling… safe. Secure. An odd feeling, but certainly more than welcome.

“It..” The newly-appointed weyrling reached, picking at the edge of the package and slowly unwrapping it, eyeing the navy fabric with a critical eye. She hadn’t thought about this dress in turns, and now it was suddenly forefront in her mind. There’s only the briefest of glances around to find she was alone in the room. “... My mother gave it to me.”

The memory is so clear, even after all these turns; she’d been barely into her teens, and Jacira had been desperate to turn her away from scrapping with the boys in the alley. Teaching her her craft had been a sending, for she’d latched onto learning to dance, to sway and move to even just the beat of her own heart. To see her mother smile at her, to hear such honest praise so openly…

The dress had been a reward. Scars on her hands and knuckles had healed with only the barest scars, and even those had faded out with time. She was meant to wear it to a gather they were invited to, just the two of them …. And then she had hit Sapheria, and by morning all that had been left was a note, and that dress was left behind. Perhaps if she had more control? Perhaps if she had not lashed out, had actually thought things through ---

Paws collide with the cot, enough for the mattress to squeak and shift in revolt against the sudden movement. Royalty fluttered from the bright green back to the security of a stable pillow. Sauzath stared at Niviora, her eyes whirling a deep red, her lip almost curling in defiance. Those who throw you away for a mistake are never worth your time. The words were harsh, but struck the woman as if it were a blow; words that needed to be said for so long, words that needed to be heard. I will never allow someone to throw you away again. A promise as much of a threat, as Sauzath’s wings mantled, teeth bared at some unseen threat. For Hers was perfection incarnate, the most beautiful of any one in the entire Weyr; if no one else could see that, it was their loss for not being in Niviora’s court.

Sauzath reared up on her hind legs, to place her front paws against Niviora’s midsection. For while she only meant to look at Hers more square in the eye, there’s the minor pressure and twinge from where her paws had landed a bit forcefully. At least she had Niv’s full attention now. You are perfect, and I am Perfect for you -- I would never demand you to change for me, as I know you never would me for you.

Nose to nose, Niviora feels just as thunderstruck as she had felt on the sands. There’s no crutch for her to lean on, there’s no hot sweltering grains under her sands, though. There’s no distraction, nothing but the love and anger of her dragon’s gaze. “Of course not, darling --” For how could she ever want Sauzath to change? No, it was unthinkable, but Sauzath’s paws pressed a little more insistently. No, that had been wrong. What answer was she looking for?

I want only what you want, darling. You are Mine, and you are a dragonrider. I will not have you cowing to anyone else’s whims because you think it’s what’s right. Sauzath snorted, butting her head against Niviora’s shoulder. The anger hadn’t faded from her eyes, and her wings still mantled like some dangerous animal. Niviora wrapped her arms beneath those bright wingsails, lifting her dragon from the bed as she balanced on her one uninjured foot.

.. She should not have left you. It came slow, spiteful; her own mother was loving and sweet. There was no doubt should she ever need anything, Khamaith would be there in but a wingbeat -- as would any of their siblings. But to have Hers not know that security? No. Sauzath would rend the world to make certain Niviora would at least feel safe with her. Pern wasn’t ready for them, and no longer would Niviora bend to someone else’s will simply to bend with the tide.

It’s the final piece of straw on the pyre, as Niviora’s fingers clutched at her dragon’s freshly oiled hide. The fiery-haired woman bent her head, burying it in Sauzath’s neck as emotion washed over her finally. The hatching sands had burnt her out, but now? Now there had been nothing to possibly buffer those tears. There was only Sauzath, and there would be no hiding from her own dragon. Not when she saw who Niviora truly was.

Those large fans opened all the way, curling around Niviora’s head to garner them some privacy -- shutting the world out to just the two of them. The angry reds only fringed on the edge of Sauzath’s eyes, instead flooding with the loving shades of purple for her most beautiful rider -- a beauty inside and out.

Wear the dress? … For me? A softness in her voice, just for the two of them, as Niviora’s able to get control of herself. She can only nod, slowly settling Sauzath back on the mattress with a kiss to her nose. No, she’d wear that dress -- a cornerstone to a fresh start, and memories made with her most beloved.

Good. Now, we must clean up and get around to getting ready. We mustn’t be late, certainly... There was that prim, bossy voice, making Niviora chuckle as she finishes up sorting her belongings, and plucks the dress and accoutrements. It wouldn’t do to be late to their own party after all, would it?