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Tags: Vampire, Demon, Role Play, Fantasy, Literate 

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Dameon Black

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 2:37 pm
Red Gypsy

Username: Dameon Black
Name: Allistair
Age: He's lost track at this point. He looks to be in his late 20s or early 30s, if that helps.
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 190 lbs.
Race: Demon
Appearance: User Image
Weapons: Shadow magic is his area of expertise. He can create simple objects (blades, hammers, whips, etc) out of darkness, so any fighting will be done with whatever weapon he happens to make at the time. But with that being said, he usually uses his magic to move through shadows to avoid fighting entirely. He also possesses the ability to drain a person's soul during moments of intense passion.
Bio: Allistair's is a pretty simple story to tell. His early life wasn't really that interesting, until he succeeded in seducing a rather serious human man that he'd had his eye on for a while. Things got really intense in the bedroom, and Allistair accidentally devoured his lover's soul. Before that moment, he had never known that was something that he had the ability to do. Unfortunately, devouring a lover's soul turned out to be quite the rush, and Allsitair quickly became addicted. He began to move from place to place, seducing young men and devouring their souls to continue to experience that rush. It didn't take long before the rush started to wear off, and he had to find other ways to make it more exciting again. This led to him playing a longer game, slipping into the lives of his targets and making them genuinely fall in love with him before he drained them. This led him to discover quite a bit about his own tastes before he made his fatal mistake. He played his game with a cute young man and eventually devoured his soul, but didn't realize that the man's mother was actually quite magically gifted. She hunted him down and avenged her son by sealing Allistair into a small urn that she then sent back to the demon realm.

Allistair stayed trapped for centuries before he managed to escape. The urn had been found by another demon and was placed on a shelf in their home for centuries. About a century ago, the urn was knocked off of the shelf and shattered, releasing him. He made his way out of the stranger's home and back to his own. He lived in boredom until he eventually began to crave that rush again. With no other options, he began to attack other demons to steal their souls, leading to him gaining the attention of Lareth. The conversation with Lareth that followed was quite unpleasant. He realized that he needed to go before he earned Lareth's wrath, so he left the demon realm and traveled around for a bit. He eventually settled in Darkness Abounds, the perfect place for him to devour souls without attracting the wrong kind of attention.
Weaknesses: Bright light is extremely dangerous to him and can kill him, especially in his demonic form. Gold is also dangerous to him. Short exposure burns him, prolonged exposure poisons him.
Other: He gets a lot of enjoyment from causing pain and dominating his partners, but is actually quite well-mannered and pleasant in most social circumstances.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 2:44 pm
Approved! Bring him on!  

Red Gypsy

Dangerous Kitten

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Dameon Black

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:58 pm
Red Gypsy

Username: Dameon Black
Name: Amir
Age: He's about 700 years old, if he remembers correctly.
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11
Weight: 180 lbs.
Race: Demigod: His father is the sun god Ra, and his mother is a WereHyaena
Appearance: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Weapons: Light and Heat magic are as natural to him as breathing, so he's quite skilled with both offensive spells and healing spells. He wields a khopesh that he uses to focus his magic into various spells. He can also shift into a Hyaena at will.
Bio: Amir was born as a result of a rather heated affair between the sun god Ra and a WereHyaena queen who worshiped him. Ra seduced the woman multiple times, and one of those times resulted in the woman becoming pregnant with Amir. He was spoiled by everyone in his all-female community as he grew up because of being the son of Ra. He was trained to fight from a young age, learning to wield his inherited magical power as well as the blades his people preferred. As Amir reached adulthood, Ra returned to take him as a his servant. He happily went with his father, excited to see the world outside of the community of women he had grown up with.

He was given a position as Ra's warrior and sent to carry out any tasks his father required. Upon reaching a small village to rest, he discovered a weakness that would prove to be impossible for him to overcome: men. He met several attractive men in the village that were clearly interested in him and was convinced to spend the night with them. He left to fulfill his task for his father and then returned to the village to spend several more days with those same men, ignoring calls from his father as he did so. This started his descent down a very slippery slope.

