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He was alone. Confused. Felt as if a piece of himself had disappeared.

Word had spread like a wildfire through the pack about the strange things happening in the woods. It had been his duty to pick up on all the conversations about this phenomena. He would weave around from one group of huddled wolves to another, ears perking up if he caught any juicy bits of information. Other times, he would ask a question here and there of those that had been patrolling the packs borders. Had they noticed anything off about the woods? Seen any strange creatures? All of this information was filed away for later inspection and reporting in to his alpha.

But more importantly, to Dead Reckoning.

Deadlight was only too pleased to share what the word was around the wood and pack. Anything that would help his sister become the queen she was meant to be. She would praise him when he provided an exceptionally useful piece of gossip. And he enjoyed the praise.

Then... a meeting was finally called to address the strange phenomena that had taken over the redwood. A decision had been made. A group of their pack was to venture out in to this strange... void that had appeared. There was certainly a jittery and excited feeling that coursed through his veins at the thought of exploring the unknown! The myriad of information that could be gained. And maybe, the perfect pathway paved for Dead Reckoning to take her throne. Oh yes, Deadlight had felt so excited about what he could discover beyond this... veil.

Except She had not wanted him to go. Not yet. There were other wolves to send in to the fray first. Let them be the ones to risk everything. If they came back unhindered, then She would let him go. Maybe even the two of them would explore together!

Deadlight felt his lips peel back as he paced along the borders of their territory. He had been opting to patrol much more frequently. It was only his false role, Gossip being what he truly was. But he couldn't stand to be around anyone. Didn't... trust anyone any longer.

Because a part of him was missing.

Deadlight could hear it clearly. That one voice that had drifted to his ears above all the others. A strange feeling had overtaken him. He felt as if his heart had stopped and forgotten how to work for a brief moment.


The wolf shuddered, feeling a chill that would not lift. His twin had volunteered to go explore beyond the veil. And he had not been able to do anything but stand in silence and watch. He'd been so confused by the feelings that were clawing at his belly. By the desire to disobey Dead Reckoning's verdict that they wait. A battle of wills had insinuated itself in his mind. Before he could fully process that it was fear for his twin he was feeling... the group had entered that strange place. And something inside him began to change.

Stopping in his patrol, Deadlight realized where his paws were leading him. He could see the pathway that would lead to the stone structures. And beyond them, the place it had happened.

He had been anxious. An unfamiliar feeling. Every day he waited to hear that their packmates had returned. Waited and waited. That feeling in the pit of his stomach growing colder. And then they returned. He was almost like an energetic pup, tail wagging and happy little whines, searching and searching.... until the devastating news was laid before them.

Not all had returned.

Deadlock had not returned.

And something inside him broke.

Deadlight stared at the stone creations, having allowed himself to end up here. This place still made the fur on his back stand on end, a low growl escaping. Yet there was some clarity. He knew why he'd been taking his guard duty much more seriously. There was that small flame of hope that Deadlock would suddenly appear. But out here, She couldn't get to him. Couldn't twist his mind to do her bidding. Not anymore. Not when he was so lost without his twin.

Lost? Deadlight thought about it. There was certainly a feeling of being loss. But mostly a feeling of alone. But lost? His bright green eyes took in each of the stone structures as he walked a slow circle. No. He was not lost. Not anymore. Whatever spell he'd been under was fractured. Dead Reckoning couldn't control him any longer. But he still loved his sister. Couldn't stand the thought of losing her too.

"I will wait for you, brother. I know you're still out there. Come back to me. Please?" He whispered, dipping his head.

Yes. He would wait. And take whatever consequences were to befall him for having the power to defy his sisters will.