
It would have been a fine day to sun her wings - the biggest of the winter chill had faded to the warmer temperatures of Spring with vigor, and Anakumath never really knew how much she missed the warmer seasons until they were right upon her. A long day of work had called for a long soak for Martirae to scrub her hide to that pristine clean the woman preferred it at before she'd retired inside to similarly care for herself. But before stepping inside, Marty patted an open palm on the young gold's haunch.

"You still have some time to catch those last rays, my love," she bid, feeling that longing for warmth from the young gold. Anakumath turned, nudging her snout against that pale spot of Marty's forehead, creeling softly as she rose to her feet. Marty definitely felt the love as her lifemate took to the air, lazily circling the bowl as she drew higher and higher. All the way up until she could find an open space in the Fireheights above.

Anakumath would have never taken up more space than she should have, especially in such prime and sought after real estate, but she couldn't help but keep them spread at least a little bit as she settled in, holding her head high with a content squint to her expression as she soaked up the sun on her face. It would be a nice evening, for certain.


Samodith was in particularly good humor, perhaps better than she had been in months. Back into a proper routine of drills, sweeps, and fighting, and further settled by her recent Flight, she'd been in fairly consistent good spirits most days, and their recent visit to Western Weyr had only bolstered her further. She felt nothing but special in the company of Hers' family, seen for the true gem that she was, and it did her a world of good.

After their day's duties were done, the bright green deposited Akaris back at their weyr to get cleaned up before dinner, and with her ledgemate not yet returned from his own work for the day, sought the fireheights to see what company might be had. And what luck! As she swept by to survey the offerings, she spotted a familiar hide, and didn't hesitate to land nearby. Samodith stretched just so before settling her wings and all but prancing over to her sister, lone eye swirling with deep blues and purples as she came in for a nuzzle, never the least bit shy and certainly not concerned about invading Anakumath's space without first asking. A willingness to cuddle was simply assumed.

Sister, she purred, tail already curling with pleasure as she sidled closer. What a delight to see you on such a fine evening! You are a vision of perfection, as always.


Another was coming in for a landing, her mental presence familiar and beloved even without seeing who it was - though Anakumath's closed-eyed squint was broken so she could better see her sister as she landed. As expected, she'd not turn Samodith away, instead craning her neck to receive, and return, the nuzzle with a hum of satisfaction. She'd even lift one wing a little higher, offering her sister a spot beneath it, if so desired.

Ah, and here I thought the evening would not be able to get any better. Yet here you are to remind me that there is always more bliss to be found, she greeted warmly, gaze colored with similar shades of blue and purple. How could anybody not have looked at the green in such a way, though? You look to be well - I hope that is true!


Samodith would indeed tuck herself neatly under her sister's wing with her own happy hum, soft green hide against gold. She was the finest company to be had in all of High Reaches, she well knew, and receiving the expected welcome was always satisfying.

I suppose there might be another detail or two that could provide some very minor improvement, if one were concocting a daydream, but this is more than sufficient. The fireheights were no tropical getaway, but they were quite fine, and the company was ideal, so the suggestion of improvements was only given in good humor. I am very well indeed. The day is nearly done, and what is left is ours to do as we please with, just as we have earned. I trust you are well, also?


Perhaps I need to daydream a little better, then, Anakumath mused, content to simply enjoy what was in front of her at that moment. It would have been very impolite to wish for more company - a certain brown, perhaps - when she already had fine company to dote upon.

I am. Things have been good and fair, which was, to say the least, how Anakumath preferred things to be. Not all would have agreed with the assessment, of course, but she did her best to keep things as close to it as she could. Even if it had been a harsh day, she'd not have complained of it where Samodith could know it. She shifted slightly as she thought, leaning her weight ever slightly into her sister. Did you enjoy Western Weyr? of course, she expected Samodith would have - if the opinions of her rider did anything to flavor her joy.


Warm sand, a sea breeze, perhaps a plump caprine to share...or a herdbeast, if we were to expand our company and had another appetite to satisfy. Samodith would certainly never have objected to the addition of a particular other brown, even if some might consider it peculiar how she held to complicated and even inconvenient feelings for certain other parties. This odd little gray area she had carved out for herself was working well enough.

It was delightful! I had desperately wanted to see it myself for so long, and it really is quite lovely. And Mine's family is always perfection, of course. It is good to be so welcomed. And to have a prime spot and choice company, and be seen. She felt genuinely recognized and valued, which was a rarity at their home Weyr - present company excluded, obviously.


