
Gelith's voice was like a gentle balm on Lutea's mind which, even after how long it had been, how much soothing it should have done by now, desperately needed that balm. She was senselessly addicted to it, in the way any rider grasped desperately to their bond with their dragon. What is it? Lutea asked, frowning lightly as she looked up at the green who gently pressed her snout against the woman's cheek.

Can you try a different brush, my love? That one is.... Gelith couldn't find the word for it, but a certain discomfort came across the bond between woman and dragon, telling Lutea exactly what was needed. Lutea kissed Gelith's snout as she stepped away from her task, moving quickly - not too quickly, however - to inspect the other brushes thoughtfully. The brush in hand was too new. Not quite broken in properly. A little scratchy. Lutea idly ran her hand over the bristles of other brushes with a focused frown before selecting a new one and jogging back to where she'd left a partially soaped up dragon.

Let's try this one. It's softer, but if it had been too soft, Gelith would have her running back to try all of the brushes until she was content with a selection. Fortunately, a few passes with the new brush and Gelith was rumbling contently. Perfect, love. Lutea sucked up the compliment like it would sustain her for 20 more Turns - and it likely would have.

It made a nice day for bathing a dragon even more pleasant, at least.
