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Winter still held High Reaches in its chilly grip. Snow blanketed the ground, trampled here and there, marking pathways favored by human and dragon alike. Nzambith didn’t mind the cold much but she did miss the warmth of the sun quite a bit. Today, however, the sky was clear and although the air was cold, the sun was quite warm. She had lingered around Venn’s Weyr a bit before deciding he was busy doing...something, and although she did loathe to leave his side she was itching to find a warm rock to sun herself on. Their ledge didn’t face the sun this time of day so off she went, a mental brush to her rider returned with the command to enjoy herself.

Well. ‘Command’. Venn told her to have fun, which she took quite literally. She would have lots of fun finding a rock to nap on.

It took a few minutes of circling and riding thermals to spot a lovely dark rock that looked like it could hold a bronze of decent size. No one was around so she descended to her target, landing heavily on the stone. She wasted no time in stretching out on her belly, wings extended to soak in the rays of the sun while it still shone down brightly.

Nzambith almost drifted off, but a shadow cast itself over her and the sudden chill made her open her eyes. She turned and was startled to see a rather large brown dragon looming over her, his eyes tinged red at the edges. Oh dear.

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That is my rock, Adarith growled, showing his fangs in a snarl. Really, it wasn’t his at all. He’d been flying around, trying to get some energy out, and had spotted the green looking very content on the large stone. He decided he wanted it for himself, but first he had to kick this dragon off it. Thankfully that didn’t seem like it was going to be difficult to do as the green got to her feet - slowly - and gave him a very somber look. It could just have been the dark markings around her eyes and over her muzzle that made her look that way, but he couldn’t be bothered to care. That and her eyes were yellow, a dead giveaway at her current mood.

Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. It’s a very nice rock for such a cold day, Nzambith said, glancing mournfully at her perch as she stepped off and the large brown took her place. His hide was so dark it must be wonderful at absorbing the heat, she thought to herself. Her own paler green hide didn’t do much by way of attracting warmth.

Well now you do know. I’d better not see you laying on it ever again. It was almost pathetically easy how Nzambith went along with Adarith’s demands. She nodded her head, holding it low as she complied without a fight. Why would he lie about it being his rock? It was such a nice one it figured someone else had already laid claim to it.
