Clack, clack. Clack, clack. Clack, clack. The sound of the loom echoed as Oreune slid the shuttle through and reset, her hands seemingly flying as she worked the colored threads through. Today she'd been asked to lend a hand to one of the crafters, specifically one of the weavers, and the teen was more than happy to do so. Being a candidate severely limited how much time she could spend at her craft apart from when chores or free time sent her this way, and so she'd practically jumped at the request to help finish up something. Clack, clack, clack clack

The candlemarks passed quickly and before Oreune even noticed the sun had already set. Stretching her arms over her head and calling it a day, she got to her feet and dismissed herself from the area with a bow of her head. Perhaps she out to go and get dinner? It was dark and the lamps were lit, but surely they were still serving food. Riders worked all candlemarks of the day after all, so it would be silly to deny them meals on account of an ungodly time. Glancing around as she walked towards the dining area, the candidate wondered if she'd see any familiar faces. Six months here surely meant she knew some/i] folks, right?

Or even if she didn't maybe making new friends was okay. She liked that and honestly Oreune didn't want to eat alone.
