Spring had finally arrived, more or less, and while it wasn't out of the realm of possibility that they weren't quite done with snow yet, today the weather was fairly pleasant. It had been the perfect day for a hunt, and once she'd had her meal, she returned and settled down to digest and - hopefully - enjoy the sun with some good company.

The young gold arranged herself just so, always keen to look her best, and cleaned her claws as she waited to see what or who the afternoon might bring. Hers was nearby, using their rest day to read.

Sinders Path
The familiar shift in air pressure and sudden chill announced the arrival of a bronze and rider from the vast between. They circled several times and then came down for a slightly bumpy landing. The bronzes claws tearing grooves onto the ground beneath them. Where ever the pair had been it was obvious that the weather hadn't been anything as close to as Clement as high reaches.
They were soaked and the cold between had turned some of the water drops to ice which hung like jewels on the bronzes hide and wings which explained the rough landing.

The rider unclipped his straps and slid off his partner with a grunt before shaking himself out like a shaggy dog. 'hah. Well that did blow the dead glows out meh head this morning. ' After he cleared the water dropping from his hair the second time he seemed to noticed the gold. 'ah company. Good. Itll take a turn of the sun for Valset to defrost and now it won't be boringm. Your rider about Goldie?'

The bronze ruffled his wings before looking at the gold and nodding his head respectfully. Good day, I am Valseth and this is my rider S'mol (the ironically named S'mol' being well over 6ft and almost as wide) I believe what my rider was trying to say is we apologise for the sudden intrusion and hope we are not intrupting. But after solo patrols we would be delighted for some company and idle chatter if that is acceptable with you my lady

The appearance of a bronze - one of Fianth's, and quite handsome at that - was not an unwelcome surprise, and Hesperith watched the pair land with quiet interest and a polite brush of acknowledgement, though she didn't expect conversation. She assumed that they were occuppied, or at the very least would be eager to return to their weyr and shake off their travel.

She did not expect to be so addressed - Goldie? Really? - but was ever composed, and barely batted an eye. She simply answered his question by turning her head, pointing to where her rider sat with her book.

The dragon was more courteous than his rider, and Hesperith greeted him warmly. Young Valseth, what a pleasure to see you looking so well. We would be delighted to have the company of you and Yours, if you are sure he would not be more comfortable after a change? He need not linger with us in discomfort simply for courtesy's sake.

Sinders Path
Undoubtedly he would be. Valseth acknowledged. But sunlit spots such as this are the best place to chase the chill from my hide and he will not attend to his own needs until he can feel I am warm again A few blankets wasn't going to cut it with an adult bronze. When Valseth spoke it was with obvious deep affection for his rider. Yes, he was a little rough and gruff around the edges, and his manners lacking but he was a good man. And together they would be worthy hero's of pern.
To get maximum sun Valseth shifted and spread his wings till they shimmered with the full force of the suns weak spring radiance. Besides. the bronze added I was not lying when I told you company is most welcome after an extended solo patrol

S'mol meanwhile had followed the golds head nod over to her rider where he flopped down close by without a word. "Must be a good book ta keep your nose in it through all of that mess of a landing." He chuckled at last slowly removing some of the outer layers of his riding gear that had been drowned by the harsh rains and laying them out in a sun drenched rock to dry off. He also ran his hands back through his hair and short beard to shake out more moisture.

If that is his wish, I will not argue against it. If they found solidarity in their both being cold and wet, then so be it, though she for one wouldn't have allowed Hers to suffer such a state for any longer than absolutely necessary. Leave it to males to favor toughness over sense. So where did your patrol take you, besides into a downpour?

Sylfie had gotten used to tuning out the hustle and bustle of the Weyr while she was reading, or else she'd never have gotten any reading done in the first place. Comings and goings were practically constant, and even commotion wasn't uncommon. But even without a heads-up from Hesperith, S'mol's approach would have been hard to miss. She glanced up only to look back down, softly closing her book as he shed riding gear and laid it out to dry. That was- Well then. "It is," she answered, and would have been happy to leave it at that if politeness and pleasantries weren't necessary. "Looks like you had quite the flight. Are you well?"