Haru’s night was restless. All she could see were red eyes watching her. Staring at her. There was no form behind them. Just those eyes.

Her chocolate orbs opened at the morning light. She didn’t startled awake, just slowly rose as the remnants of sleep left her body. “Boy, it’s been a while since something like that has happened. Maybe I was wrong for yesterday.” The white canine found herself shrugging to herself as she continued to speak. “I mean, I shouldn’t have judged him or compared him to other males. Maybe he truly just wanted to help. Such a novel concept.” Haru let out a sigh as she roamed her garden. The daisy from the previous day had perked up. The flora made her smile.

“Glad to see you are doing better. You guys should be okay for a little bit alone right? I think a hunt is in order... with creatures sparse in their area it may be a while until I am back.” The talking to the inanimate foliage comforted her.

Basking in his failed attempt at shivery the large wolf found himself sitting alone, surrounded by the unfamiliar woods. Something about this place felt vast, vast and empty, despite it being completely packed with trees and wildlife. He could hear the birds gossiping overhead and wondered if they were mocking him for running away last night. He felt foolish for even helping that little wolf now, the embarrassment was eating him alive. Still, he had to try to find his friends again or this day would be as embarrassing as the last, so the large wolf set off in hopes of ending this endless torment. All Legosi wanted to do was go home.

I need to get out of here - he thought to himself as he walked deeper into the Redwoods.

“Haru?” a voice called out as a cream and blue wolf-dog entered her garden, cocky and bursting with confidence. He slinked along until his eyes settled on her pale white figure. “There you are Haru.” the wolf wandered over to her before smirking brightly, speaking in a very familiar tone. “How are you today little lady?”

As he spoke he glanced around, as if searching for something. “Have you had company recently?” he asked with a lifted brow. “I smell something strange.” Tove was very forward, never too shy to ask the dirty questions.

“I’m not jealous or anything, I figure a girl like you has many visitors, still, this smell stinks.”

Haru’s keen hearing heard the approach of the familiar footsteps before his scent entered her nostrils.

“Tove?” She said without turning around. Her tail gave a small wag, the only happiness or excitedness she would have shown. “I didn’t expect you to be here this early,” she made a small pat to the delicate flower petal before turning to focus on the male before her. “What brings you here?” She probably knew.

Her ears pinned back at the comment. “Company? Eh, not really company. More so just a body that helped bring water to the garden. Nothing more.” Haru found herself shrugging slightly. His not jealous comment made her smirk a bit.

“You know, if you stuck around a bit more, I’d get far less visitors. And well, it’d be your scent in the area instead of the others.” She sniffed the air. “I think your paranoid though. I don’t smell anything bad. Just my flowers.”

“Eh, you know I have other things going on, Haru.” the male shrugged and flexed his shoulders back before glancing around at the garden. He knew this place well, despite not really caring to know her more than he did. The blue wolf kept his personal life to himself and really only came here for one reason. At least, it started out that way at first. The more he came around the closer she got to him, it was something he enjoyed and disliked simultaneously. A double edge, perhaps.

“I mean, you can deny it all you want. I know what I smell.” he teased before walking past her to sniff the flowers she was just attending to.

Legosi had wandered around the Redwoods for a while again, aimlessly searching for his friends he knew now were long gone. A deep sigh escaped his chest as his eyes drifted off in the direction of Haru’s garden. Something about her had his mind racing. Why was she so willing to let herself go like that? Why was she so careless? He felt his heart skip a beat and before he knew it the gray wolf had started back toward her, perhaps he could ask her properly now that his head was clear. Maybe…

It was worth a try.

“Heh. Yeah. You are always busy Tove. I mean though, you could try? Maybe just a little bit?” It was a fruitful offer, but one Haru would still give to the blue wolf.

“Maybe you have a problem with your nose.” She smirked. “I know of a plant that might help that, but I hear there could be different side effects for it. You would have to stick around at night though, for it only blooms under the moon’s glow.” She advised, watching him go off to sniff the flowers.

“What are you doing here Tove? Certainly, what company I may have had doesn’t bother you now, does it?” Her head tilted as her dark brown eyes shown with intrigue.

He knew what she was doing, her wordplay wouldn’t fool him, she wasn’t as coy as she pretended to be, Tove knew that better than most. Lovers? Friends? Friends with benefits? Whatever it was the blue wolf came and went as he pleased, stopping by for late night rendezvous. He would leave by sunrise and be gone as quickly as he came.

She had to be use to it by now, surely. Still, something felt off here, this smell was really starting to bug him. Normally he didn’t care if she had other visitors, hell, he expected it of her. But this… it was strange.

He gave her a half grin and shrugged. “I’m not sure I have time for a… long visit.”

“I’ll just stop by and say hello.” the gray wolf thought to himself as he moved closer to where her garden was, he stopped for a moment and frowned. He could smell someone else.

Who was this? The Berserker tip-toed closer, eyeing the two figures in the distance.

She may not have been as devious as she could have been, but she had known this male for a while now. He knew her games almost as well as she knew his. Still, she tried. Maybe it was lack of anything truly eventful the night before that had her wanting to be close to another. She knew what she wanted, and she had her ways with words in order to get it.

