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Apollo and Horus had hung around the Iknimaya rather frequently so when he and Horus, mainly Horus, had been dispatched to the Suzat with information he had been delighted. Now all those days of flying back and forth, back and forth were finally almost over. Currently he and Apollo were accompanying the royal entourage as they made there way through the Rogue lands towards their allies.

Sayrip seemed to be in a more pleasant mood, probably because of his sister's constant nagging, but probably too because they were suddenly surrounded by open skies and spacious land. It was all stuff they'd never seen before, at least not like this. Having lived in nothing but Jungle for their young lives, this was something beyond them and it had them both at a loss of words. Even their father was rather silent for most of the trip, until one of them was like "DID YOU SEE THAT?!" or something of the sort. It was truly a treat for most of the pride members as a majority of them had never lived outside, save a few of the newer joined lions.

Tuktirey was pleased to be able to see some old faces once again, this trip was one she was familiar with and they had left Sylwannin in charge, along with her mate. They had done fine running the pride before her and Ila had taken over, so she was confident they'd do well for the next few moons while they were away conducting business.

When she had asked for volunteers to come along she was quite surprised at the amount that had decided to come along with them. Of course a number of Guards had also come along but honestly given their numbers alone, anyone that wished to cause trouble would be met with swift paws from the masses.

Seze was in a world of her own as they walked along, day after day. The different sights and sounds were all so wonderful to her and she couldn't help but get sucked into the beauty of the world outside of her pride. Still, she couldn't help but miss the security of her homelands, and the familiarity it held. All of her friends and family were there, except for her brother-who would soon be living elsewhere. Maybe she'd find someone of her own to fall in love with and she could come live with her brother! But then she'd be away from mother and father and she wasn't sure how she felt about that.

Sayrip was still a little sour about the whole thing but he was starting to warm up to the idea-he at least hoped she was pretty. NOT that looks were everything, it was just that he didn't even know who this lioness was and now he was supposed to become a mated pair with her? Surely Ewya had something against stuff like this??? Though honestly it wouldn't be so bad maybe. They were related to so many within their own lands that perhaps this really was his only viable option to find a mate. Even if she was older than him. He just hoped that they got along, he'd hate for them to make this whole trip to find out they had nothing in common. Perhaps if they didn't make a good match, they'd break the whole thing off? Or find him someone new anyway. He wasn't getting his hopes up, his parents were pretty set on the whole thing.

Horus flew above the troupe, as an advance warning party, his eyes on the horizon as he caught an upwards draft and soared higher and higher until they were like ants below him. The one thing he enjoyed about being a bird, the freedom to go wherever he chose. He knew Apollo envied the avians ability to fly away from any situation, maybe one day he'd get a chance to experience such a thing.

Apollo looked towards the sky for a brief moment and then returned his gaze to the party of lions he found himself with, his pale complexion standing out in the sea of blue and other colors. "Are you excited to be seeing everyone again?" Tuktirey smiled and gave a nod of her head.

"Yes, I'm excited to be able to introduce my mate to Arkani as well as my children." The one's that had decided to come along for the venture at least. Maybe she'd be able to pair off any of the other's as well, though really solidifying their alliance was the main thing right now. She had no doubts that they would have a long standing relationship between prides, but it wasn't a bad thing to make sure they had a firm paw in the lands, and she hoped maybe the Suzat would send a child of their own to live within their lands as well.

"It'll be wonderful to see everyone again, I'm excited." Even if he wasn't part of either pride, he was well connected in both of them and sorta found himself in the middle as a rogue friend.

Ila looked over towards his mate and their friend. "This will be good, for all of us." He said with a smile as he caught the end of their conversation. "I'm looking forward to meeting your friends and getting to see this pride for myself." He had heard all about it from Tuktirey after she had returned to the pride and told everyone about what she had seen and learned about them while being there. Lucky for them she also had made good contacts with some other pride members from other prides.

"We are almost there, we will probably make it by sunset." Which meant there may be a dinner waiting for them since they had sent Horus ahead a few days ago to let them know they'd be arriving in a few days. So hopefully Arkani had gotten everything prepared for their arrival. "If we pick up our step we may even get there sooner so let's put a move on it." Ila said as they continued on their way towards the Suzat.

WC: 1023