N'kin stood nearly in the middle of the bowl, a hand on his hip and the other shielding his eyes as he watched the blue dragon circling above him critically. "That's it," he murmured under his breath. "Steady... no! Lift your left wing. If you don't keep even, you'll -- right, just like that. Wobbling doesn't help anyone. Circle around again." Of course he didn't need to speak the words out loud as they were plain as day to Koroth, up there, but when he was alone, or thought he was alone at any rate, he didn't see the point in keeping his thoughts to himself, so to speak.

The blue dragon let out a faint sound of protest, but dipped a wing and wheeled around in a tight circle, than began to fly the circuit of the bowl again. "Ah, you like it. Your fussing won't fool me," the blond man said, letting just the hint of a grin curl his lip.

One start for you!