Over the next several centuries, he developed a habit of stopping in villages on the way to his missions and wasting days or even weeks with random men instead of obeying his father's wishes. His father eventually got fed up with Amir's behavior when he disappeared for several months with no contact. When Amir finally returned, Ra stripped him of his status as his warrior and instead gave him the duty of guiding his followers who needed help. Unfortunately for Ra, Amir still couldn't control his urges, even after being demoted. Male charges were quickly seduced and left brokenhearted when Ra furiously pulled him back, and female charges wound up mostly ignored when he caught sight of a man he was interested in and left to pursue them. Ra wasn't sure what to do with his son until he heard of incredible misfortune that befell a godchild of his old friend Sebastet. So as punishment for his behavior, Amir has now been given ShadowDancer as his latest charge. It is his duty to help Dancer recover from the physical and emotional trauma he suffered. If he succeeds, he regains his full status as a warrior of Ra and will be free to do as he pleases. But if he fails, he'll be completely disowned by Ra and lose his inherited magical power.
Weaknesses: His magic is significantly weaker during the night, since his power comes from the sun god. During the night hours, he can still use healing magic without any difficulty, but his offensive magic lacks any real impact. His magic is also weaker without some sort of object to focus it through, making him less of a threat while unarmed. Also, he is extremely allergic to silver.
Other: He has several tattoos in various places on his body. Most of them are names spelled out in hieroglyphs, but he also has a falcon surrounded by a sun tattooed on his back. He also has various piercings, some of which are hidden in rather interesting places that you won't be able to find normally.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 6:16 pm
Approved again!  

Red Gypsy

Dangerous Kitten

13,600 Points
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  • Person of Interest 200

Dameon Black

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:00 pm
Red Gypsy

Username: Dameon Black
Name: Egan Savage
Age: He looks to be in his early 20s
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2
Weight: 200 lbs.
Race: Demonicus
Appearance: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Weapons: He's skilled with fire magic and occasionally uses a sword in human form, though he's far more skilled at fighting unarmed. His animal form is a very large wolf, and he can also shift into a demonic form.
Bio: Egan was born in the middle of a trip to the island. His mother was pregnant and due any day now, but she had hoped to make it to the island before giving birth. She wasn't that lucky, however, and Egan was born while they were still a few days away. They made it to the island a few weeks after he was born, since a new mother traveling with a newborn isn't exactly the ideal situation. She was starting to get sick as they made it to the boat and finally got to the island. They settled in the Island Village with a member of her family. Unfortunately, his mother gradually got sicker after that and died when he was only a few years old. Egan was raised by his aunt after that.

He lived in the village his whole life, following his aunt's strict order to never reveal what he was to anyone. Apparently, his mother went to the island because she had fled from an extremely cruel and abusive man just after they discovered she was pregnant, and he was actively hunting for her and his child. Egan eventually slipped while he was in public, shifting into his wolf for the first time and dooming himself to decades of pretending to be a normal WereWolf. In order to hide from his father, he had to stay vigilant and keep up the charade. He had to make sure that he was never seen shifting back with his clothing or using the fire magic he was born with. He lived a maddening life of hiding his true nature from everyone, but managed to keep his sanity by learning to fight with his bare hands.

Despite hiding his nature, his father did eventually track him down. He murdered Egan's aunt and attempted to kill Egan as revenge for his mother fleeing from him years before. He also revealed that he had been using small amounts of gold to poison his mother before she fled, leading to the illness that killed her. Egan was so enraged that he lost control of his magic for a moment, setting his home ablaze. He followed that up by beating his father to death, getting pretty badly injured in the process. He managed to get out of his home and walked away as it burned. Luckily for him, the others in the village helped him to put his life back together. He recently started making deliveries to the castle as a way to make a living and repay the villager who helped him when he lost everything.
Weaknesses: Silver and gold both burn him with brief contact and can poison him with prolonged exposure. Water magic stops his fire without too much effort, and he doesn't have great control over his demonic form.
Other: Aside from hiding what he is from everyone around him, he also hides that he prefers the company of men, fearing the way others would react to such news.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:22 pm
Approved, of course! Bring him on!  

