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Backdated RP from when Galahad first joins Kaiya!
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The young stallion couldn't believe his good fortune as he trotted over the grasses of the his homeland. He was young, sure of himself, and absolutely believed that he'd found his destiny. Surely, if ever there was a palce he belonged, it was to follow within an angeni's footsteps.

And not just any angeni, but the Angeni of Redemption. Such a noble title, for an even more impressive lady! It was safe to say the young stallion was absolutely star-struck. Oh, he'd always taken his father Crousader's training seriously, and admired Amarinne for being the world's best healer--but now, with her, he was certain to do great things!

There was an entire world out there that needed saving, and he would make sure that this Angeni wasn't without protection. She would have him to help protect her from the evils and monsters of the world that might do her harm! She also would have his healing, to offer to her after a rough battle, and for those out there in need. Truly, he had found his destiny!

"I promise I won't let you down! Thank you again for taking me under your wing!"

Kaiya gave a small smile as she looked over at the young unicorn. The spirits had guided her to his homeland, and while she hadn't expected to take on a ward, how could she deny him his request? He certainly had his heart in the right place, even if his ambitions might be too ambitious. He didn't yet know how difficult it was to save a single soquili from the darkness of their hearts, much less an entire planet.

But Kaiya wasn't going to discourage him. His spark was genuine, and she would hopefully help him become another with the heart of an angeni. Though he lacked the wings, and the domain, they were nothing if not kindred spirits. The world needed more souls like him, and if this was the path he wanted to walk, than she would not discourage him. "You seem eager, Galahad. Do you wish to be away so badly?" She questioned, watching as the young, green eyed stallion out paced her.

He certainly seemed ready to leave all that he knew behind.

Galahad, for his part, trotted back towards to the Angeni. He gave a small shake of his head, and a little tail flick. "Oh, no, it's not that," he hastily tried to explain. He glanced over his shoulder, back at the homelands he knew he would not see for some time.

"I mean--I'm going to miss my brother and sister, certainly. And my Mom and Dad. But..." He fell quiet as he considered the question, slowing his steps, suddenly aware of just how silly he must have looked. "But I want to do something in the world. My Mom's a great healer, and my father a great stallion." Stern and restrictive, sure, but Galahad had to believe his father only meant the best. He wasn't the most loving or demonstrative of parents, but the young stallion wanted to make him proud. "I... We don't see too many outsiders here. And those that do come are often seeking my parents counsel. I... I want to become something great on my own. I want to stand on my own hooves and put my talents to use." Honestly, he wanted his parents and siblings to be proud of him--but he wanted to earn it.

"I want to help change the world, you know? But you can't wait for the world to come to you."

The mare watched as the young stallion's excitement seemed to waver. She certainly hadn't meant to be a joykill. Still, what they were about to do was serious, and she wanted to make sure the young unicorn understood what he was getting into. Though she'd explained it to him during her time among the herd, multiple times, she couldn't stress enough the danger that he was going to put himself into. He was a young, bright soul -- even if he stayed, he would do wonderful works, she was sure. And yet, this was his last opportunity to change his mind--and if there was any hesitation or doubt, she wanted to make sure she found it early on.

"Such ambition, such drive," she gave a small laugh, her silver and gold gaze lighting up with mirth. " You do understand you can achieve your dreams even if you were to stay home. The world might not come to you, but the spirits would still give you opportunities to learn and grow even if you remained. The path might be different, but the world will continue to move even if you feel you're standing still." She gave a small stretch of one set of her wings as she walked, before tucking them back into place. It would be different having a companion travel with her, much less one who was land-bound, but she was happy to adjust. Flight only came in handy from time-to-time but often she kept her hooves on the ground during her journey. it was too easy to miss a lost soul in need, or someone crying out for help when high up in the clouds. Now, she'd have another reason to stick close to the earth.

"I'm glad to accompany you on this journey, for as long as the spirits will have us together. Your healing abilities will be put to great use." Not to mention the companionship. While she was used to working along, it would be good to have another along the path. "But you will be put in danger, and I can't guarantee your safety. Either one of us could still be killed. It might be some time indeed before you return to these lands, your parents, or your brother."

Galahad gave a little shake of his head, determined. "I... know it must sound crazy. But I want to do this. I'm not afraid, and ... well.. You might be an angeni, but I'm a unicorn! And looking at all the scars you sport, ma'am, I ... I think I'll be able to do some good even if it's just helping to patch you up. I'll miss my family but... I know this is where I belong. I want to learn your ways, and help those who need it most. I might not be able to save their souls, but I can help with my horn, or help keep your wounds clean and tidy after a rough battle. I've heard your stories--I know I might never see them again--but this is what I want. I want to make a change, and that means following you."

He didn't want to sound like he was abandoning his family. And he certainly didn't want her to think he thought little of those who did not have as adventurous hearts. But Galahad felt stifled, and was gnawing at the bit to actually make a difference. Soquili by soquili, one by one. He was eager, and was certain that this meeting was destiny. "I won't get under your hooves, and I... I promise you won't regret this." Did that sound too desperate? He sure hoped not.

How could he make her understand? This was, certainly, what he wanted--what he felt he needed. He was young, but he was no impetuous colt! He had always known he was meant for bigger and better things. He'd never quite decided if he should follow the path of his father, Crousader, or the path of his mother. . Somehow, journeying with Kaiya, he was certain to find himself--and help both! He could heal, thanks to his mother's teachings, but he could also protect when things got tough, thanks to his father's! They had crafted him for this role, and he was certain the Angeni of Redemption, and her travels, would call for all his skills.

Kaiya smiled warmly at Galahad, before giving a small dip of her head. He had spirit and passion, and certainly reminded her much of her younger self. He had much to learn about the world, and himself, but she would not push. If this was what he truly wanted, she would not deter him. "The road will be long, and it will not be easy--but you sound certain of your choice, despite the risk. I won't ask again--and should you ever feel your path no longer follows my own, I will understand." She picked up the pace of her walk a bit, now certain that there was no reason to delay.

"I can't promise glory, for this work is selfless work indeed. But I can promise experience, and that you will, without a doubt, change the lives of those you meet. And they will, of course, change you. We are but servants, Galahad, and it is for the salvation and goodness of all Soquili that we do what we do."
And so, the angeni began to teach what she had learned to the young stallion.

Galahad pricked his ears, focused on his mentor's words and stories. Already, his heart was full to the brim with pleasure at beginning his new path and journey. So focused on Kaiya was he, and her words, that he hardly noticed when he took his first step out of his herdlands, and out into a much larger, and unknown world.