It sounds as though you were rather taken with Western Weyr, Anakumath said, no judgement in her voice. Not just the warm air and the beachside locale, but the attentions the Weyr offered her in turn. They all seemed to suit Samodith and Anakumath had to avoid thinking on if in a few more turns she'd find her sister spirited away to it. The thought would have broken her hearts just so. Of course they welcomed you - how could they have not, dear Samodith? Surely I need not remind you how lovely and wondrous you are?

Mine didn't particularly have anybody she wanted to see, though to some degree this was a lie - Martirae always had someone she wanted to see. Even if neither were there, it had felt the closest. Anakumath tried to understand it as best she could. But I think she enjoyed the trip.


Mine has missed it terribly, and I confess I do understand. Not that I mind the climate here, but the beach *is* quite lovely. And I know it is hard for her to be so far from her family. Turns remained for a choice to be made, and Samodith knew Akaris' preference...provided a certain brownrider might also be interested. If not, well, that would complicate things, as would Samodith's own attachments. But there was little use thinking on it overmuch when it was so far in the future, and so many things could change. Well, you do not *need* to remind me, though I do enjoy hearing it. Not everyone really appreciates it properly, but I know that you do. There was a healthy dose of humor in the words; she wasn't quite so vain as to say such a thing with a straight face, as it were, and mean it with all seriousness.

It is good to get out, if nothing else, and see something different for awhile. Did she enjoy the babies and the party, at least? Not that Samodith had any strong feelings about hatchlings, herself, but she knew that to some they were absolutely precious.


I do not think she enjoyed the babies as much as I did, Anakumath confessed - while their own mother had not been the most maternal of creatures and as such, set a standard that not all golds would simply fawn and sigh all day about little ones, Anakumath perhaps took a touch after their Aunt Fianth instead. Martirae had been perhaps more enthused with other thoughts than the small ones.

I, perhaps, got more out of the trip than she did. Martirae had enjoyed letting her see her home, and perhaps that secondhand delight was enough for her. I should hope we both can go again.


Mine is not terribly interested in the babies, either, only in the company. She had quite enough of hatchlings while she was standing. Her fear of dragons was, by now, almost entirely behind her, but she still didn't find the little ones especially enchanting.

Things seem to have been going fairly well since our own Hatching, and hopefully they will continue to do so, and we might continue to visit and have visitors on such special occasions. Better still if there could be visits outside of that, as Hers' family was, understandably, quite busy, so arranging meetings in off time, on neutral territory, was practically impossible.


How many hatchlings would have been out of luck since their own hatching if both Weyrs had not agreed it was in their best interests to continue allowing the cross exchange. Anakumath briefly wondered after her own future children if such a thing were to ever change. Being witness to several other hatchings in her adulthood had the young queen imagining after her own future more than she may have otherwise.

It would be nice to see more gatherings. More parties, perhaps while there were plenty of Gathers and the life of a Dragonrider wasn't all work and no play and there was plenty already, having more things to celebrate and raise the mood would have never been a bad thing.


More parties would be delightful! Samodith approved enthusiastically. A chance to visit, to be seen, for everyone to mingle and further develop bonds - an excellent step toward freer visits. There is no harm in sharing merriment, and it couldn't hurt to bring everyone a little closer...well, unless they're worried about certain dangerous ideas.


Anakumath could recall there had been some hubbub at their own Hatching Feast about something or other - though she only thought about it now at Samodith's words. That isn't our choice though, Anakumath sighed, not wanting to sour the fun of the idea - she'd obviously been rather keen on it. She just knew better than to get either of their hopes up. Parties were planned by people, not dragons. Perhaps I should enjoy the ones we get with more enthusiasm - wouldn't it be a sign that we need more if we all enjoyed them harder?


I'm sure no few things would be a bit different, if the choice was ours. The green shared in her sister's sigh. Get-togethers or, Faranth forbid, just simpler visits, surely weren't that great of an ask...but they were young, and even Anakumath had little power, for all that she was regarded much more highly within High Reaches' hierarchy than Samodith. I happen to know of at least two dragons who would be happy to help you better enjoy such festivities.

Though she spent as much time as possible glued to Junenth and Zinath, soaking in the joy of such rare company, she would be just as happy spend time with another pair as well.


As if you'd have the time for me, Anakumath replied coyly, I am sure at least a few of those Western Boys know the loveliest dragon when they see her - and the rest would learn. Samodith was so charming that she couldn't imagine her not having a throng about her if given half a chance. Was it not what she deserved?