Red Gypsy

Dangerous Kitten

13,600 Points
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  • Person of Interest 200

Dameon Black

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:58 am
Red Gypsy
Here they are. Let me know if I need to change anything with them.

Username: Dameon Black
Name: Morrigan
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Height: 5'8
Weight: 148 lbs.
Race: WereWolf/Demon Hybrid
Appearance: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Weapons: Claws and teeth in wolf form. Her wolf form is quite a bit larger and stronger than normal WereWolves due to the demon blood causing changes. She also has access to ice magic that she inherited from her mother.
Bio: Morrigan is the daughter of a WereWolf father and a Were and demon hybrid mother. Her parents met while her mother was moving through the small village her father lived in, and they quickly fell in love and decided to become a Mated pair. About a year after they got together, the female became pregnant and eventually gave birth to twin daughters named Morrigan and Bethany. The new parents were thrilled and spent years raising and spoiling the girls as much as they could in the small village, living a happy life for quite a few years.

Unfortunately, a group of bandits attacked the small village when Morrigan and Bethany were 11 years old and eventually burned down most of the homes, killing Morrigan and Bethany's parents in the process. Morrigan found herself caring for Bethany throughout the rest of their childhood, doing whatever she could to ensure that her twin was able to eat and stay healthy.

Morrigan eventually got some help in the form of a Hylarr man named Jaspar. Jaspar encountered the girls in a forest and traveled with the twins permanently from that point on and eventually fell in love with Bethany when she came of age. Bethany and Jaspar ended up becoming a Mated pair, and Bethany eventually became pregnant with Jaspar's child. Unfortunately, Bethany ended up getting sick during her pregnancy and ended up dying during childbirth. Morrigan was distraught by the death of her twin, but threw herself into helping Jaspar raise his and Bethany's daughter, a Hylarr girl they named Samirra.

The small group decided to head to the island after hearing of other Hylarr there and started in that direction. The three crossed paths with a group of Hunters, and Jaspar gave his life to buy Morrigan enough time to escape with Samirra. As they fled from the Hunters, they were seemingly saved by a group of demons who disposed of the Hunters. The demons then revealed that they were quite cruel when they tied up Morrigan and Samirra. The demons detailed plans to turn the young girl into a pet and then attempted to force themselves onto Morrigan. That was when Morrigan finally snapped from all of the pain and loss she'd suffered and violently shifted and attacked the group before they could enact their plans. She tore the demons apart, accidentally ingesting quite a bit of their blood in the process. When she shifted back, she comforted Samirra and started back on the path towards the island.

As the pair traveled toward their destination, Morrigan discovered an unfortunate side effect of ingesting so much demon blood. She had always been more WereWolf than demon, but the blood seemed to suddenly activate her demonic genes in an unexpected way. She found herself suddenly dealing with demonic heat and suddenly awakened ice magic. She kept her demonic side suppressed through sheer will, but she didn't anticipate the biggest effect. The sudden changes drove her wolf towards insanity, and Morrigan started to experience blackouts. Any time her emotions got a bit out of control, she blacked out and came back to her senses naked and covered in the blood of any unfortunate people that tried to get in the way of her insane wolf. She understands just how dangerous she is for the young girl she's responsible for and has recently gotten to the island in an attempt to get the young girl into the care of other Hylarr that can provide a more stable life than she can now.
Weakness(es): She is extremely allergic to silver. Gold will give her minor burns and cause her to get sick with prolonged contact. She currently has no control over her wolf form or demonic side due to the demon blood she ingested, and she has never gotten any real practice with her demonic magic. Her magic is also slightly weaker than most hybrids due to her demonic genes coming only from her hybrid mother.

