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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[PRP] Family Tides (Kiri, Aryale + Dergs)

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Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:09 am
Dad was still looking awful. Aryale had done what she could, in what limited time she was allowed to herself, to help with the change in weyrs for her parents - half a man couldn't fly a dragon so the beach had made sense. Yet standing there in the sand, she couldn't help but feel like she'd let them down, hadn't done enough.

You are aware that is nonsense, my love. Yaguareth, her beautiful, beloved, wondrous Yaguareth, had grounded her through all things. "Of course," Aryale relented, resting a hand against her dragon's neck thoughtfully. It was a burden she'd grown into and it had not simply fallen off of her shoulders without some effort. In fact, it still clung with everything happening all at once. Having a family was hard, but - Better with, than without. Her family felt more than triple in size when she considered Yaguareth's brothers and sisters.

Yaguareth considered this for a moment, looking out into the water. Perhaps she was checking to make sure a certain offender was not out and about that day to terrorize. It was at least a nice enough day to be out along the beach now that Aryale's family tasks were done - for now. Perhaps she could... Felisath, would you and yours be interested in spending some time with mine and me?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2019 1:45 pm
The brown haired girl had been in the Barracks, soaking up what little free time she’d been given to write back to her remaining family in High Reaches. K’din was all she had left, and K’ell’s unexpected death had shaken them both. Though she hadn’t known him long, the brown rider had been all but adopted into the family after Shinnikan’s death, and Kiri had spent a great deal of time with him while in mourning at the Weyr. His loss had reopened wounds that Felisath had helped heal upon Impression--and while the pain was duller than it might have been otherwise, it had hurt enough to leave another bruise upon her heart. K’din was all she had left, and the distance was hard. She had no intention of leaving Western Weyr, but she couldn’t wait until she was able to meet with her brother once more. K’din, she knew, needed the companionship and assurance--and Kiri didn’t wish to take another brother for granted.

She felt Felisath stir before the green dragon’s eyes opened from where she’d been curled up, lightly dozing. What is it? She asked, sending nothing but love into the link. The little green’s eyes whirled a brighter, deeper blue, and she gave a soft croon in pleasure. Yaguareth and Hers have invited us out. The green didn’t even have to ask.

Tell them we’ll be there soon. Felisath always enjoyed time with her sisters, and Kiri could only be cooped up in the Barracks so long before she had a need to get out. It didn’t take long for her to finish her correspondence. Sealing it, she rolled it up, tied it to Felidae’s offered leg, and sent the bronze along.

By this point, Felisath was fully awake, and eager to see her sister. The little green was so eager for love and acceptance and delighted when one of her sisters called her out specifically. She would never say as much, but Kirk knew her hearts, and knew how much joy she felt in what tendrils of fondness she was given from her sisters. Kiri, for her part, was only too happy to meet up with Aryale. Her fellow greenrider had been going through a time of it--between Erastan now a “fellow” weyrling once more, and her father’s Threadfall injury--life had thrown her all sorts of unpleasantness. It would be good to catch up, or at minimum, check in.

Heading down to the beach, Felisath walked delicately next to Hers. Eager as she might have been, the shy green didn’t wish to outpace Hers. “Aryale, Yaguareth,” she called out in greeting, sending a good-natured wave and a smile. Felisath, for her part, gave a happy croon to both. At present, the beach seemed relatively quiet, which meant she didn’t have to be overly worried or overwhelmed. Smaller social circles were much more her style.



Shy Mage


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 8:44 am
Let us wait just a moment, Yaguareth bid Aryale, quietly informing her of the invitation. It was better to not simply wander off and hope the pair could find them now that they knew they were coming. Had Aryale not been such a social creature, and the invitation not been such a fond friend, perhaps she would have found it in herself to be annoyed that she'd not been asked first. As it stood, she was grateful to have a little company.

"Kiri, Felisath!" Aryale rested one hand on her hip, settling her weight on the same leg, and returned the wave with her other. Yaguareth stepped around her, thrumming in reply to Felisath. While she had no desire to simply trample over all problems in dear Felisath's life, there was a mindfulness to her preferences that Yaguareth couldn't help. Would you have chased all others from the beach if you had to? Aryale teased adoringly, falling into step beside her towards Kiri.

