Words could not properly convey Kleoth's relief over the smooth and sweet outcome of Felisath's flight, nor her genuine delight that Yaguareth's pursuit had been successful. Saheth and Tierboskath's desire to further aid their smaller sister from unwanted male attention touched her deeply, and her hearts swelled almost painfully from the love she felt for each and every one of them.

Why, then, did she feel so uncharacteristically adrift?

Phryana had chosen to sleep with her that night, even now cradled between Kleoth's protective, gentle claws. The woman had sensed Kleoth's inner turmoil, but the queen had been uncertain of how to give voice to her thoughts. Even now, it felt--traitorous. Was it not selfish to find herself brooding over her beloved sisters' happiness? She earnestly wished them all of it and more! But...

Her own time to fly would come, sooner or later, and the thought did not cause her hearts to beat with excitement or anticipation. Males would vie for her attention, and in the end, she would grant it to one of them... but only for the sake of siring strong and clever children that she could lavish her love upon. The imaginary male in question already made her uneasy. Would he err and upset her children as their own sire had? Kleoth could not honestly say that she relished the thought of allowing him onto the sands, and in this, she acknowledged her selfishness. He may help create them, but they would be her eggs. She would protect them with her very life.

Phryana stirred wordlessly, sensing the ire seeping into her dragon's mood even as she reached blindly up towards her beloved. Kleoth dropped her muzzle at once, exhaling gently against that seeking hand.

"Why are you sad, my love?" The young woman stretched slowly before she got to her feet, tracing Kleoth's eyeridges with long, delicate fingers.

I don't know. Kleoth replied, frustration simmering underneath her words. I should be happy. But I do not think I will ever understand what my sisters feel. She loved her brothers with all of her hearts, but even the thought of them catching her... It did nothing to change her hidden anxieties.

Phryana remained quiet for a time, but Kleoth could feel the love emanating from her as she sought the proper words. "They haven't forgotten you, my love. They've found comfort in one another, but they would never toss you aside." Phryana addressed the heart of Kleoth's unspoken concerns, and winced at the sudden pang of hurt that welled up from the young gold at the mere thought.

No. No, of course they would not. But even if they desire less of my presence... She trailed off for a moment, yellows beginning to swirl around the edges of her eyes. I will always be there for them, should they need me. Her sisters.... Her dearest sisters. She would always love them to Between and back.

Why, then, did she feel so lost?