Username: Dameon Black
Name: Samirra
Age: 5
Sex: Female
Height: 42.5"
Weight: 40 lbs.
Race: Hylarr/WereWolf Hybrid
Appearance: Samirra is petite, with the spotted white fur pattern and tail of a snow leopard. Bright blue eyes and long silver hair.
Weapons: A small knife that her aunt gave her. Retractable claws. Limited ice manipulation from her mother's demonic heritage.
Bio: Samirra was born from the union of a WereWolf named Bethany and a Hylarr named Jaspar. Her parents met when Bethany and her twin passed through a forest that Jaspar was hunting in. Since the twins were still quite young at the time, Jaspar took it upon himself to stay with them and help them to survive. Shortly after the twins came of age, Jaspar started a loving relationship with Bethany that eventually led to the conception of Samirra. While carrying Samirra, Bethany grew sick and was left so weak that she died during childbirth.

Samirra was left in the care of her father and her aunt Morrigan. She spent years traveling with them as they tried to decide what to do, eventually settling on going to an island where other Hylarr were rumored to live. The young girl lost her father when he sacrificed his life to give them a chance to escape a group of Hunters. The Hunters tracked Samirra and her aunt, but were eventually killed by a group of demons that seemingly wanted to help the two of them. She and her aunt were tied up by the demons, but the demons never got a chance to do anything to them as Morrigan shifted and killed them all.

As the two of them carried on with their journey, Samirra quickly figured out that something about her aunt had changed after the encounter with the demons. Morrigan would randomly shift and attack anyone nearby, only missing Samirra because the young girl would hide from her until she changed back. She has been trying to deal with her growing fear over her aunt's condition during the journey to the island.
Weaknesses: Silver is extremely poisonous to her, due to being a hybrid of two races that are severely allergic to silver. Also, she isn't very strong or skilled due to being an untrained child.

Username: Dameon Black
Name: Nyx
Age: She stopped keeping track after 800, so she doesn't really know her age.
Sex: Female
Height: 5' 1.5"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Race: Live-Energy Necromantic Clone
Appearance: Nyx is identical to Esabel in pretty much every way, with a few small exceptions. Nyx has deep crimson eyes instead of Esabel's dark eyes. Her hair is a straight fall instead of Esabel's riot of waves. Her hair is also just a bit shorter than Esabel's, only going to the small of her back,
Weapons: Dark energy manipulation and various blades
Bio: Nyx was created by a fairly powerful necromancer from the life energy of a woman he despised. The necromancer was inspired to create her when he encountered Esabel and managed to siphon off a decent amount of her dark energy. He was so enamored with her that he decided his only course of action was to create his own version of her. He found as much information as he could about the process used by Esabel's creator Goh and then decided to use the stolen dark energy to make sure his plan succeeded.

Unfortunately for Nyx's creator, he wasn't nearly as skilled as Goh. He did successfully create a replica of Esabel, but the flaws in his process and his inability to properly control the dark energy caused a massive eruption of power that obliterated him as Nyx was formed. His desired copy of Esabel came into being, but with a few flaws that left her a lesser imitation. Nyx quickly discovered the limits of her powers and began to wander the world without any real direction. She has effectively spent the entirety of her life so far on autopilot.

But something changed recently. During her aimless wandering, she felt a strange shift that made her entire body shudder and then move towards an unknown point as if being magnetically pulled. She has recently arrived on the island and is unknowingly making her way towards the one she was modeled after. She doesn't know where she's going or why, but she hopes that she can finally find a purpose, a reason for her existence.
Weakness(es): Despite Nyx's ability to use incredibly powerful dark energy, she cannot generate it herself and has to absorb it from someone who can.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:06 am
Apprpved! Nyx can probably find an easy access point to Esabel's realm through the Chapel and Graveyard on the island,  

Red Gypsy

Dangerous Kitten

13,600 Points
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Dameon Black Alt

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 1:57 am
Red Gypsy


+||+---------BASIC INFORMATION---------+||+
Name: Indra
Age: Around 520
Gender: Male
Race: Dragon/Siren (Mermaid)

+||+-----------PERSONAL APPEARANCE--------------+||+
Apearrance: Human Form
Dragon Form
Hair: Black
Eyes: One eye is a bright, electric blue while the other is a soothing greenish blue.
Height: 6'3
Weight: 200 lbs.

