"Don't have much." She had said this again and again as she stuffed her small amount of belongings into her trunk. It was mostly empty, a large space meant to be filled with a whole life that she could lug from barracks to barracks to weyr, yet it was so empty that Quinineth's eyes turned a pale shade of gray close to the same color as his own hide. Dearest certainly you have more than this, you need something pretty to wear to the celebration feast. The Weyr provides some things, yet you have... nothing?

Her head shook emphatically as she dropped the lid and climbed to sit on top of it. More a waste of time than anything, she and her little white were meant to be moving out of the candidate barracks so that new candidates could take that bed, the female weyrling barracks were meant to have a bit more room even if they were still spartan. Yet they hadn't made it past Quinineth's discovery of her meager belongings. Of course she'd ferreted a few things away, that he knew about and had every intention in both of their minds of forcing her to return them post haste once they could get to them, but her own belongings.

Now this will never do, a lady deserves to look beautiful when there is a celebration in her honor. No no, I cannot allow this to stand. Quinineth stomped one of his dark feet against the mattress in indignation. He had not picked the most wonderful girl on the sands only to have her wear a... a... sack for a celebration gown! "Is okay Quin, really. I'm no lady, would just look weird." He turned orange eyes to her and stomped again, a truly comical sight given that he wasn't much larger than a small canine at the moment, though Etansi knew he'd grow to be much larger. Her heart always skipped every time she glanced at him and to look him right in the eye she felt like breaking down crying from joy once more and the very emotion and thought had the little white's eyes swirling blue again.

Of course he wasn't mad at her, more at her life up until that point and her insistence that she need nothing of value. Everyone needed things even if some kept less than others. Clothing was a basic need but luxury could sometimes be afforded for important events and if anyone deserved a bit of luxury it was His Etansi. Naturally he knew that she was more concerned with survival but this was not the time to focus solely upon surviving, now it was about living! If it drove him Between he would do his best to assure that she would live and be happy, so his brain hung upon this first obstacle.

What was a baby dragon to do?

I'm no aid to you in carrying the trunk to your new barracks dearest, but if you would indulge me a moment to seek someone of import out, I promise to be back quickly. Quinineth had sensed someone out on those sands, someone Etansi wanted to see later anyway but now was incredibly important. So despite his beloved's trepidation and confusion, the smallest baby white dragon scampered his way out of the barracks and towards someone that could help aid his other half. He would never forgive himself at all if she didn't have the most grand of times at their very first party together.

For her part, Etansi actually understood who it was that her dragon was going to talk to, to ask for help, and she slumped so that her whole body slid straight off of the trunk to the floor. At least she was out of her candidate robes, she no longer needed those and they'd never gotten stained from her at least. May the next candidate be so lucky, but she'd have rather worn them as some sort of dress than deal with being fussed over and painted up. She knew, she knew that Quinineth knew that, he knew every part of her, but he was insisting upon her being as beautiful to everyone else as she was to him and how could she argue with his first desire for her?

She hopped to her feet so that the candidates and fresh new weyrlings around her didn't stare too much, grabbed her trunk and started to head towards her new home for the next few months. It was just as light as it would seem given how little she had placed in it, so at least she didn't have to worry about that.

But poor Dystzha when Quinineth found her.