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It had been a few days since his mate had checked in on their timid daughter. Cloudfall had waffled back and forth over whether he should go see her and her new... pet for himself, but in the end, it was his own curiosity that finally got him. It was truly a rare occasion for Risktaker to cave over something like this, and word around the pack was that their daughter had more or less sequestered herself in her den ever since.

It was time to put his own two cents in on the situation, as well as pry Remi out of her hidey-hole. No doubt she was using this to steer clear of others too. It was a trait she got from him, his desire to not interact with others, but there was a point where it was necessary to do so. A point where you would be more of a lone wolf than a packmate.

And besides, companion or no, her pack duties should have priority.

So, with that in mind, the white wolf meandered over to his daughter's den, nose already curling up at the scent of raccoon that wafted from it. If the creature was going to live here, then it needed to learn how to be clean, and gods help him, he would make sure Remi taught him just that.

Of course, as he got inside, it was quickly apparent that said raccoon likely hadn't woken up yet, and its caretaker was fretting over it. He let out a snort at the pacing form of Reminiscent, watching as she somehow was so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn't even noticed him come in. She was mumbling to herself as well, and from the snippets he could catch, it had to do with her still unconscious pet.

Rolling his eyes, Cloudfall stepped closer to take a look at the black blob of fur on the ground. Funny, he could have almost mistook it as her pup, what with how similar in color they were. Perhaps that's why neither she nor his mate could bring themselves to get rid of it.

Reaching out a paw, he nudged at it's side, then frowned as he noticed the twitching of it's face.

..... You're kidding, right?


The she-wolf continued her pacing, to and fro as she tried to think of what to do, completely missing her name being spoken aloud. She just wasn't sure what to do anymore! She'd tried to clean him up, she'd tried to entice him awake with food, she'd tried everything! But the little raccoon simply wasn't waking up. She was starting to wonder if maybe her mother was right. This was a fool's errand, and her soft heart was about to break over it.


At least she'd cleaned up his wounds and, she hoped, managed to nurse him enough to live... but waking was an important part of that. Was she about to have to bury the little creature? Were her visions just out to hurt her right now?


She let out a squeal at the hard voice suddenly in her ear. Cloudfall, annoyed and impatient with his daughter, had decided to walk right up to her and use his dad voice. Stumbling backwards, Remi's ears pulled back against her head as she noticed who it was in her den.

Oh no, she knew her parents would come to check on her eventually, but she'd been hoping that the raccoon would be a lot better by then. How was she going to explain herself now?

"Dad, I-I...." Was she truly such a failure that she couldn't even speak? She looked down at her paws, slumping down into a dejected position, "I... Please don't tell mom! He'll be fine, just... he just needs more time."

Cloudfall stared at her with a deadpan look on his face, honestly considering just letting the raccoon have this one with the way his daughter was acting, but instead, deciding that he'd rather the creature actually become useful sooner rather than later, he let out a snort.

"I don't think it needs more time to play dead." At the confused look on her face, Cloudfall rolled his eyes and turned back to the raccoon, lifting a paw to prod at it's side.

"Get up," he said harshly, "Unless you'd rather I throw you onto the pack's pile of food today."

That got a response - a very sudden, panicked scrambling as the black raccoon skittered to his feet and raced to hide back over by Reminiscent. Black Eye was terrified when he had first awoken in this strange place, injured and trapped with a wolf, and when he'd realized that there was no way of escaping in his condition, had chosen to feign unconsciousness whenever the she-wolf was awake.

Of course, after the first day, he'd realized that she probably wasn't going to hurt him, but danger was danger.

And this was clearly a bigger danger.

"Wha-" Remi jumped as the black and white form zipped under her, staring down with shocked eyes until her father huffed and started moving. She looked up in time to watch him move again, this time for the door.

Cloudfall already felt exhausted and he had barely been here for more than a few minutes. "If you're going to keep it around, then pay more attention, Remi, and stop neglecting your pack duties." He sent her a hard stare at that, to which she looked away, caught. "That's all I ask."

He paused before leaving though, scowling back at the raccoon, "And teach it to clean itself! I can smell it from out here."

There was silence as the two watched him leave, before Remi slowly looked down at her now very awake patient. Said raccoon looked away from her gaze, tapping a claw nervously against his arm before tentatively leaning down to sniff at himself. He didn't think he smelled that bad... did he?

Remi, meanwhile, was just at a loss for words. What did one do in this situation?

Well... she supposed a bath was a good place to start.

Word Count: 1021