+||+----------------CHARACTER INFORMATION--------------------+||+
Skills: Expert swordsman
Abilities: As a lightning dragon, he has the ability to call on lightning magic as naturally as breathing. He also has the power to control water and can make incredible magic happen by singing.
Weaknesses: Silver is poisonous to him.
Shifting into his siren form is no problem, but shifting back is painful and leaves him weak.

+||+---------------------------CHARACTER LOADOUT-----------------------------------+||+

Weapons: Longsword
Simple Longbow

Armor: Leather armor


Miscellaneous: Anything else that doesn't fit in the above categories.

Indra used to be a very pleasant man to be around. He liked to have fun and tended to try to get others to have fun as well. Of course, being a mix of dragon and siren meant that he could be quite arrogant and vain at times, usually insufferably so. If someone made the mistake of praising him a bit too much, they would be stuck with him acting like he's the perfect gift to the world and everyone just needs to get on board. He preferred not to fight and would frequently spare enemies that he defeated in battle.

After losing his Mate and then realizing that she refused to let go, he has become less fun-loving and tries to throw himself into his work so that he can distract himself from what he's lost. He's far more serious and tends to take on enemies with zero hesitation or concern. His old personality still exists, it's just buried deep within so that he can avoid pain.

Indra was born from the unlikely union of a mermaid and dragon. His father was a mermaid, and his mother was a lightning dragon. He never got a chance to meet his father, and his mother never really went into any details about him either. But even without his father, Indra got all of the love and care he would need from his mother.

As Indra grew up, his mother taught him everything he needed to know about his lightning magic. She couldn't really do much for him when it came to his mermaid abilities, especially when they figured out that he was a siren, but he managed to figure himself out without letting any other dragons realize what he was. His first contact with humans was an attack from hunters that killed a very close friend and enraged him. This led him to ask his mother to teach him to fight, since she was a respected warrior among the dragons.

He spent years learning the art of combat from his mother. He learned to use his lightning magic in surprising ways and became lethal in all of his forms. He eventually hunted and killed the hunters that murdered his friend, finding it surprising that it didn't really make him feel any better. He decided to become a mercenary and specialized in protecting others from hunters. He earned a name for himself and got plenty of work. One of these jobs caused him to cross paths with another siren named Cassius, and the two quickly struck up a very close friendship that has lasted through the years.

At one point, he visited his mother in between his jobs and his various escapades. While visiting his mother, he met a beautiful fire dragon named Sera. She was fun and had a fiery personality, though she was also surprisingly sweet and kind. Indra and Sera ended up in a relationship almost immediately, falling deeply in love and eventually becoming Mates. The two were together for centuries, working together in Indra's mercenary work. At one point, they even discussed having children of their own. But fate was cruel, and Sera was killed by hunters on one of their jobs. The two of them were a bit distracted, and Sera suddenly found a blade piercing her heart before Indra could intercept it. She died quickly and rather painlessly, and an enraged Indra slaughtered the hunters. But Sera didn't let go. Instead of moving on as their Mating bond broke, she revealed how stubborn and obsessive she was and forced their bond to remain through sheer willpower. Even in death, she refused to leave her Mate. Indra was confused but happy at first, but it didn't take long for him to figure out that her staying may not be as happy as it seemed.