“Hmm, Surely whatever has your attention can wait just a little bit longer. I mean, it would be worth your while…wouldn’t it?” She licked her lips as she slowly approached the wolf dog. She wasn’t one to beg, and today would be no different.

She heard a rustle, ears pinning back as another intruder was coming.

“I must be pretty popular these days to have more unknown beings come to the garden.” Haru commented out loud. The slightly familiar scent caught her attention as she eyed Tove. Well, I wasn’t expecting him to meet him I guess. I wonder what brought him back. He seemed quite anxious to get out of here yesterday. Haru spoke inwardly to herself.

She turned her head in the direction of Legosi. Yeah, no mistaking that big wolf’s scent for sure. She let out a sigh as her head shook. “This, should be interesting.”

Legosi would move himself into view as the large wolf stammered over his own words, speaking quickly and without pause. “Look, I’m sorry about yesterday-” in the moment it was like he had totally forgotten the scent of the other wolf. The second he saw her pale pelt he just had to apologize. He gave her a half smile before looking to her side.

Oh, wait. She had company? Of course she did. His eyes narrowed as they fell upon the smaller wolf, his blue pelt standing out against the crowd. He didn't know who this was, that wasn’t really his place, however…

“Oh, Sorry - I didn’t know you had company.” he didn’t want to seem desperate…

“What this hell is this?” the smaller male laughed. “He is MASSIVE!” Tove had never seen a wolf so big! “What the heck Haru? Are you sleeping with this freak?”

“He is unexpected company. Don’t sweat it.” Haru said, glancing between Tove and Legosi. Her ears pinned back at the wolf dog’s outburst.

“Excuse me?” She asked toward the other. “I am not, and for the record why would it matter to you Tove?” She quickly spit out, hiding the pink flush that was beginning to creep across her face. “If you were around more you would know this.” She said quietly, turning towards Legosi.

“Forgive his outburst. He sometimes doesn’t know how to control himself. I didn’t expect you back here though. Didn’t you have to go find someone or something?” She asked the beserker, occasionally glancing towards Tove to see his reaction.

Maybe coming back here was a big mistake. It felt like he had walked in on something he couldn’t understand. His eyes lowered themselves to the ground for a moment before he gave her a soft chuckle, trying his best not to seem upset or bothered. “I just wanted to say sorry before I left.” a lie, but one he would have to live with now.

He gave the other male a nasty look before turning away.

“I don’t get this.” Tove spat, moving to stand in front of Haru. “What the hell are you actually? You’re massive. I’ve never seen a wolf like this before.” he found himself grinding his teeth in annoyance. “Figures you would collect all types of weirdos.” It was obvious this wolf was upset, and he didn’t trust Haru’s answer at all. “This is why I don’t come around.” he huffed, moving away from the pair. “If you weren’t so loose I might like you more.”

At his comment Legosi snapped at him, showing fangs that were as long as this other male’s ears. “You’ll think twice before speaking again, dog.”

Tove jumped back and swore under his breath. “b*****d. You two deserve each other.”
“Oh, apologies aren’t necessary. I’m use to others just upping and leaving on a whim’s notice,” another jab toward the blue wolf dog.

She turned her attention towards Tove, at his second outburst. Her ears flattened against her skull, the words biting. Show no emotion, Haru. She told herself. It was hard though. Tove was someone she looked towards in times of comfort, sometimes in more ways than one. She turned away, trying to hide the small shudders that coursed through her small form. Ultimately, she was failing.

“Leave him be,” she didn’t even know this strangers name. “Go ahead and leave Tove. If that’s how you feel, you aren’t wanted here.” Her voice shook as she spoke directly towards the blue male. She didn’t care the audience she held with the beserker, right now it was only the two wolf dogs in this very moment.

Legosi stood back in silence as the pair fought. It was like he didn’t even exist, not in this moment. Apart of him felt bad for her, what this other male was saying was a bit harsh… but who was he to say it wasn’t true? He didn’t know Haru, not really at least. Golden eyes snapped back as he looked away from the pair for a moment, standing in silence. Why had he even returned?


“Whatever Haru. You’ll come looking for me when you’re lonely. Nothing will truly satisfy you, not even this beast.” Sometimes Tove could be harsh, but his ego was wounded. He was upset, in his moment he felt no remorse for his cold words and harsh actions.

Right now a part of him hated her.

“I will gladly go.” he spat, snarling at the larger male. “Enjoy the used goods.”

At his last words the blue wolf turned and walked away, never bothering to look back at the pair. He was over it, at least for now.

As soon as Tove was out of sight Legosi turned to glance at Haru, his eyes narrowed and face firm. “....Are you alright?”

What else could he say? He didn’t belong here, he didn’t really understand what was going on. It felt wrong, seeing this, seeing her like this. How could he be able to help? A deep sigh escaped him as he stood still, awaiting her reply.

His words hurt.

A lot.

Perhaps more than Haru would let on. Her chocolate eyes remained closed as the wolf dog fleeted, not wanting to watch him walk out of her life. Once his scent disappeared completely, her eyes rose to meet Legosi’s.

