Things had been difficult since the pride disbanned again. Qual thrived among others and while he and Lamia were traveling together, being alone in the rogue lands was way out of his league. He'd left his former pride before to try to find new recruits but this was different. There was no home to go back to, just the endless lands before them. It was daunting to say the least, but Qual put on a brave face and assured his mate that they'd be just fine. Now if only he could convince himself of that...

Resting on the rocky outcropping they'd picked to sleep under for the night, Qual was on lookout just to ease his own mind. Lamia was a great comfort to have by his side but he couldn't help the creeping anxiety of being otherwise alone. He really needed to find a place where they could settle and fit in, the latter being especially important for Lamia. As he let these thoughts roll over and over in his mind, a noise caught his attention. Lifting his head, Qual narrowed his eyes as he stared off into the darkness, trying to place the sound.

Not too far from where the pair had settled in for the night another duo was resting as well. Nantale was already asleep and Ndoto was enjoying his evening by singing the songs of their old pride. Though they had left, they both missed the traditions of their homeland and Ndoto wasn't afraid to use his voice to remind them of the past. He sang softly so as not to disturb the creatures around them that were also dozing or grazing but his voice was certainly carrying over the flat plains. The air was clear and not humid, lending to the distance it reached, and unbeknownst to Ndoto he was serenading Qual as well.

Ndoto wasn't tired yet and singing was usually a good way to soothe himself to sleep, but the sound of approaching paws drew him to full attention. He rose to his paws, moving away from Nantale, his voice dying off as he tried to pick out the direction the stranger was approaching from. The paws stopped and in the darkness the tan lion made out the dark shape of another male, his bright mane easy to spot even in the moonless night.

The two males remained silent and still, sizing each other up. Neither were particularly strong fighters and they both didn't want to start something, but wit no one making a move or offering a challenge it was hard to determine what to do. Finally Ndoto cleared his throat, deciding he'd extend an olive branch towards the other male.

"Er, hello. We're not encroaching on pride lands, are we?" It had happened before and they'd moved on peacefully, but he hoped they might be allowed to remain where they were tonight since Nantale was already asleep. Qual was surprised at the question and weighed his options for a moment. He could lie and say yes, chase the pair off, or tell the truth and maybe have a truce for the night. In the morning they'd move on and leave the other pair behind them.

"No," he finally said. "I just heard a voice and decided to come see what it was."

"Oh! Oh, terribly sorry," Ndoto said with a little laugh, embarrassed that he'd probably woken the male with his singing. "I was just trying to soothe myself to sleep. My mate and I have been traveling for some time and I'm used to staying in one place." Qual could understand the sentiment and for a moment he wondered if the other pair were traveling to a new pride. Perhaps they might have advice on places they could go.

"Similar situation for my mate and I," Qual admitted. He wasn't usually so forthcoming with information about himself but this was a new situation and to find a kindred spirit was something he desperately needed. "We're looking for a new place to call home, though we're not your typical pair. Most prides wouldn't suit our needs."

"Hm...well, what are your needs?" Ndoto asked. "I know of a few that are less traditional."

" mate is very self-conscious of her markings. Our old pride was a bit more...intense, I suppose?"

Ndoto thought for a while, a few prides he'd heard of coming to mind. "Well, there's the Stormborn. They're a very large pride and like to go out to hunt for treasure and glory. Then there's the Firekin, though your mate would need to have a similar coloration to you to get in there. Very militant pride but very proud."

Qual listened to the suggestions, turning them over in his mind. He'd heard of the Stormborn before and they'd left a bad taste in his mouth. He viewed them as glory hounds who overstepped their bounds, taking lions and other creatures from the rogue lands to be their grunts. While his old pride had a similar rank they'd been treated with respect and kindness whereas he'd heard tell of some of the Stormborn using their Thralls as little more than slaves.

The Firekin, however...that was a new option.

"Do you know anything else about the pride? Where it is?" There were apparently color requirements but if Qual could get in, Lamia certainly would as well. She was less colorful than him so hopefully that would fly.

"I know you need to win a duel to get in," Ndoto said after wracking his brain for information. "And it's somewhere out the desert. I could point you in the general direction but I've never been there personally so I couldn't give you an exact location. But the closer you get the more the locals will know where to send you if that's interesting to you."

Qual nodded, his tail flicking back and forth as he weighed his options. It seemed the Firekin might be a good place to head, though he'd have to see if Lamia was interested in it. Dueling to get in wasn't ideal but if the pride offered safety and security and structure it might be worth it.

"Well. Thank you for the advice. And you can continue singing," Qual said as he turned to go. "It was pretty good."

Ndoto gave a little laugh as the male disappeared into the darkness again. "Thanks," he called after him. "And good luck!" Once he was sure the other male was gone he returned to Nantale's side, curling up around her with a little smile on his face. Hopefully the male and his mate would find a place to call home and hopefully he and Nantale would as well.

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