(takes place when Ghaliya was a cub)
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Days passed and Ghaliya's fathers did not return. The lion who had made her den his home, stayed quiet and kept his distance. He continued to hoard her food. Occasionally when he was distracted she would sneak over and get a bite. Instead of relying just on her stolen food, Ghaliya started to do some hunting. She did her best hunting mice and other small animals. Overall she wasn't doing a horrible job, however it would be much easier if there wasn't a jerk lion commenting on her every mistake.

“Are you even trying?” He asked, while watching her pounce at a mouse.

“Usually young hunters play with their prey, not the other way around. That mouse was making a fool of you.”

“It's your fault. If you left me alone I could hunt without distraction.” She responded, sticking out her tongue.

“You're right. Let me let everyone around here know that you are hunting and they all need to be quiet and still so you can actually catch something.” The responded while rolling his eyes. He got up and walked over to her. “When you hunt, the world is not just going to line up your prey so you can easy catch it. You need to understand that the world is not kind, even to us hunters. When you make a mistake your prey gets away and you go hungry. And when you're prey makes a mistake, that is the perfect time for you to strike.”

Ghaliya stared at disbelief as the lion talked. It was literally the most he had spoken to her since he showed up and took her den. She composed herself and glared at him. “If you are such a good hunter why don't you hunt. Show me that you're more than talk.”

The lion laughed at her.

“Why would I want to hunt? I already have food. You're the one who is hungry.” He said with a cheerful smile. “All I was trying to do was help you. I assume that once you actually catch something you eat it and go on your way instead of sticking around here and bothering me while I am trying to rest.”

Ghaliya huffed. Never before had anyone ever just annoyed her over and over just for fun. When her fathers found her, they would show this lion what happens when you pick on a cub. She looked away from the lion and went back to hunting. He returned to watching her from a distance.

Ghaliya ignored him as she searched for some new prey. As soon as the food was gone, he would leave her and she would be at peace again while she waited for her fathers. She just had to be patient and determined. There was no way she was going to give up her home to the dumb lion.

While searching for new prey, she walked quietly not wanting to alert anything in the area. Without the lion watching over her back, her hunt went a lot smoother. She spotted her prey and managed to catch it. It wasn't much, but at least it was something. And she could rub it in the lion's face. She carried her prey back to the den.

“You managed to do it.” He said with a grin. Ghaliya ignored him and ate her catch. It wasn't much but it was enough. “Since it seems that you will be sticking around here, why don't we get properly introduce ourselves?”

Ghaliya glared at him and continued to eat.

“I'll go first then.” He said in his fake cheery voice. “Shinouta is my name.”

Ghalia looked at him and then back to her food, continuing to eat it. His name meant nothing to her. He would be on his way and she would never have to deal with him again.

“You know that some strangers wouldn't be ask kind as I am. I am allowing you to stay here out of the kindness of my heart and trying to make a connection with you. Giving your name seems simple enough gesture.” He said.

“You haven't done a single kind thing since you got here.” Ghaliya muttered as she finished eating the meat.

Shinouta tilted head, pretending to be confused.

“Aw don't be that way. I helped you hunt, let you sneak some of my food when you thought I wasn't looking and let you stay here when it was raining. Another lion who was in my spot would have gladly let you die cold and starving.” He said with a grin.

Her face dropped when he mentioned that he had seen her take some of 'his food'. When she did that she thought she had been so careful!

“I doubt that.” She responded, trying to cover her surprise. Other than her dads, she didn't know that many lions and lioness, but she was fairly certain that they wouldn't make her hunt for herself when there was a pile of food available.

“Someday when you are older you will look back and realize that I was helping you. Why let you be lazy when you could learn to hunt for yourself?” he said.

Ghaliya stood up. “Thank you for your kindness,” she said as sarcastically as she could. “But I think that I will have to find somewhere else to rest from now on.”

Shinouta didn't raise a fuss as she walked away. She thought that maybe if he was stuck all alone, he would move on quicker. The shelter didn't need to be perfect, just somewhere she could stay hidden for the night.

As she walked, she heard some rustling in the bushes. Was that lion seriously following her? And not even well, she thought.

“You are terrible at sneaking!” She yelled as she came to a stop.

“Is that so.” The figure that walked out of the bushes was not the dark lion, but a green one that blended in with his surroundings. “You will be perfect bait to get that lion away from the den and away from that food. Selfish b*****d hoarding it to himself.”

Ghaliya stepped away from the lion. Having one lion after her food was enough but now two?!

“It's not even his!” She managed to cry out. “He took it from me.”

“I took it from you, so it is mine.” Shinouta said, walking into the clearing. He looked at Ghaliya and then to the lion. “I heard some shouting. If you could be a little quieter so I could sleep I would appreciate it.”

Liar, she wanted to say, but held back. There was no way he made it from the den to here that quickly. He had to have followed her.

The green lion looked pleased.

“Well I just need to kill you and then that food is mine.” He said, approaching Shinouta.

“Just kill the cub and eat her. She's going to end up dead anyways.” Shinouta said, turning around. “I just wanted you to be quiet. I have no interest in fighting you.”

Ghaliya's jaw dropped. This lion was an actual monster.

The green lion snickered. “I guess that I will deal with you first than cub.” He said. But Ghaliya bolted and ran to Shinouta, making sure to put him in harms way. He could take a hit from that lion and probably be alright, but if attacked her she knew that it would hurt like hell.

“Come back here.” The green lion yelled taking a swipe. His paw collided with Shinouta's back, cutting in deeply. Shinouta let out a loud growl before turning around and glaring at the green lion. Ghaliya stepped back, fearing what would happen if either of them noticed her. mercilessly Shinouta attacked the green lion, never giving the other lion a chance to retaliate. Soon the green lion was lying on the ground motionless. Ghaliya stared at him with a scared like awe. She didn't expect him to fight so hard. She was certain that he lion was nothing but a lazy bum.

“Are- are you okay?” she stuttered.

“Mostly fine. Just need some rest.” He grumbled.

“Thank you for saving me.” Ghaliya said quietly.

“Saving you? All I did was attack him after he attacked me.”

“I bet if he went after me seriously you would have stepped in and help.” Ghaliya smiled. She wasn't sure if he would or not, but she was hopeful. “I can put some herbs on your back. My dads showed me which leafs help with healing.”

“Did they now?” He said, raising an eyebrow. “So you're telling me you're not completely useless. Interesting.”

“If I help you, will you let me eat some of the meat?” she asked.

“After you use your plants. If they don't help you will end up just like that idiot.” Shinouta said, pointing to the lion on the ground.

Ghaliya nodded her head. It wasn't a perfect situation, but at least she made peace a little with Shinouta. “My name is Ghaliya.” she said.

The two of them went back to the den, leaving the body of the green lion for scavengers to pick at.

WC: 1,523