He still possesses his Mating Mark, though it seems to be partly faded. Sera is stuck as a restless spirit, bound by the Mating bond she refuses to let go of. Only Indra can see and hear her. And in the three years since her death, Indra has noticed Sera starting to change and become bitter and angry. There have even been several moments where she used the Mark to cause him immense pain, though he can't tell if she did it intentionally or not. He's thrown himself into his mercenary work, though Sera's actions have made his work more difficult recently.

Luna the Lunatic

+||+---------BASIC INFORMATION---------+||+
Name: Luna
Age: Do you really wanna waste your last words asking that question?
Gender: Sexy Beast
Race: Demon of the Marching Hordes (Precursor to War Demons)

+||+-----------PERSONAL APPEARANCE--------------+||+
Apearrance: User Image
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Red
Height: 5'7
Weight: You're gonna die if you ask another question like this

+||+----------------CHARACTER INFORMATION--------------------+||+
Skills: Yes
Abilities: Rage absorption (absorb rage from herself and others nearby and gain strength based on the amount absorbed)
Hellfire touch (Hellfire magic restricted to hands, no projectiles)
Insanity field (Emits a field that causes others to go completely insane temporarily. Much more powerful during the full moon, and can cause permanent changes from repeated use.)
Weaknesses: A sharpened olive branch through the heart will do the job.
Refined Iron
Holy artifacts or weapons

+||+---------------------------CHARACTER LOADOUT-----------------------------------+||+

Weapons: Lunacy: Longsword that can be used to channel her power into blasts of hellfire.

Armor: What's that?


Miscellaneous: Anything else that doesn't fit in the above categories.

"I have an amazing personality." *Grins from ear to ear, literally*

Let's see....I'm part of a basically dead race of demons that was ruled too wild fun to be kept alive. We evolved to be absolutely perfect for war, but apparently we were just too good at it. There was a huge ruckus where we almost started a war that would've wiped out the whole demon realm, so the king called a big meeting of his important generals and advisors to figure out what to do with us. There was a big debate about what to do with us, and the bigwigs decided to just breed us down to make the War Demons of today. Several of the bigshot generals were found murdered and partially eaten right after that. I didn't do it, and any claims that say otherwise are just lies and slander. Probably.

Anyway, king what's-his-name of that time bred my race down into the current War Demons and then killed most of us and destroyed pretty much all record of our existence. Kinda rude, but I guess that I'll let it slide. There really were too many of us, and we loved playing just a bit too much for our own good. We really did need to be thinned down a bit. I was one of the lucky few who survived. They tried to kill me by sending lots of demons after me, but I'm the best there is when it comes to my games. The assassins just weren't prepared for my awesomeness. They eventually decided that it was just too costly to try to kill me, so they ruled that I probably wasn't too much of a troublemaker and called off their assassins. It didn't take me long to prove them wrong.

I eventually got kicked out of the demon realm for being too awesome. They said that I was guilty of murder, and torture, and lots of other crimes that I may or may not have committed. The king personally came to my house and banished me to Darkness Abounds. Don't worry, though. I wasn't too mad. The people of Darkness Abounds are sooo much more fun than the stuffy demons in my home. They taste a lot better too. All of the demons were just so bitter and flavorless. The people here are all so rugged and rude and fun to chase. It didn't take me long to build up my own sweet mansion and network of spies and killers, so I'm having more fun here than I ever could in the demon realm. I even occasionally get jobs from people that are too squeamish to handle the messy stuff. The only real complaint I have is that I'm a bit lonely. It's just so hard to find someone that can go into a torture room with me and have a good time.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 7:19 am
Red Gypsy

+||+---------BASIC INFORMATION---------+||+
Name: Noah and Nora
Age: Both are 18
Gender: Noah is male and Nora is female
Race: Human

+||+-----------PERSONAL APPEARANCE--------------+||+
Appearance: Noah and Nora
Hair: Both have black hair
Eyes: Noah's eyes are gray, Nora's are amber
Height: Noah is 6'1 and Nora is 5'8
Weight: Noah weighs 175 and Nora weighs 145