"Sure is nice to be on the beach when someone isn't threatening to kill you," Aryale joked to break any ice there may have been about it. Maybe it was a little dark, but it felt easier to say it when she was completely and totally safe; not just because she was in company, but Yaguareth's bond offered her confidence and security. Yaguareth's eyes briefly ringed with red at the thought, diligently checking the beach again - as though she hadn't just done that - before they were replaced with calmer blues.

There was no place for such anger when Felisath was here, as far as Yaguareth was concerned, offering a bump of her head against the smaller green's affectionately. It is a pleasure you could join us, she greeted pleasantly, It may only be a walk, but it is better for your company.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 10:15 pm

Kiri was pleased to see Aryale in such good spirits, though she did make a face at her greeting. Not meant, of course, at Aryale but simply due to the unfortunate circumstances that she referenced. "What a relief--even better when you've a dragon who can actually do something about it if it were to happen again!" She added, giving Yaguareth a pleased grin. No doubt the green would defend Aryale if she needed it, though Kiri was quite certain the girl was probably better able to hold her own since The Incident.

Felisath's eyes whirled momentarily yellow-orange with flecks of red as she felt the surge of distaste and ire bubble up within Hers. She creeled softly at both Aryale and Kiri, knowing full well what Terrible Incident the two were discussing--and wanting very much for them to know that she too, would not allow a repeat. And people wondered at her distaste for boys--never mind that what happened to Aryale well could have had a female instigator just as easily.

It was enough for Kiri to send a wave of reassurance and pleasure at her delicate lady. "Perhaps we can make happier memories instead. That one doesn't get to ruin the beach for you." She added firmly.

Felisath happily accepted her sisters head bump, and any trace of red-orange immediately washed away into a deep blue. We were happy to receive the invitation. Your company is always a joy. She confessed sincerely. There were very few whose company Felisath enjoyed more--Yaguareth and Kleoth were high on her list of preferred clutchmates, though Negoncath and Palleth and a few other sisters were dear to her too.

"Gosh, Yaguareth's getting so big!" Kiri whistled appreciatively, glancing between the bright green and Hers with no small amount of pleasure. Felisath was still larger than Kiri, and greens were known to be the smallest of dragons--but next to Yaguareth and some of the larger greens in the clutch, her petite size was very apparent. "Bigger than some of the blues, I reckon. Think she's just about done growing?" She asked, reaching up to give Hers an affectionate caress. Felisath was perfect, of course, but if Aryale was anything like Kiri, this line of conversation was an easy place to start.


Shy Mage


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 3:52 pm
Aryale gave almost a feral smile - a dragon that would do something about it. She'd not really thought about that blue as a factor in it all beyond being bonded to... "I should hope he'd think twice now," Yaguareth was a fine specimen of a dragon and she couldn't help but puff her chest out proudly. How could she not be? Kiri's acknowledgement (sort of) only added to that growing confidence. They could do anything.

"Don't you worry, Felisath," Aryale answered to that croon from the dragon, "I know you've both got my back if I ever need it." She was very lucky for that too. Not everybody got to have such a support net.

Thumping one of Yaguareth's shoulders, Aryale stepped away from the two greens and tucked her hands into her pockets. "He'd have to fight me to do that - and I'm pretty sure I'd win!" If only out of sheer will.

Yaguareth rumbled pleasantly as the conversation between girls at least twisted to jokes made at his expense - though she knew Aryale considered the whole matter as settled as it was going to be. A shame that she didn't entirely agree. You never need an invitation to join me - consider yourself always welcome, though in this case, it had been very much requested in particular. Felisath had a delicateness to her that was always nice to be around - not fragile, however. Just something that was...hmm.

Aryale gave her a mental nudge and a smirk. As though she didn't know exactly what that was. Then, she turned to stand next to Kiri and join her in looking between the two dragons. "I'm definitely still oiling her long after some of ya'll," she said with no small amount of satisfaction. It was hard work, but nothing about it was miserable when it was for Hers. Surely Kiri felt the same. "I think she'll just keep growing until she's the biggest dragon in all of Pern," which was clearly a joke, as some of the others were still growing at an alarming rate, but... "She's definitely slowing down a bit. But she'll be big. Could hide Felisath under her wing in an instant I'm sure."

