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Frequently Asked Questions
    Below are FAQ & Answers, if you have a question that needs answering, please PM the mule directly.

Q: What are the sizes of the creatures in comparison to one another?
A: Follow our size charts here: Wolves, Familiars

Q: World setting?
A: Post-human, medieval fantasy world.

Q: Time period?
A: 400 AD - 1000 AD

Q: What are Relics?
A: Relics are items from before wolves ruled the land, during the time of man. They are often remnants of what once was, and reflect the time period our world is set in. The most common relics found throughout the lands of Kells are tools and items the average human once used, because this world is set in a post apocalyptic fantasyland you have some wiggle room to be creative. However, the setting is still medieval in terms of michable knowledge and design, so please keep this in mind when you roleplay. You are allowed to discover items in roleplay, the type of items are really up to you so long as they fit our world setting. Things such as a King's Crown will not be as easy to find so keep this in mind when you were writing. Think average day-to-day items the normal person would have used in our medieval setting.

Q: What happened to mankind?
A: We leave this answer shrouded in a bit of mystery, all the wolves know is that long ago man once ruled supreme, but then one day a sickness swept the lands taking man with it. The wolves once knew of this horrible incident that befell humankind, but as time passed this story has become nothing but fable to tell the young pups at night.

Q: What do the wolves call this terrible sickness?
A: They refer to the sickness as the blight.

Q: Can I get my wolf recolored onto new lines?
A: These are new breeds, so you will not be allowed to covert a preexisting character onto them.

Q: Can my Berserker get alpha art?
A: Berserker wolves are already the largest breed in Kells, because of this they do not get alpha art.

Q: Can my Dire wolf have a surname?
A: Surnames are a common tradition in Berserker families/bloodlines. Dire wolves typically will not have one outside of interbreeding with Berserkers.

Q: Can Ethereal Wolves join packs?
A: If an Ethereal Wolf chooses a lifetime mate that is not Ethereal, they can have the chance of living in a pack, but a pair of mated Ethereal wolves rarely do so.

Q: What's the difference between Warpaint and Dye?
A: Warpaint is messy and has harsh lines and strokes, where Dye can be elegant and henna-like.

Q: Are True Seers only born female?
A: Yes.

Q: Can my Dire Wolf x Berserker wolf pair create a seer in breedings?
A: Yes, however, only their Dire Wolf offspring can be true Seers.

Q: Can my Dire Wolf x Ethereal wolf pair create a seer in breedings?
A: Yes, however, only their Dire Wolf offspring can be True Seers.

Q: Will the Seer gene pass down to both Berserker and Ethereal offspring in mixed breedings?
A: It can! Though only the male offspring of these pairs can be born with it.

Q: For Wolfdog names are we allowed to bring up like weapons? Or like.. made up names? Such as: Yholun or Battle Axe?
A: The first is fine, second isn't.

Q: Can wolves communicate with familiars?
A: Wolves can communicate with every other species in Kells and vice versa. They share a common language and understanding of one another.

Q: What is the typical lifespan for an average wolf?
A: Most breeds live to be about 20 years old (in human years). However it is said that Ethereal can live for much longer.

Q: Can my wolves mix breed?
A: Interbreeding is completely fine and usually acceptable through roleplay. However, certain breeds will not produce mixed breed children.

Q: Do I need a wolf to own a familiar?
A: Familiars are their own standalone characters and do not need a wolf counterpart to exist in our world.

Q: Can I kill a character off through roleplay?
A: You are more than welcome to do as you wish with your own characters, however, if you are going to enter a death plot with another user you must have their permission/consent before proceeding to do any sort of death plots.
Please note: If you kill off a character, Kells does not guarantee you will get a replacement character. Only characters involved in shop wide metas may be replaced at staff discretion.

Q: Can wolves climb trees?
A: Currently the wolves in kells are not tree climbers by nature, though they can scale mountains pretty easily.

Q: Can I own more than one Pack at a time?
A: No, you are only allowed to own one Pack at a time. Due to the limited amount of slots available, this is the fairest option.

Q: Can I trade my current Pack if I come up with a new idea that I like more?
A: No, if you want to disband your Pack you may, but you will not be able to keep that slot for another idea, you will have to try for new Packlands like everyone else.

Q: Can my female wolf be an Alpha?
A: Females can not officially be Alphas in Kells, however, it’s not uncommon for a female to play shadow Alpha in their Pack, ruling beside or just under their Alpha.

Q: Can my Pack have slaves?
A: While we want to allow people complete freedom when creating Packs, forced slavery is frowned upon. You can not force another player into a pack, this must be done with agreement on both parties' sides.

Q: Can Pack owner’s deny a Pack member for OoC reasons?
A: This is a tough one. While we can not force you to play with someone you do not like, we would like it if any drama you might have with someone else is kept private and away from your responsibilities as a Pack owner. So yes, in short, you can. We would just prefer personal drama stay clear from Kells related RP.

Q: If a Pack is disbanded in one location, does a new Pack take over that location, or can it move to another land? (ie: Pack disbands in Bluestone, does the new pack need to be in Bluestone).
A: The new Pack Leader can choose to stay in the open Packlands or find themselves another place to settle, if there is room in that hold!

Q: Can Solo Roleplays be used to meet the Pack Activity quota?
A: Yes, SRPs (Solo Roleplays) will count towards meeting Pack Activity quotas. A completed SRP must have at least 1000 words, and must be held within the Pack Lands.

Q: Odd lore question because I'm trying to name a gifted pup. Is the concept of heaven a thing in Kells, and by extension, would they also believe in angels?
A: So the Christian concept of heaven and hell are not concepts that would be used here, however, supernatural or otherworldly views could be. Like an afterlife, the farplane, reincarnation, spirits. Druid like views. More Pegan, less traditional religious views!