+||+----------------CHARACTER INFORMATION--------------------+||+
Skills: Noah is an extremely skilled marksman and also has medical training to help keep his team going. Nora is skilled with various melee weapons, though she prefers to fight with her bare hands.
Abilities: The two don't seem to have any special abilities
Weaknesses: Aside from normal human weaknesses, the twins do possess a few issues from their chosen training. Noah is far weaker than his sister when it comes to physical strength and is far more vulnerable if he has to fight at close range, as he only has basic training in melee combat. Nora is slower and far more vulnerable to opponents who fight at range or use magic. The twins also seem to have some sort of nonhuman creature in their ancestry somewhere, as they seem to be quite allergic to silver.

+||+---------------------------CHARACTER LOADOUT-----------------------------------+||+

Weapons: Noah uses a custom sniper rifle and a simple pistol. Nora generally carries a sword or spear.

Armor: Noah wears light leather armor and a cloak. Nora wears medium or heavy armor depending on the mission.

Equipment: Noah carries several munitions pouches with ammunition designed to be effective against various types of creatures and a small medkit.

Miscellaneous: Anything else that doesn't fit in the above categories.

Noah is generally quiet and prefers to maintain his distance when in groups, though he is actually quite fun and enjoyable to be around if he gets comfortable. He is caring and considerate, especially towards his sister and any of the few friends he has. He also tends to be thoughtful and careful, a trait that has led to him saving his sister more times than either can really remember. Nora is fiery and has a serious temper. She tends to be impulsive and just jump head first into situations without much worry because she knows that her brother is always keeping an eye on her. Both twins are rather uncomfortable with their bodies, feeling as if there's something about them that isn't quite right.

Nora and Noah never knew their real family. They were discovered in the care of a Hylarr when they were only three or four years old, so they were told that their real family is likely dead. The Hylarr that had them was killed by church hunters after a long chase, leading the hunters to discover the twins and take them in. They were given names and raised to become hunters as well.

After being brought into the community, the twins found themselves struggling a bit to connect to the other children. The others around them were far more hateful and angry when it came to non-human beings, and the twins had a hard time fitting in when they didn't share the same feelings as everyone else. They eventually managed to make a few friends and started training to become hunters. Once they were old enough, they formed a unit with their friends and started getting sent on missions.

The twins quickly discovered that they struggled to kill some of their more innocent targets, forcing their friends to kill them instead. It didn't help that they found out early on that they were allergic to silver, meaning that they had some sort of nonhuman creature somewhere in their ancestry. The twins went along like this for a while, becoming disillusioned with the cause they'd been raised into. They were recently assigned a mission to infiltrate Sebastet's island and kill the ancient Hylarr, since they're still young enough that she may hesitate long enough for them to kill her.  

Dameon Black Alt

Dameon Black Alt

PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:30 pm
Red Gypsy


+||+---------BASIC INFORMATION---------+||+
Name: Ravari
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Hylarr - White Jaguar/Vampire

+||+-----------PERSONAL APPEARANCE--------------+||+
Apearrance: Ravari is slim and athletic, with beautiful white fur and light gray spots.
Hair: White fur
Eyes: Dark blue, though they change to a dark purple when she's using her magic.
Height: 5'7
Weight: 138

+||+----------------CHARACTER INFORMATION--------------------+||+
Skills: Ravari is extremely skilled at fighting with daggers and proficient with swords and is extremely agile. She also has an extremely high pain tolerance and is able to take quite a beating.
Abilities: Ravari can teleport and create portals
Weaknesses: Her teleportation magic is currently limited to short distances, and she can seriously injure herself if she teleports into walls or other obstacles nearby. Due to the trauma she has suffered, she has an instinctive and uncontrollable reaction that causes her to immediately teleport in random directions whenever she feels trapped or overwhelmed. She is also completely unable to teleport other beings with her without horrific consequences for them. And while her portals are totally safe for other people to go through, she struggles to make them large enough to move anything but small objects through, especially when under stress.