Not that she considered a dragon's size to be an indication of quality. It was more an idea that it would be more of hers to look at.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 12:46 pm
Kiri gave a snort and a nod. “I’d say he sure had better think twice, but the fact he was so awful to start doesn’t leave me with much hope. Some riders--” she stopped herself and made a face. Honestly, she didn’t know what Aspalath saw in him, but it wasn’t her place to question. The fact he’d found a lifemate at all at least meant that there had to be some good in him--it was just clearly buried. Honestly, though, that blue rider wasn’t the first she’d wondered about. Not every rider had the honor, patience, and empathy the Teaching Songs painted them up to have.

Giving a shake of her head, she decided she’d had enough talk about him and instead focused on other veins of conversation. It was easy to see Aryale’s pride in her dragon, and Kiri didn’t begrudge her such a thing. Her own love for Felisath had only grown, and her heart couldn’t be more full of pride and love for the best dragon on Pern. “She’ll certainly be a capable green, and the largest of the group I’d say,” she admitted with a laugh. “Quite an imposing lady to be sure, and eye catching to boot.” All meant to be compliments, of course. “Though I’d biasedly like to state there’s something fine to be said about the small greens of the Weyr, too. Maybe not quite as imposing as Yaguareth and certainly not Kleoth, but she has her own talents.” Anxious a green she might be, Kiri knew her love’s hearts deeply, and knew without a doubt that Hers had just as much ferocity as some of her larger sisters. “Still, I have no doubt she would fit easily beneath her wing--there’s not too much there to hide.” She grinned, her words laced with nothing but fondness.

Felisath’s eyes whirled a brighter blue at Yaguareth’s invitation, tucking it away for future consideration. Kiri doubted that the green would ever actually visit without invitation, but the dragon certainly appreciated the offer. How very kind of you--though you have always been nothing but good to me. Unlike some of her sisters that overwhelmed her or intimidated her, Yaguareth always seemed to hit the right note. I trust you’ve been well? She asked with genuine curiosity. Sure, they were in lessons together, and saw one another almost everyday, but that didn’t mind the little green knew what went on with any of her sisters private or personal affairs.

“So, shall we enjoy this boy-free beach before it gets too crowded?” She asked, beginning to stroll a bit closer to the water and sand. She never said no to the beach, after all, and knew Felisath would enjoy it even if she wouldn’t admit to such a thing. “Your Dad doing better?” She asked gently, not wanting to pick a sore topic, but also desirous to give Aryale a place to talk about anything heavy going on in her life. Kiri, for one, knew how hard it could be to open up to others but she at least wanted to let her talk about it if she felt like it.


Shy Mage


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 3:18 pm
If Yaguareth hadn't been so attentively focused on Felisath, Aryale would have taken her head to stroke it as she and Kiri spoke. She'd always told the bond would be life-changing - she'd never really known what that had meant until she felt it for herself though. "All greens are beautiful - and I'll fight any who say otherwise," certainly, she knew any Weyr with their heads screwed on wouldn't simply have dismissed them entirely even if they fell into what was...the natural hierarchy with their dragons.

Wanting to place Yaguareth on a pedestal felt more natural than any of that to her, though.

"Our entire clutch has some lookers, but.....I'll biasedly say we got the finest of the lot," for Aryale it had been more than that. She'd wanted Yaguareth the most of any egg she'd ever gotten to touch - enough to set herself up for disappointment and heartbreak. To have that feeling proven right had been so much more than anything she'd dreamed.

All has been well - the early disasters have settled, A'star was still bedridden, but Miryath had lost that grey luster from when they'd both fallen horrendously from the sky...and the near follow up of Nevidenth and Yu'star had also turned out for the best. And I should hope the same is true for you, Felisath never imposed unless given a chance to, after all. Whether it was her feelings about the boys or some of their less gentle siblings, Yaguareth was happy to help her navigate any of them.

"We should before anybody suddenly bursts from the water to bother us," Aryale agreed, half jogging past Kiri so that she hit the water first. She paused to start peeling her boots off, tossing each of them back up the beach as they came off.

"Dad is...stable at least. It'll be months still until he's up and at-'em with some help. So he'll at least be able to do something, I hope, before the end of the Turn."

[IC RP] Western Weyr

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