What had upset that little egg so much? He could hear their anguish echo in his thoughts as he tried to sleep. Loctius lay in his cot with Capek, the little blue firelizard who was wrapped in his covers. Snoring terribly loud. "I wish I could sleep as sound as you buddy," he whispered, burying his face on them. He breathed in their oily scent and miserably played with their little clawed feet.

He had been giddy, with a cringe he knew he was looking like a fool in hindsight. Touchings brought out hope - and silliness. Just… out of nowhere came the lightening bolt of hurt. Onjustice that still echoed in him hours later. Their distraught words replaying in his mind instead of sleep coming to him in the darkness. It felt far too familiar to him to just shake off. The simple despair of one not being as they should.

Would that dragon be alright? Loctius scootced his firelizard to the crook if his arm. A protective curl that he wished was around him instead. Did the egg know he wished they felt better? Would the egg's mother soothe their hurts like Nona did when he was small? Or were they feeling awful tonight as well - hoping a good night sleep might take the sting out of it? Hopefully the little one would forget its troubles come morning.

Capek opened a red-whirring eye and tucked himself into a loaf away from Loctius's determined snuggles. "I'm in need of your moral support Capek," he whimpered quietly. "Little b*****d." The flitter was tired and human emotions fell second to his blankies and beauty rest. Little blue b*****d.

He made a fool out of himself. He looked weak. He was a Candidate of Western Weyr for Faranath's sake. He buried his face in his pillow and made a muffled shout. He couldn't fall apart because a baby dragon smacked him with a bunch of feelings.

They didn't know any better. He did. He should have. He's been drilled on it. He should be better than this. He was stronger than this he knew it. Loctius shouldn't have let it swallow him up. It felt too raw, sticking salt on open wounds. Powerless, stupid, inadequate. Feelings that he tried to keep his fist wound tight over and failed to keep them from escaping.

The feeling of unease echoed around Loctius in the dark. Soon the room would lighten,and he would need to pull himself together.He pushed his palms over his eyes, no way would there be tears about this again. At least any that others could see. Perhaps he too would feel better with the morning sun warming him.