Thank you all SO much for your entries! I loved reading all of them and getting to know your character concepts. I had a really tough time choosing but there can be only one and the one pup I CANNOT WAIT to meet is:

Are you a wolfdog newbie? No
Tell me about this pup. What is their name, temperament, gender, personality? Edmond is more than a little naive, believing exactly what his mother tells him about the world of monsters. He has an unwavering belief in her and tries his best to be the most attentive, reliable son she could ever want to have when she's around. He'll inherit her wanderlust, but he'll have a softer heart. He understands that hunting rabbits and deer is apart of necessity, something to feed his hunger and keep him alive. But hunting monsters? He feels sort of guilty over the idea of it. If only there was a way where everyone could be happy together, like they were all a giant family... That's it!
What kind of relationship do they have with their mother and sister? Edmond idolizes his mother for being a monster hunter and tries his very best to be just like her. He puts on a "serious face" whenever she's around and keeps very close to her. That said, he's a bit too.. soft-hearted and he gets the feeling that his mother gets tired of his questions from time to time. Especially when the questions are things like "Why do you hunt monsters? You know it would be even cooler if you could catch one and tame it!" and "Do monsters have thoughts like we do? Isn't monster hunting like... murdering another wolf? Do other animals have the same sentience like we do?" --> When he grows, he will have the idea fixed in his mind that he wants to become what he calls a Monster Tamer, wherein he finds the monsters, but makes friends with them and they go on future adventures together! He's been told that such a notion is naive, but if his mother can be a successful Monster Hunter, well, he's got it in his blood!

As for his relationship with Thyra, initially it's a little strained. Edmond can't comprehend how his sister wouldn't like the thrill of traveling somewhere new, the feeling you get when your heart is racing after a chase after something exciting! Both annoyed and amused with her sass, he tries not to let his mom catch him when he's laughing with Thyra and has thrown her under the metaphorical bus to make himself look better in front of his mother, which may have built up some resentment between them in their pup years. --> Once he's grown and found his own path, he'll respect that Thyra just isn't like him or his mother. Then again, he's not exactly the carbon-copy of his mother like he'd originally hoped either. They're all their own wolves now and he'll do his best to foster better relations with her when they're grown and independent. If she decides to make roots somewhere, he'll come visit her every spring or some such to check in with her and tell her of his adventures elsewhere. He does love her, even if they didn't get along perfectly as pups.
List at least 3 character-building plots/plans this pup will have (even if you won't ever RP them out): Family Dynamics - I would love to expand on the relationships whether they be with plotting or better yet, with RP! about how the sibling dynamic and mother-son duo expands and evolves through Edmond's life. How Thyra and Edmond interact as pups could very likely make a difference on how he grows into an adult and I'd love to get that set in stone.
It's A MONSTER! - Edmond finally decides to go out and hunt his first monster like his momma. Maybe he's able to convince Thyra to come along or maybe he braves it alone. Either way, he goes out tracking large pawprints and isn't quite sure what to do when he finds himself face to face with a large furry monster! (His first meeting with a bear, puma or berserker! How will he get out of this mess! Will his mother come to save him, or will he save himself and get out of it with a story of adventure of his own to tell upon his return!)
Gonna Catch 'Em All! - Edmond has grown from wanting to hunt or hurt monsters and just wants to catch them all! He's heard about how some wolves have familiars... he wants to do that with a monster! No-with EVERY monster! He's gonna become friends with a phoenix and a kracken and...and... well with everything! (Maybe this takes the form of him teaming up with his mom to go Monster Hunting, only for him to try and befriend the beast as soon as he catches sight of it. Or maybe this becomes his life long goal to take on solo and wow his mother and sibling when he returns with a hoard of unusual creatures with him!)

I'd also like to offer permission to custom into the family with Dreams of Amber Starlight as the mother to the others whose ideas made this decision so difficult. Please note that staff is NOT offering direct customs into this breeding, you will have to enter regular customs in order to obtain a sibling if you want one.

