A few days had passed since the chat with the singing lion in the night and Qual was still turning over his options. There were lots of prides out there that they could join but the Firekin was sounding better and better with each passing day. He just hoped Lamia would be up for a duel - and himself for that matter. You had to win to get in, it seemed, and neither of them were very skilled in the realm of fighting. Perhaps they'd be good enough to impress anyone who was testing them. Still, it would be best to brush up on his skills. He just needed someone to practice on.

Vodnitvar was nearby, unaware of the approaching male. He was out for a little walk to clear his mind, the thought of his mate having another litter still weighing on his mind. Her last litter hadn't been with him - and she hadn't even realized she was pregnant since she'd been under the influence of the muse cave back in their old pride. He had raised the cubs like they were his own but something inside had never really clicked. He saw them more as nieces and nephews than children and although he and Ugomvi had been trying for some time to have their own litter again, they kept coming up short. Vodnitvar wasn't a young lion anymore, though. He hadn't been when he'd met Ugomvi and he knew things like this had a time limit to them. So they'd agreed on a surrogate, someone that would help them with the part Vodnitvar could no longer do, and never see them again.

As he thought about just how he felt about that, Qual was sneaking up on his unsuspecting prey. He was about to pounce when the blue lion turned to stare directly where he was hidden. Qual froze, his ears sliding back against his head, and he couldn't even move when the older male stalked towards him.

"Come on out, cub," Vodnitvar growled low in his chest. "Fight like an adult."

Qual swallowed thickly as he rose from the underbrush, trying to look tough but failing miserably. He figured the scarred-up male would be an easy target but it seemed that wasn't the case.

"Er, sorry. I wasn't going to fight you, I was just-"

"Don't lie," Vodnitvar said with a snarl, baring his teeth. "I've been around long enough to know when someone is stalking me." Vodnitvar didn't give the other male an inch, staring him down with no fear. Yes, he was old, but he could still take care of himself. Qual finally averted his gaze, feeling rather sheepish that he'd been caught.

"All right. Sorry. I just wanted to test myself and see if my dueling skills have gotten any better." He was used to hunting but that was a lot different from a duel. The prey rarely fought back, they usually just tried to run. Seeing the truth in his body language and voice, Vodnitvar relaxed just a little bit. So the young male was looking for a fight? He could help.

"Well, you tried to stalk the right lion. I can give you some pointers," he offered as Qual looked up in surprise. Was the lion he was going to attack a second ago offering to teach him how to spar? He stood there for a moment with his mouth open, blue eyes wide, and he floundered for something to say.

"But- why? What would you get out of it?"

Vodnitvar chuckled quietly to himself and shook his head in amusement. What would he get out of it? He'd feel a bit like himself again. He used to be a warrior in his life before joining the Kizi, before meeting his mate. He still was a fighter but he hadn't been quite the same since sustaining the injury on his hind leg. If he could teach this young male a thing or two maybe he'd feel a bit more confident in his own abilities and be able to step up to be a father to the cubs Ugomvi would eventually bear.

"Nothing that concerns you. Now come. I'll show you a thing or two."


A few hours later both males were panting heavily but were smiling as well. They'd spent the time going through some basic moves and drills and Qual had to admit he wasn't as out of practice as he thought. He even learned a few things from Vodnitvar that he hadn't known before. Vodnitvar, for his part, felt rejuvenated and ready to take on another litter of cubs. His leg was aching but in a good way, achy and sore from the fun of the fight.

"Well, Qual, I hope you've learned a few things," he said as he shook his head, tossing his mane from his eyes. "I think you're a bit rough around the edges but that's not a bad thing. Sometimes the element of surprise is what will get you the win in a fight."

"Thanks," Qual said, feeling a bit braver as well. He hadn't known he had it in im but now he felt like he could actually get into the Firekin. It might take a try or two but he wouldn't be going in blind at the very least. "Really, you helped a lot. If there's anything I can do for you don't hesitate to ask."

"You've helped without realizing it," Vodnitvar promised, a little smirk on his maw. He would go back to the pride feeling young again and he knew Ugomvi would certainly notice the different. "I hope you succeed in your duels. I think you have a chance."

"Just a chance?" Qual asked with a little laugh though he knew from the few hours with the other lion that that was his way of teasing. "I think a pretty good one after those lessons." He shook his own mane out a bit and turned to go, confidence surging through him. He'd tell Lamia, show her the moves Vodnitvar had taught him, and together they'd have a new home.

"Good luck!" Vodnitvar called out after him, clearly amused. He turned to go as well, feeling lighter than he had in years.

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