Isilje couldn't lie and say that she didn't love the warmth of the days here at Western. Sure, sometimes she missed High Reaches, but with her two partners, her White, and the world around them? She didn't think she'd ever miss it again. Sighing happily, she stretched out in the bathing cavern. Leaning up against that pale hide, she started to scrub at Brancath's hide, knowing that after Threadfall, it was best to make sure they were both tended to. They'd flown well at least, small mercies when Isilje herself had a hard time seeing the world around her thanks to her birth defect...or that was what she called it.

Even now, she had a scarf acting as a hood over her head, and her rose-tinted goggles on, helping her poor eyes handle the light. You are doing well, love. Just calm yourself. The White leaned down to nuzzle her Rider. She might not be too thrilled about the company that Isilje chose to keep, but....It was more tolerable than it could be. Part of her longed for the company of a female in a romantic manner, but eh....She could also do without. Tail flicking in the water, Brancath allowed her blue-violet eyes to simply watch, contented.