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She was new here and as such, Skuld wanted to get a head start on learning the land. What better way than to go exploring on her own? Well... perhaps she should have accepted any of the numerous offers she'd gotten to be her guide for starts, but that had never been her way. Skuld enjoyed doing things on her own.

Of course, she was sort of regretting it now that she was lost.

With an uncertain flick of her ear, the female wolf dog tried to sniff her way along the border, figuring that eventually, she'd run back into the place she'd started. That was logical, right? Though as the terrain turned rockier, she soon realized that she wouldn't be able to follow the border directly like she had been.

What to do, what to do....

"Are you okay?"

Skuld let out a yelp at the unexpected voice, whipping around to face the light gray male standing atop one of the rocky hillsides. The way he stood was regal and commanding, and while that fit the bill with the wolves of this pack, she couldn't help but feel like this one demanded a different kind of respect.... Not that she dwelled on that long.

"Uhm... yeah!" She tried to smile back, "I'm just new around here, so I'm getting a feel for where everything is." She certainly wasn't lost or anything...

Aragon raised a white eyebrow at the show. New around.... ah, this must be one of Maske's children. She looked the part too, what with her red fur and sure attitude. He couldn't help the smirk as he realized that she must have gained much of her mother's personality, gods help them all.

Which probably meant she would reject help as well, unfortunately. He cast a glance up the way she was looking before deciding to at least steer her in the right direction.

"Well, far be it from me to stop you, and while I do think it's admirable of you to take such a forward stance, I can at least offer a bit of insight to where you are." He paused to let out a sniff, "Our pack lands are surrounded by landmarks such as these. They serve to protect us from intruders." He turned his snout the other direction, "To the east and north of here lie the waters that separate us from the Waylands. If you take a moment to smell the air," he took a second to sniff, himself, "you can vaguely make out the scent of it."

Skuld blinked before lifting her head and closing her eyes, smelling the air until she could make out something salty....

Aragon hopped down from his perch before making his way in that very direction. "Our dens are between here and there, which is actually where I was heading. Night will be upon us soon."

Skuld blinked as she tried to process those directions for a moment, and then jolted as she realized that hey... night meant food, right? She loved hunting at night, her fur always blended into the darkness so well. So with a grin, she called out after him, "Good to know. Thanks!" Then with that, she trotted off, this time making sure to note the smell of water. She could use that.

Aragon watched her leave from the corner of his eye, letting out a chuckle once she was out of earshot before shaking his head and continuing his way back home.

Word Count: 580