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Reply [IC] Sûzat Lands
[PRP Crossover Suzat/Iknimaya] 3. Among Friends

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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:05 pm

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And they had made it, a little bit before dusk so there was still light in the sky. Tuktirey was looking around with a hopeful expression on her face and she say Faramir first.

"Welcome back!" He said in a booming voice as he approached the party of blue lions. While they had a couple within their own pride, the amount that was before him was massive.

Seze and Saryip stayed towards the back, they weren't as eager to meet their new friends just yet so watched as their parents interacted with this prides inhabitants. "Ila, this is Faramir, Faramir this is Ila, my mate. And back there is Seze and Saryip, two of our children. The rest are somewhere in the group."

Ila gave a bow of his head in greeting. "She has told me a great deal about you and your pride's leader Arkani, will he be along soon?"

"Oh yes, he should be here shortly, I'm just the welcoming party." He said with a smile.

Silver Lutz
PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 7:53 am
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Twilight was edging closer when one of the Herders trotted up to Arkani who had been waiting for the message to come. The lions from the Iknimaya pride we’re on their way and the Herders had been told to relay the message through Northfarthing so Arkani and Yepa would know when to head out to meet them. Faramir had agreed to wait at the spot the better part of the day so the travelers wouldn’t show up to no Hobbits to greet them. Now, though, they were in the pride’s reaches.

“All right, Yepa. That’s our cue,” Arkani said, motioning to the lioness to join him.

“Lead the way,” the blue lioness said with a soft smile. She had grown up within the pride and knew nothing but the gently rolling hills of the Suzat and when Arkani had approached her to ask if she’d be willing to be a part of a marriage with an allied pride due to the lack of his own heirs she’d been honored. Yepa wasn’t anyone terribly important in the pride so the fact that the Thain had sought her out made her feel special.

Together the duo headed into Northfarthing, traveling quickly as the sun slowly set. As it reached the tips of the mountains to the west Yepa and Arkani spotted the caravan of blue and a speck of grey and peach among them - Faramir.

“Greetings, my friends,” Arkani called out as they drew closer to the meeting spot. “I hope your travels were uneventful.”

Yepa remained quiet for the time being, her eyes darting over the slim lions before her. Now she could see why Arkani had chosen her - her own pelt seemed to fit perfectly with theirs.

“Welcome back, Tuktirey,” the Thain said as he approached the visiting lioness, a warm smile on his muzzle as he gave her an affectionate head bump. “And to all the new comers, the Suzat welcome you whole heartedly. What is ours is yours and I hope you’ll make yourselves at home during your stay.”



Offensive Hero



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2020 9:01 pm

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As if on cue the brightly colored leader of the Suzat approached and the two adolescents couldn't help their staring. "Do you-" "Yes. He is" "So Bright." They finished together as they watched the yellow and black male approaching. A female, suited to the colors of their pride, followed along beside him and Sayrip couldn't help but gulp a little. Was this her? "At least she's pretty." Seze said with a playful nudge and her brother shot her a sideways glance.

"Ah, speak of the devil and he shall come." Faramir said turning his attention to his Thain and stepped aside so that he could greet the Iknimaya travelers.

"Our travels went as expected. It's nice to be in some familiar territory." Tuktirey said as she smiled warmly towards him and gave him an affectionate bump in return. She knew the rest of the group was exhausted and would like to call it a night soon, but first her and her husband had to get through this little introduction, and then introduce Sayrip to his future bride.

"Arkani, this is my mate, Ila'Tahni. And these are two of our children, Seze-" The pale blue female gave a bow of her head as her name was spoken. "And our son Sayrip." Ila motioned for him to come forward and he stared back at his dad for a moment before replying. He was almost fully grown, he had aged much during their travels here. Before he knew it he'd be a full grown adult and he knew he should act better than this. Still, he wasn't refusing or anything. "Oel ngati kameie... I See You." He said in greeting as he bowed first to Arkani and then looked at Yepa. She really was very pretty.

Still he was nervous.

Faramir stayed to the side while all the introductions were going on.

"As my son has said in our tongue, it is a pleasure to meet you. My mate has spoke nothing but good things of this pride and of you and Faramir. I am honored to finally get the chance to see these lands for myself. Thank you again for agreeing to this." He gave a warm smile towards Arkani and Yepa because she had to agree to do such a thing as well and he knew it could be scary.

Silver Lutz
PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2020 8:40 pm
Arkani smiled broadly at the weary travelers, making eye contact with each in turn for just a moment, nodding his head in greeting. As Tuktirey introduced him to her immediate family he stepped forward just a bit, lowering his head in a bow to Ila'Tahni respectfully. He was very grateful both of the leaders of their ally had come to visit and he hoped their pride would be in good paws without them there.