Why, if she didn't exist, she was certain a very specific dragon both had been quite purposefully not referring to in specifics would have had no reservations about giving her all of his company. But the notion didn't seed any uncertainty in her heart. In fact, it did the opposite - she'd been given a real treasure.


Oh, the Western boys aren't much use, as things stand, Samodith noted with a chuckle, Although some of them are pretty to look at, and I'm sure a few are clever. They are all very far away, most of the time.

I must content myself with what is here. And in what form she could have it, which she had made her peace with. And you know that I always have time for you, regardless.


Anakumath couldn't imagine her sister pining over some far off dragon either. Not when she'd had her fill of it so close to home already. Fortunately it does seem you have the fortune of plenty of options. Samodith always drew in a healthy group of suitors - she couldn't help but be fascinated with what she could see of it all at least. How could she not be fascinated with the way the sky seemed to sing with a rising dragon in the sky? Did the sky sing for Samodith?

I have no doubt you'd kick every boy in your way to the curb to make time for me, Anakumath mused, her voice almost a laugh at the mental image. Though she imagined any boy with eyes would have parted for the green's approach.


There is quite a healthy variety, Samodith agreed, And there is always at least one worth the time, for awhile. She'd enjoyed the company of all of her choices thus far, some for longer than others depending on her mood, and had other company she kept fairly consistently.

I'm glad that you know it. Samodith's eyes sparkled with amusement, and she nuzzled affectionately at her clutchmate. I would never let anything come between me and my dearest sister. Clearly, or else they wouldn't be here.


Anakumath leaned into the nuzzle, humming contently at the affection she was given and accepting it graciously - for it was given graciously. How lucky I am to be thought of so highly for the praise of Samodith was worth even more than any regard she could have gotten for her hide - and to some less savory onlookers, was all she was seen for. Anakumath knew honor when it was bestowed upon her. It would be impossible to not know it - not when you are one of, it not the, finest dragon worth knowing.

There were many fine dragons, of course, but Samodith was an extra kind of special - one that had been nurtured their entire lives.


Had she not been so comfortably settled, tucked close against her golden sister, Samodith might have preened at such praise, but as it was, she just pressed a little closer, thrumming with happiness. She might not have certain hearts in exactly the way she might have wished for them in the finer details of a daydream, but she did still have them.

It does take a fine dragon to know one. I shouldn't be surprised at your taste. In spite of the lightness of the words, she was all appreciation and affection. Anakumath was one of the ones who never begrudged her her sharper edges, or tried to dull them.


Again, she accepted the praise she was given with as much humility as was polite - even if she questioned the truth of it. Not the truth of Samodith's opinion, as she was certain she'd not have lied about such a thing, but perhaps overall.

How fortunate for us both, then! And for their parents to have clutched so many fine dragons! Anakumath had been blessed with good family and a safe home - which was more than many minds she'd been allowed to peer into over a turn ago had. Their work was hard, but comparatively their lives were easier in exchange.

On the note of taste - have you eaten recently? Anakumath asked - clearly a segue to an offer.


Very! Beyond pleased with such an exchange of affection and praise, Samodith would have been perfectly content to remain so cuddled indefinitely, but the suggestion of a meal was quite welcome. I have not, as it happens. You have something in mind, I take it?

A hunt in the company of her sister would be most welcome.


Anakumath didn't rouse yet, even with Samodith affirming she'd not eaten. I'd rather like to follow the sun a bit and see what we find - you teased me with thoughts of a nice caprine earlier. Not that she particularly had cravings as a human would have, but it never the less sounded quite pleasant.


That's a lovely idea - the perfect way to spend the evening. Though she was, of course, content to cuddle here for as long as Anakumath wished. Then they could hunt for their dinner, then perhaps retire for more cuddles, unless her sister had more pressing engagements.


She still wasn't quick to stir, content to lean into Samodith at least a little while longer. Let's say once the sun leaves the Fireheights we can head off, then, Anakumath would selfishly indulge a little bit longer with her sister while also getting what lingering sun she could before they headed out.

It would make for a nice little evening indeed.


There is plenty to sustain us here in the meantime. Though eager for such an activity with her sister, she was quite happy here, too, while Anakumath soaked up the last of the sun. Not that Samodith didn't enjoy the sun as well, but it hardly qualified as sunning when she had herself tucked under the gold's wing. It was a slightly rarer treat now, with weyrlinghood behind them.