Narci trot along the hills and stones of the pridal border, careful not to intrude on the strange pride as she trot along, looking for some sign of anyone from her home pride.

They'd agreed, withy the draconic-marked, to disperse peacefully, and sent members to the winds; for Narci, it was a difficult blow to be seperated from her mentor, the lioness she revered and idolized got yjr voourage to leaver their birth pride to aid another with her martial prowess, but it offered them hope, skill, and wisdom. Narci afforded them eyes abroad and at home when she abandoned her birth pride, and while the chaos of the black lioness was deplorable, had it not indirectly ended a war? Narci wanted to find hope, and she was determined to have the positivity gem amidst anarchy. And now, she was a rogue, alone, eyes on the world wary of threat or deadly foe, trotting along the path before she paused and sighed, taking a breath and a pause to admire the view. Mountains were pretty, even close up, and Narci admired pine and stone alike, a faint smile on her maw. Her smile faltered when she heard paws moving, and looked to spy the movements of a cheetah walking along the path, a visible scouit. For a moment, she squinted, reading his posture. Low, crouched -- he was sneaking, butthere was something more, and the lioness lit up as she approached, ears and tail alert and happy to see someone familiar.

"Zepherin?" She called. The cheetah paused, then looked, lighting upp in surprise before slinking again, moving towards her cautiously. Narci beamed, and trot towards him, Zepherin relaxing when she proved no danger, and he smiled a thin, nervous smile as Narci bowed.

"Zepherin! It's been far toio long. How do you fare? How do the others fare?"

"Scattered, Ser Narci." Zepherin sighed. "Paulecrain and Grinnaux are residing in the pride here -- I was coming to check for Elidibus -- a friend, I swear -- on this pride. That... Lioness is here." Zepherin shook. "I mean to stopher chaos."

"In that pride?" Narci looked, earts flicking. "It seems quiet. I smelled a prince from my birth pride alongside others. It's active, but... Quiet. No chaos to be seen." Narci sat, and then looked down. "But our pride is no more -- in agreement with the dragons, we scattered to the winds, so I've been walking and trying to see what thwre is I can do now."

"Gonr?" Zrpherin's voice cracked, and he closed his eyes. He had to accept it, exiled or not. He had to. "Then you roam a mercenary."

"Only somewhat." Narci shrugged. "I seek greater knowledge now."

"That's a noble goal, Narci. I have to ask-- You mean to saythis pride is calm?" Zphirin looked surprised, and Narci nodded. "Yeah. I do SMELL that crazt, vyr she's attacked to a hunter, not anythjing royal." Narci motioned, and sniffed, l;ooking around.

"There's a prince from my birth priude here -- he left when I was a cub. Son of the Empress, before she died. There was theory she had him by another lion -- one of the advisors. It smells like he's young here, and more." Silence, the lioness' ears twitching, nostrils flaring, eyes alert. "Yeah. Black Lioness -- Nacht -- is spending time with another female. Similar age, smells friendly. There's no peril. Anything with a royal seems old. I can hear hunters moving this way."

Zephirin sputtered, and smiled releif to the spy, a smile more warm forming on hjis maw as he looked up to her.

"Elidibus and her daughtwer must know, Narci. You bring welcome tidings to all of us. I can't thank you enough." Zephirin responded, sniffing back tears as he looked up. Narci blinked, then smiled softly.

"Zephirin, I'm onlyhappy to share good news. I never hated you and the others. I hold youin respect.I regret my ill tidings, but not the glad ones. Please, if it brings your new companions succor, I'm happyto come speak with you. Might be good to meet others you hold in regard."

Zephirin smiled warmly at the large lioness, before nuzzling at her warmly, turning to move bnack. Narci blinked surprise, before trotting after him with a bright smile. As they walked, Zephirin spoke.

"With home scattered, how have you fared?"

"Bored. Anxious. Lonely." Narci sighed. "I've nevber been a rogue before. It's dangerous alone."

"So it is, Narci. Noone has accosted you?"

"Not really. I'm a big girl though. I might scare them. That said, what of your friends?"

"Beg pardon?"

"Tell me of these friends. I know you aren't exactly one to keep anyone as friends. They must be special."

Zephirin blinked, beforte fidgeting.

"Elidibus is the prize pupil of a lion named Zodiark. He's a female he speaks of at times, a lady whom he is taken by. Miss Efah is... Nacht's daughter, recently to bear cubs with a leopard, by herself. She's the daughter of a missing god. Not withthem is a lioness named Yangu from this priude, a lady whom was born in disgrace, companion to their King, and want to save her home. They are... A strange mix, but not unwelcome, I suppose. I met a demon and his mate, or rather, a dragon. They're a good pair, whom build one another up. We've hidding by a pride of demons the female belongs to, a pride that values strength. They wait for news there."

"Demons! Missing gods?" Narci blinked, Zephirin nodding. "The god is of the demons. He answers to two names now in his greif, developing a split personality I'd say. His demon, Gaius, is no danger. But he's fled into hiding for personal tragedy, and none can find him. His cjildren want for their father. As do his lady loves."

Narci was quiet, considering Zephirin's words carefully before a faint smirk played on her maw.

"Sounds like they've need for a trained pair of eyes, ears, and nose." Narci grinned fiendisgly, and Zephirin blinked, raising hius head and pausing to look to her.

"You'd help strangers?" He asked.

"I was saved once. Loved, taught, and I honed my craft after. If it helps another I would pay the kindness forwards to those seeking a loved one. I am the type whom can afford a paw, withnothing left to lose but my life. What greater challenge than to find a god?"

Zephirin was quiet, thoughtful before nodding, looking to her.

"I've spied one of Efah's half sisters roaming the pride freely. She would know more. Rest tonight with us, recover and we'll prepare to offer and seek. I'm certain they'd welcome eyes out and looking, pale or dark."

Narci nodded, pride welling in her chest as she followed Zephirin. Silently, the pair moved towards the Aegnor's seaside home, paws carrying them with a sense of lightness.