As the youths were introduced Arkani turned his attention to them in turn, first to Seze to whom he returned the bow, and then to Sayrip. He was still young, not quite grown into his mane and still lanky and lean, even for an Iknimaya lion. There was uncertainty there but that was to be expected. It wasn't every day you left your home and family to come to a strange new pride and marry a lioness you've never seen before.

The language was strange to Arkani but he smiled all the same before turning his gaze back to the leaders.

"The same goes for you," he said jovially. "I'm honored that you and so many of your pride came this long way to be here with us. There's plenty of room and food for all of you to stay as long as you'd like after the celebration." Turning, he motioned for Yepa to step forward.

"This is Yepa," he said as the blue lioness joined him. "Her family lineage traces back farther than I care to track," he chuckled, leaving Yepa to smile softly as she bowed respectfully to the rulers.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you," she murmured as she lifted her gaze, her eyes first settling on Tuktirey. Though she had no cubs of her own, Yepa was very maternal and knew it would be hard for the other female to see her son stay here with relative strangers. She hoped they could all build a strong bond before the other lions left to return home. She then turned her gaze to her future mate, Sayrip. He was young - still not quite an adult but nearly there from the look of things - and she could tell her was nervous. She gave him a soft smile and a little bob of her head as well, a bit of nervousness on her own face. Yepa had never expected to be approached by Arkani and to be asked to wed for alliance purposes, but she was happy to help her pride in any way she could.

"Hello, Sayrip," she said gently. "It's nice to finally meet you."

As Yepa's attention shifted from Tuktirey to Sayrip, Arkani moved a bit closer to the leaders of the other pride.

"Come, let's continue the journey. There isn't much farther to walk and warm dens with fresh food and water await you."



Offensive Hero



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:50 am
As introductions were made Faramir began to look around and see if perhaps a familiar face might come poking around to see some familiar and new faces. Not seeing her quite yet he returned his focus to the group before him.

Ila and Tuk smiled warmly at the greeting from the female. Truly she was a perfect match for their son, hopefully the two were able to get along well enough. If they didn't fit well personality wise they werent going to force them to go through with it if it meant them being miserable.

"It's nice to meet you too Yepa." He stood up a little straighter and tried to be the presentable young prince he was. Seze almost snickered but kept her composure as they were around strangers.

"Ah, that sounds wonderful. " Tuk said as they followed along after Arkani.  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 4:38 pm
"I do hope our accommodations are sufficient," Arkani went on as he led the group through Northfarthing. They still had a little ways to walk but conversation would make it go by quicker. "If there's anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable don't hesitate to ask." He knew these lions came from a very different area of the world with lush jungles and trees everywhere so he assumed being in a place so open might make them feel a bit vulnerable. The Suzat weren't a pride that trained to fight, but despite the openness of Northfarthing, they were probably the safest here. Herders doubled as guards and they were typically a pretty sturdy bunch.

Yepa gave a soft smile as Sayrip lifted his head, trying to represent his pride and his family well. He was young still bu nearly fully grown, his mane coming in nicely. Hopefully they'd be able to build a bond together that extended further than simply a marriage for an alliance. Yepa wouldn't mind if their relationship was more symbolic than anything, but she had always hoped to find someone to spend her days with. This wasn't the manner in which she'd envisioned it happening but perhaps Sayrip truly was someone she could grow to love.

"Was your journey uneventful?" she asked, deciding to walk with him rather than peeling away to be on her own. If she wanted a positive relationship to build she needed to start now and, being the older of the two, she took it up as her responsibility to make the young prince feel welcomed and like he'd have at least one friendly face here in the pride. She was positive he'd make friends given how welcoming and friendly the Suzat were as a whole, of course.  


Offensive Hero



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 1:34 am
"Oh yes, they will be more than accomodating I am sure." Tuk said looking over towards her mate who gave a smile and a nod of his head in agreement. "We will be more than certain to ask yourself or Faramir here." He added looking over towards the silver male who bowed his head at his name being mentioned.

Faramir was hoping that his beloved would make an appearance, perhaps she would soon. If not he'd definitely have to re-unite them in the morning. She had seemed to have been fond of Tuk the last time she had been in the pride.

Seze watched as Yepa and her brother interacted and she felt a little ping of jealousy. Her only brother was going to be married off and then she was going to have to go back home to her sisters. Though, perhaps she could stay here? Looking over towards her parents her eyes grew sad, but that meant leaving behind the rest of her family and she wasn't sure if that was something she was prepared for yet. She had time to think it over though.