“Y..yeah. I’m alright.” She wasn’t. But a stranger didn’t need to know that. “I-I’m use to words like that. They are only words thought right? Nothing to get that bent out of shape about.” She breathed out a small breath, willing her adrenaline to fade and her nerves to calm themselves.

“You know. You left the other day without even giving me your name. But I guess I was rude and didn’t offer mine either. Haru. But, I’m sure you know that now, after Tove and all..” She introduced, bobbing her head slightly in greeting. It was as if the spat with Tove did not just happen.

“So…what brings you back here?”

For a moment the larger male stood still against the breeze, as if lost in a thought he wouldn’t ever be able to share or explain. He could feel his heart beating against his chest, the thumping felt like needles in his throat, though in this moment he couldn’t understand why. Legosi felt sorry for her, even if he was glad Tove was gone.

“That guy was a jerk.” he finally spoke, glancing down at the smaller female. He wanted to embrace her, to comfort her. He wanted to…

“I’m Legosi” the male announced, nodding his head. “Haru.”

Haru. What a lovely name. He had never heard one like it before, it stayed with him as he stepped to the side a bit, allowing her space to breathe.

“I-” he paused. “I’m not sure. Honestly.” at least he was honest. “I guess I just wanted to see you again.”

“He’s…not a jerk. It’s just how he is.” She would always defend the blue wolf dog. She didn’t know why. Perhaps it was the underlying feelings she had for him? While she wouldn’t outwardly admit it, she couldn’t let the cruelness of Tove’s word sway her true thoughts. It was a crazy notion.

“Legosi,” she let the name roll off her tongue, eyes lighting up with amusement. “I like that! It seems to suit you. Hmm.” She gave a smile, before her head tilted. Her dark brown eyes stared right at Legosi, studying him.

“Huh. Well, I can’t say you are the first who would want to see me again, though normally males come around for other reasons for multiple visits. You a strange one, Legosi. Do you know that?” She gave the male another smile.

“Won’t your little band of friends be missing you if you keep coming back here though? I mean, I don’t mind, I always enjoy the company,” sexual or non, a body was a body. “But, I don’t want others to come here and mess up this garden.”

The gray wolf frowned deeply at her words. “Not a jerk, you’re kidding, right?” he found it hard to look at her, so instead he turned his shoulder, glancing around aimlessly. He would find himself feeling a bit uneasy again, his timing never seemed right.

I’m an idiot for even coming back here… he thought to himself before glancing back at her.

“..I see.” he muttered a bit, growing still. “You let them come here for that reason and they will just keep coming. back... for that reason.” a pause, this time he turned fully to face her. “If you keep giving yourself away, sooner or later you’ll be as empty as they are.” this wasn’t really an attack, no, it was more of a truth. He knew what she was doing, he understood it. He was very close with a female who used to be sort of the same, this way of life never resulted in a happy ending.

Still, he listened to her speak, tilting his head. “We aren’t traveling together right now.” the large male admitted openly. “I split off from my pack while they went to hunt for their target.”

Was it defeat that was making him feel bitter here? Who knew, his eyes simply wouldn’t lock back onto her own, not right now. He felt a little uncomfortable, it was easy to see.

Now it was Haru’s turn to feel uneasy. Yeah, Tove was a jerk, but…he was her jerk? He knew her well…perhaps too well. Perhaps that was the reason that she was so quick to protect him, even if he did not deserve it.

She looked away, almost ashamed at the comment from Legosi. “It’s what I’ve been doing most of my adult life.” There was an eerie confidence underlying in the words. As if she was good at something. So be it if it were that. It made her feel important. She could have the male’s bend at her every command if she wanted, literally and figuratively.

“Target?” Her ears perked forward. “What kind of target? Won’t you miss them? Or, will they not miss you?” She puffed out a breath, looking away as her chocolate eyes scanned the ground. She spoke quietly, to herself. “Your pack must be very strange to just stop traveling with each other.”

She noticed the uneasiness, a small tail wag trying to break the feeling. “Hey. Why the somber look? Do you need a place to stay until you want to join back up with them? I mean, it’s not the biggest of places, but there is a den over that way that you can call home,” her head nudged in the particular direction.

Ah, the moment was lost. For a second, before Tove existed, he felt safe here… now, now things felt slightly awful. His large paws shifted as he looked away again, this time signing in deeply before he spoke again. “Maybe what you’ve been doing it’s enough to fill whatever void you have in you.”

Maybe he had no right to feel anything about this topic. It was her life, he hardly knew this wolf at all.

“-Oh, yeah, we came here from the Waylands, we are looking for a seer.” the wolf nodded. It didn’t matter if she knew this information, nothing she could do would stop his group’s efforts. This book was already written.

“I don’t miss them much,-” he admitted faintly before glancing back at her, his eyes narrowed and heavy. “We don’t share the same values.” it wasn’t a lie, they were… a rough bunch.

“I’m just tired I think.” Legosi admitted with a slight nod. “It’s been a long afternoon.” the events that lead to this moment had left him feeling rather sick, maybe it was time for him to leave. When she spoke of the den close by he nodded, “-Maybe I will stay in the den for the night. Thank you.”