Distraction/Intensity: 3
Exhaustion/Alertness: 2
Memorization/Visualization: 4
Anxiety/Confidence: 5
Slacker/Studious: 4

Wren of Bronze Nirath

Sevenday 1 - Grid 1
1. Western Hold ✓
2. Solace Hold ✓
3. Black Sand Hold ✓
4. White Cliff Weyrhold
5. Western Weyr

7-20: Success! You made it through with flying colors! This is easy-peasy and nothing is going to stop you now! You're a wizard dragonrider, Harry!

Once again, they were right back to ease. Then again, the boy had a fondness for Black Sands, and the way it looked. Wren had an odd taste for the way things bustled and were built, and Black Sands had been one of the first he memorized.