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What is a Tribe?
    • Tribes are most commonly formed by the Wildlife of Kells, and they use this system to create safe places for themselves to live/breed/interact!
    • These Tribes, unlike packs, do not require a large amount of upkeep.
    • They are meant to help bring breeds together, and to house like minded roleplayers in one area to create plots and a develop a community!
    • The Leader of every tribe will have ownership of it and be responsible for the history and rules, as well as logging the RP requirement to keep their thread.
    • Tribes do not get a subforum.
    ICly Tribes will act like packs, and for that reason wildlife who reside in them (as official members) get a +1 to their rolls in breedings!

    -------Ex: Bears within a tribe get a 2-3 roll as opposed to rogue bears who only get a 1-2.

How to start a tribe
    • Every month, we will open the tribe submission thread for new applicants.
    • You will need five characters in order to establish a tribe; four following members and one “Leader”.
    • These members can be of the same breed or you can mix and match what species you allow.
    • This will 100% be up to the Tribe Leader!
    • Tribes get a thread in their chosen subform where they will house their Tribe information. It will act as a homebase for all the Tribe players to socialize and plot within!
    • All tribe threads will be created by the shop mule and stickied to the top of the subforum. When placed, your tribe will look like this:

    -----[TRIBE] Your Tribe Name Here.

Tribe Maintenance
    • As previously mentioned, the upkeep of a tribe is minimal; however!
    • In order to avoid an influx of inactive threads filling the subforum we require one (1) roleplay every three (3) months to be logged by the Tribe Leader!
    • You can find the pack and tribe RP logging thread [Pending]. Only the tribe leader is responsible for posting this.
    • A tribe who has not posted their activity requirement after three months will become inactive and the thread moved to the archive subforum.

Submitting Your Tribe
    • When tribe slots are open, fill out and post the following form below!
    • Please make sure you have all owners gathered before posting.
    •You will be quoted if there are any discrepancies that need to be addressed.

[b]Tribe leader[/b]: (Username, you will run/own this tribe!)
[b]IC tribe leader[/b]: (Name & image)
[b]The four owners/characters[/b]: (Username(s) + image(s))
[b]Your Tribe's location[/b]: (In Kells/ OR the Waylands!)
[b]Your tribe's history[/b]: (a paragraph will do)
[b]Your tribe's name:[/b] (following Dire/Berserker naming rules)