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It had been some time since he visited Anvesana Caritra, Utako thought as he walked around the pride, seeing what all changed. His thoughts went to Tsillah first, the leopardess that he brought to the pride. They had left off on bad terms, with him mentioning that he had a mate. He couldn't lie to her though, even if he knew the truth would hurt. Najwa was okay with his flings with mortals as long as it never came between them, but he understood that Tsillah might not like the idea of just being another fling for him.

Now that they had been apart for long enough, he felt like it was a good time to return to her and see if she would accept his apology. Then they could return to being friends and perhaps go on another adventure together. Her company was always a pleasure. He just hoped that he hadn't messed up too badly and ruined any chance of them reuniting.

Tu scurried around the pride, accidentally bumping into other pride members as he went. His mother would be back any moment from her adventures outside the pride and he wanted to hear all about it! As much as there was to learn inside Anvesana Caritra the world outside their border had so much more. His mother talked about different being she met, how different they all were and about different lands and cultures. Someday he would get the chance to see it, but his mother wanted him to wait, saying that with his sense of direction he would never be able to make it back home.

As he ran through the pride, not watching where he was going, he ran into someone. The impact caused him to fall backwards.

“AH sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!” He quickly apologized, as he got up. When he looked to see who he ran into, he saw a larger then average lion standing over him. The lion was looking, not at his face but his left paw.

Utako had been surprised when the young leopard ran into him, but no harm was done to him. When he was about to say that, he noticed the marking on the leopard boy's paw. He only knew one creature with that marking and that was Tsillah. Carefully he looked the leopard over from head to toe. It didn't occur to him that he hadn't responded to the leopard until he saw the confused blue eyes staring up at him.

“No need to be sorry. I was walking absentmindedly. I should have been more away of my surroundings.” Utako responded. He then noticed the orange on the leopard. If this leopard was connected to Tsillah could that mean that he was... Utako couldn't finish that thought. It would only raise his hopes. Better to hear who the leopards father was from Tsillah over anyone else.

“I am looking for someone. A leopardess named Tsillah.” Utako said. He had intended to look for her himself, but the opportunity to figure out who exactly this leopard was to her was more appealing.

Tu's eyes lite up. “Tsillah! She's my mom.” He said with a wide toothy grin. “You're in luck cause she should be coming back from the rogue lands today. I was on my way to meet her. You can tag along if you want!” He had never seen the lion before but if he knew his mom then he couldn't be bad.

“Follow me!” With that, Tu lead the way.

Utako held his breath. So this leopard was Tsillah's son.

“Is your father around too?” Utako asked hesitantly. He knew the answer could be painful to hear, but if he knew that Tsillah had moved on, at least he wouldn't have to wonder if this leopard was his son.

Tu glanced back at the lion and tilted his head. “Nah. Mom doesn't talk about him. Says he's unimportant to us. I do have siblings though! A brother and sister.” He said as he continued to lead the way.

“So how do you know my mom?” He asked curiously. His mother had some friends in the pride, but he knew most of them. This lion was a complete stranger to him though. He tried to think if his mother ever mentioned someone that looked like him, but nothing came to mind.

“I am the one that brought your mother to this pride.” Utako answered with a smile. He remembered them meeting, getting to know each other and having fun. Before she knew he was a god. Life was a lot simpler then. As soon as they talked, he knew that she belonged in Anvesana Caritra, that she would live a life in pursuit of knowledge surrounded by other like minded individuals.

“I should have come back sooner. I had no idea that she had been pregnant let alone had a litter of cubs.” A litter that seemed to be mostly grown by the look of them. He wasn't there at all for her. Even if they weren't his cubs, he should have been there for his friend. After all she was raising them by herself.

“I'm sure she won't mind. Some pride members stay out in the rogue lands for a super long time. Though mom tends to stay out only for a little bit at a time so she can come back and check on us. I'm hoping that next time she goes out she takes me with her. If she does, you can come with us!” Tu said happily.

He stopped at some boulders where a couple guards were on patrol. “Have you seen any sign of my mom?” Tu asked the guards. They looked at him and one shook their head.

“Sorry Tu, the last group that came in said that Tsillah was going to stay out for a little longer. Seems that she found something that caught her eye.” the guard said, before looking at Utako. There was a moment of silence before the guard went into a small bow. “Oh Utako, it is rare to see your around here. Would you like us to inform Devaraja or the Nayaka that you are here?”

Tu stared up at the lion with a mix of awe and confusion. He did not know who Utako was, but if the guard wanted to inform the Nayaka then he must be someone important!

Utako cleared his throat and looked a little sheepish. Meeting with Devaraja or Kelos wasn't exactly what he had planned when he arrived. Being in his mortal form, he had wanted to keep a low profile. He knew that there were a handful of pride members who knew his mortal form though, he had just hoped that he wouldn't run into them.

“No. I am actually just here to see Tsillah. I will wait patiently for her somewhere. I am sure that Devaraja is busy and would rather not be disturbed. For now if you can keep my presence here to yourself I would appreciate it.” Utako said.

“Oh of course!” the guard said.

“Utako? Uh well, you could stay at my mom's den if you want to. No one is using it right now.” Tu said. Utako, he tried to think of if his mother ever said that name. “Since you're friends I am sure she wouldn't mind.”
Utako had to keep himself from laughing. It was a generous offer, but he could only imagine what Tsillah's reaction would be to see him curled up in her den. He was sure he would get an ear full. “I have a place to rest, so there is no need to worry about me. What we could do is get to know each other more? You could tell me more about you and your siblings and let me know what your mother has been up to. In return I could tell you about some of my adventures in the rogue lands. That way you know what you can look forward to.”

Tu's tail whipped around excitedly. “Really?! I would love that!” He said, questions already forming in his head.

Utako laughed at the young leopard's enthusiasm. If anything, he sure inherited Tsillah's curiosity.

“Well, lets formally introduce ourselves. My name is Utako.” He said, bowing his head to the leopard.

“I'm Tu!” Tu responded eagerly. “I know the perfect spot to go where we can talk! Mom used to take us there to tell us stories before nightfall.”

Before Utako could say anything Tu was off. He watched the leopard head off. Watching him, Utako felt strangely proud of Tu. Before Tu could get too far, Utako started to follow him, thinking about what stories he would share.

WC: 1,473