[ set at current timeline - 6 months in ]

Tecuanith was one who didn't wait: she had all but bounced into the air to stretch her wings when class allowed them, had snatched Nikal to be there early for their first paired flight, and now was eager to have them flying together whenever possible without a watchful eye having to be there. She was as fierce in the air as she was on the ground, however, and Nikal sometimes struggled to hold on as she performed tight turns and powerful surges forward with a savage glee. In practicing, he had learned to be extra cautious regarding riding leathers because of this, or else one day he was just going to slip off when Tec decided to flip on a whim.

Not that he didn't enjoy it himself. Granted, hopping Between for candidate swaps and visiting hot spots wasn't the same as riding your own dragon, but Nikal had had some experience on dragonback. Of course, Tecuanith blew it out of the water and then some as was her wont--maybe a little too much. It was her most endearing quality and perhaps her fatal flaw.

Though he was smart enough not to voice it at least.

At the weyrbowl, Tecuanith had already done a few laps to warm up as he got ready, checking his gloves and boots like he had been instructed the month before. It was a mild day at Western Weyr, and the sun was bright with little cloud coverage. He'd have to be careful they didn't get blinded...