+||+---------------------------CHARACTER LOADOUT-----------------------------------+||+

Weapons: Dagger x2, Sword

Armor: None


Miscellaneous: She has a perfect, circular scar wrapping around her neck and both wrists as a result of being restrained with silver shackles and a silver collar for extended periods of time.

Ravari is fiery and sarcastic to most people. She tries to have a good time when she can and will try to help the ones she cares about to do so as well. She is also extremely stubborn and strong-willed, able to outlast years of pain and torment from her vampiric kidnapper without breaking and giving him what he wanted. She is clever and thinks quickly on her feet, though she does also tend to be a bit short-sighted at times when she's feeling a bit too confident. But underneath the surface, she is a deeply traumatized individual who carries scars that are both physical and mental. She doesn't deal well with tight and enclosed spaces, and she tends to get overwhelmed fairly easily, especially if something happens to remind her of her years in captivity.

Ravari was born to a clan of Hylarr in the Amazon and lived a perfectly healthy and happy life for the first decade or so of her life. She would occasionally get into trouble for pulling pranks on the adults of her clan and the occasional traveler that passed through to trade, but she was just a happy child surrounded by loving people. Unfortunately, she eventually played a prank on the wrong person.

When she was about 11 years old, a strange and slightly unnerving vampire passed through the area and interacted with her clan. She played a prank on him to try to get over the strange feeling of unease she got from him, but all she succeeded in doing was attracting his attention to her. He made a few strange comments about her and her unique fur pattern, but he seemingly left without issue when he was called out for making her uncomfortable. Sadly, that wasn't the last she saw of him.

A few days after the vampire left, he slipped back into the village and took young Ravari while she slept. When she awoke later, she found herself in a cage. The vampire explained that he had a habit of taking other beings that he found interesting to be his pets until he got bored of them, and her fur pattern had caused him to choose her to be the next one.

He began trying to "train" her to be his desired pet, but she resisted and was constantly punished as a result. He starved her, beat her, and locked her in a cage that was just barely big enough for her to sit in while she was restrained with silver shackles. He even let her escape from time to time just so he could hunt her down and drag her back. But no matter how he abused her, she refused to break. At one point, she actually managed a proper escape and tried to make her way back to her clan, only to discover that they had ended up somewhere in England, so far from her clan that she had no hope of ever finding her way back home. Shortly after, the vampire caught up to her and recaptured the stunned and despairing Hylarr.

Days blurred together a bit after that, with both Ravari and her captor becoming more violent as the young woman raged against him. After years of abuse and pain, the vampire finally decided that he was bored of the now fully-grown Hylarr and decided to dispose of her. He turned her into a vampire against her will and starved her for weeks to make sure that she would be weak.

When he was sure that it had been long enough and that she wouldn't be able to escape, he chained her up outside just before sunrise so that he could watch her burn from a safe space. Luckily for Ravari, the vampire decided not to use silver chains so that he could be sure that she wouldn't die from the exposure to silver before she could burn in the sun.

As the sun began to rise and she began to burn, something inside of her finally broke and her magical abilities awakened. She teleported out of her chains and into the shade just in time to save her life. And as her captor grew enraged at this development and tackled her to the ground, she teleported once again and discovered exactly what happens to people that are touching her when teleports.

She staggered away and hid until sunset, and then finally started to move around without the risk of being chased and recaptured. She wandered around for a while, unsure of what to do until she had a bit of good luck and stumbled on another Hylarr clan. They listened to her story and immediately took her in without hesitation and worked to help her adjust to life with the clan, though she did struggle quite a bit due to being a new vampire who was still trying to deal with significant trauma.

The clan recently ended up relocating and requesting Sanctuary at the Club in New Houston. Cassarria immediately recognized that Ravari needed a bit of special help and chose to put her with a demon named Ice who was meant to act as her chaperone and keep a close eye on her to make sure that she would be able to adjust. She was also given a mentor named West to help her learn about and settle into her vampiric nature.  
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