He hadn't really seen any of his babies since their hatching and that had Teth depressed. Depressed with a capital D as he put it, were he able to do so or understood such things. As it was he simply laid out on the sand, sprawled on his back with his wings all akimbo. It never occurred to the massive brown how awful he must look, or how uncomfy he might feel to actually be laying on his wings like that, but this was his sulking pose. His 'I am filled with woe in as much as a dragon with my personality can be' comfort pose. Despite how he may have been feeling his eyes were still very much a merry blue, and at his middle section his rider stood with paintbrush in hand.

With no Thread called for the day, or the next few days if he recalled correctly, F'ell had decided to paint his dragon. The moping nature was starting to get to even the extremely stoic F'ell, and so the teen wanted to do whatever he could in an effort to cheer his beast up. Teth liked to be painted, F'ell liked to paint, and this was a type of bonding between them that no others really could share or understand.

Today's painting was of the ocean, frosty and cold with the winter. F'ell worked at it quietly, pausing every now and then to let his dragon sigh or shift. This was the only time the brown was every honestly still, a true miracle.