Perhaps if the two of them engaged in a normal conversation then they'd get to know one another better, which was what they were already doing right? "Yes, our journey was peaceful. It was exciting though, I've never known the life outside of the Jungle I was raised in, so seeing all these new lands is a lot to take in." There was a smile on his face as he spoke and he looked at the blue female that walked alongside him. Perhaps they could learn to love one another. "What do you do for your pride?" He was curious to know more about her.  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 4:43 pm
"Good, good. There will be a feast tomorrow to welcome you and your traveling party, as well as young Sayrip," Arkani went on as they all headed slowly for the main area of the pride. A few Herders watched the group as they moved through Northfarthing and Arkani periodically nodded to them or gave a little roar of greeting, to which the lions would return the wave or call.

"Tonight, though, you all will have whatever you'd like to eat and rest. I'm sure the journey has made your paws weary." As hospitable as the Suzat were, Arakni knew the value of recouping with familiar faces. His Hobbits would be curious about the lanky lions that had joined them but they would just have to wait until tomorrow to meet them all properly.

Yepa, despite keeping her focus on the young male, could feel another set of eyes on her. She glanced behind them and spotted Seze and gave her a little smile before the younger lioness glanced away again. As nervous as Yepa was to make a good impression and prove to the Navi that she was a worthy mate for their son, she could only imagine how Sayrip and the rest of them must feel. This was far different from their home and he would be leaving his family behind to stay here.

Sayrip's question made Yepa focus again and she gave a soft hum before answering.

"Oh, this and that. I mostly stay in the center of the pride and help when it's needed, whether the Farmers are bringing crops out to Northfarthing or the iboga harvest requires a few more paws. Although now I suppose I'm something of an ambassador as well." She wondered if they'd ever venture to the Navi lands and she had to admit she was excited at the prospect of it. Perhaps if cubs were in their future they'd make a trip once they were old enough to visit their father's home.

"And you? Did you do anything back in your pride?" Or was the son of the leader expected to grow up to take his parents place?  


Offensive Hero



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 5:41 pm
The mention of a feast was very promising to the troupe as they had spent quite a long time traveling here, not eating much. Still, they were quite alright for the evening still as they had eaten a late lunch but they would still see what was to offer as to not displease their host and the generosity he was bestowing upon them.

Faramir made a note to make sure to see to it that they had food and proper places to sleep, though most of that had been arranged for as they had been expecting them. Though they had never been certain on what day they might arrive, just that it was going to be soon. And now here they were.

Sayrip listened as Yepa spoke and gave a small nod of his head and then realized that she had asked what he had done back home. "It sounds like you do a little bit of everything. That's sort of what I used to do back in my home pride.. All of us heirs train to take over as potential leaders though we are allowed to take any position we choose if we are not chosen to be the next true heir." He hoped that explained it enough.

Seze watched curiously as her brother talked with his mate to be and she felt a small pang in her chest. She knew he'd be gone from her life soon and that made her sad, but also it was a joyous thing because it was tying their two tribes together. She could be happy for him.

Tuk and Ila bowed gracefully towards Arkani. "We thank you for your hospitality. We very much need food and rest for the evening, the journey here has been long and tiring. But it has been worth it." @Lut  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:33 am
As they neared the heart of the pride, Arkani could see curious eyes watching from the gently rolling hills that the dens were housed in. Surely there would be lots of excitement and whispers tonight, but tomorrow everyone would get to meet their new allies and friendships would certainly be formed. For now he knew there were a few Hobbits standing by to lead their weary travelers to their temporary homes, dens where food was already waiting for them. He'd also stationed a few Hobbits to lead them to the water sources should they need them during the night.

"And you shall have plenty of both. We will celebrate soon, but for now, rest and recover. Make yourselves at home. If you need help, there are plenty of Hobbits around that are willing to do so if you can't find myself or Faramir. If you follow this path the dens will be around the bend." He nodded in the direction they should continue to walk in, stopping to ensure the whole group made their way safely without getting lost.

Yepa gave a soft hum as Sayrip spoke, wondering what it was like to have the possibility of ruling a pride hanging over your head in your youth. She supposed that wasn't a problem he faced now, though being an ambassador of sorts was certainly a daunting task in its own right, especially since he had to leave everything he knew to live here.

She noticed the group of lions continuing down the path to the free dens and she paused, not wanting to follow. They all deserved a rest and she was sure Sayrip would want to spend as much time with his family as he could.

"It all sounds so interesting," she said honestly, her tone kind. "I look forward to hearing more about your pride, Sayrip, and I do hope you'll rest well tonight. Until tomorrow." Together the Hobbits watched the lanky lions as they made their way around the bed in the path, only retiring to their own dens once they were sure they were safely tucked away for the night.  


Offensive Hero

[IC] Sûzat Lands

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