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The snow had seemed lighter the last few days, maybe even a little on the warmer side? But the landscape was still dusted with the soft white flakes. One could find paw prints here and there, sometimes zig-zagging from a good play. Other times a single set heading off on patrol. Then there were the occasional strange sets that seemed to just circle back on themselves. It was one of these sets that currently had wolf walking in a slow, lazy circle type pattern.


She had borrowed the idea of walking in a circle from a friend. A special friend. One that confused her yet made her feel excited to see him again. These feelings were foreign to the young shewolf and were beginning to drive her crazy!

Thankfully, nothing ever phased the chocolate wolf that had been observing this interesting behavior. Until Evening Storm couldn't stay quiet anymore.

"Hoarfrost, you're gonna ware that snow right to the ground below!" She chuckled, tail wagging at her sister-in-law. "What's up with you?"

Freezing on the spot, Hoarfrost looked up with startled blue eyes. "Oh, Evie. It's only you." She let out a breath she'd not been aware she had sucked in and held upon hearing another's voice.

"Okay, something is definitely up with you. Spill it! Or I get creative." The chocolate female threatened, tail wagging and a little concern in her eyes.

And Evie never lied. Hoarfrost shook herself, fur fluffing up before settling once more. "There's no need to get creative!" The coffee colored female snorted. "I'm fine. I swear." She looked around. Evie was here alone. There was no one else. Just two friends. One of which most certainly didn't believe her. "Evie... HEY!"

She had warned her. Evie laughed as she tackled Hoarfrost, the two females tumbling in the snow. Hoarfrost had not been prepared for her larger sister-in-law to make a move so soon. She did try and push her off. But there was a size disadvantage. And Evie was acting as dead weight.

"Okaaaaay!" Hoarfrost whined. "I'll talk. Promise!"

"You better." Evie growled playfully, rolling off Hoarfrost to sit up. "Seriously, what's up with you?"

Hoarfrost rolled on to her stomach, slowly sitting up. She brushed a little snow off her snout with a paw, buying herself some time. What was she supposed to say?! Her own thoughts were so jumbled that it was hard to even know what to tell Evie. Or where to begin. She glanced over at the chocolate wolf, who waited to hear... whatever it was she told her. Which did leave her a way to avoid talking about... things. But...

"What was it like when you first met my brother?" She blurted out instead.

Surprised at the question, Evie blinked and tilted her head. "Well... he wasn't the nicest of wolves I'd ever met. A little bit overprotective."

"Yeah. That sounds like Fell Field, alright." She chuckled. "But, I mean, how did you know he was... the one for you?" Her voice dropped a little out of embarrassment. And maybe a dash of fear.

It was like that moment where you first lunge to sink your fangs in to your prey. That jovial feeling. Evie all but lit up, eyes twinkling. Ooooooh. She totally knew where this conversation was going. The question was... would Hoarfrost let slip who the handsome boy that caught her eye was? "Well, I can't tell you like... an exact moment. Or that there was a light that shone down from the heavens, like Old Snow might tell you." She considered how to explain this. "There was something about him when we first met, that I couldn't ignore. He was acting so mean and distrustful... but something in his eyes kept encouraging me to tease him. And as I slowly extended my stay with the pack, getting to know everyone a bit more, I found myself wanting to be around Fell, even if he didn't want me there."

The chocolate wolf sighed, remembering how Fell's blood would boil at not being able to shake her so easily. "Your brother was definitely quite the catch, though! I don't really know when things changed. We just, sort of started to actually talk. Spend more time together."

Hoarfrost frowned a little, looking at her paws. "I.... I have these strange feelings." She admitted slowly. "Like, my stomach feels as if I ate a rotten kill. And when I catch a glimpse of him, my breath feels short. I can't help but think about him all the time now. But whenever I try to convince myself to go talk with him, I feel my flight instincts kick in and I hide. But when I do talk with him... I just feel... happy."

"You've got yourself a little crush!" Evie giggled, tail wagging and stirring up the snow. "What's his name? Do I know him?"

"Evie!" Hoarfrost groaned, flopping down on the snow, hiding her face under her paws.

"Oh c'mon! Tell me his name."

The chocolate wolf walked over to poke the other with her paw. "You're so cute! Those feelings are telling you what you already suspect." Evie flopped down beside Hoarfrost, looking out towards the trees. "You should talk with him. I know its a scary thought, but like you said. It makes you happy. And I was always happy when I got to talk with your brother. It builds a connection. And lets you explore those feelings more."

Hoarfrost peeked over at Evie, slowly raising her head. "I do enjoy talking. But sometimes, its so awkward. I don't know what to say!"

Now Evie was laughing again. "None of us do! That's what makes it fun! Go out on a run with him. Patrol. Hunt. Do activities besides just sitting and talking."

She was quiet, letting all of Evie's advice filter in to her mind, ease some of the turmoil. Nothing would get solved just driving herself crazy, that was for sure! Maybe her sister-in-law was right. Talking with Chaos would help. And it would let her get to know him even more. The thought of hanging out with him did sound fun!

"Thanks, Evie. For giving me someone to talk with." She leaned over and nuzzled the chocolate wolf.

"Anytime! That's what sisters are for. Even if we're related through mateship, not blood."

Hoarfrost ducked her head a little, then mumbled,"And his name is Chaos.... But you can't tell a soul about it!" Not yet. Not until I figure out these feelings.

Evie just squealed in excitement, laughing at the younger female. But Hoarfrost trusted her. She wouldn't tell a soul until she was ready.

(WC: 1111)