Dadayl was past the borders. This was the furthest past the border than she'd been since she was a young, lonely adolescent who stumbled across the borders and swore fealty to its jarl. She wasn't particularly fond of leaving her home, but sometimes needs must and all that. With the only active trader injured from a scuffle with some outsiders, she was forced to leave the lands herself for the wares she needed.

Still, it wasn't awful. Dadayl enjoyed travelling and she made her way to the pride borders pretty often for having her home far more central to the pride. And occasionally, some of her herd did tend to wander further than she anticipated.

This was different though. She left Verktygs in charge of her herd with promises of a few new calves being promised to his own her, and struck out. She'd been walking for days, at this point, and she could smell the sea like she had turned herself around and made it back home, but to a place she hadn't recognized at all.

Ahe wasn't one to venture far from his home. He'd been born and raised in the Bahari and had never set one paw outside its borders his whole life, much preferring the sanctuary the thick forest offered between him and the rest of the world. Well...most of the rest of the world. In recent years their neighbors had made their presence known and a back and forth alliance slash enemies debacle had been set upon them. Things were still a bit tense now but nothing dramatic had happened since the death of their king and, quite frankly, Ahe was thankful for the peace and quiet.

His dear friend Moana, however, had gotten a taste for adventure after the arrival of the band of Reavers from the Stormborn and now she traveled to prides outside of the reach of the Bahari, starting alliances and bringing in new blood. It was a bit terrifying to the old-fashioned male, but whenever she returned she was always so delighted and full of stories that he couldn't help but be curious.

It was what had drawn him to the edge of the pride today. Ahe gazed out past the edge of the trees, the smell of salt air still tingling his nose, and with a deep breath he stepped out into the grasslands. It was slightly terrifying but invigorating at the same time and he knew now what drove Moana to explore.

Before he got far, though, he spotted an unfamiliar face not far from him. He froze, ears forward and eyes intent on the stranger. She seemed to be coming this way and while the Bahari was technically a friendly pride, strangers were looked upon with distrust still. He'd best ward her off for her own sake.

"Careful," he called out once she was close enough. "The pride ahead is wary of newcomers. Might be best to seek another route."

Something seemed vaguely familiar about the lion that called out to her, but not in a way a Seer would know another by gazing into their being, but in the way that she'd seen someone similar before. Perhaps not in coloration, but in features? She shook the thought from her head and stepped closer to the other. She wasn't one for shouting, and she wasn't about to start.

The lands didn't really smell of a pride, only salt and sea, but she wouldn't be surprised that a pride's scent was masked by the scent.

That wasn't surprising.

"I don't plan on staying here long, if at all." She told the other. If he knew about the pride, he was either leaving it or part of it. "Are you part of this pride, by chance?"

The lioness continued to press forward but Ahe wasn't alarmed. She was welcome, of course, though the guards at the border would surely accompany her into the pride rather than letting her be free to roam. So long as she was peaceful she would be allowed to stay, if that was her goal.

"I am," he confirmed as she approached, speaking at a normal volume now that she was closer. "The Bahari'mtoto are peaceful so long as those that visit are, but we've had trouble lately with strangers mucking up our livelihood so all are taken warily at first." She didn't look like she was here to stir things up, but none of the others had either.

Well. Maybe the Reavers with all the scars and the cocky attitudes.

"I'm Ahe," he said, offering his name.

Dadayl inclined her head a bit in a nod, taking in the information. "That is understandable." She knew of a few friendly prides or peaceful prides through the exchange of information within her own pride. Information, if important, was something that was worth something. It was something she occasionally paid for, but rarely provided.

Perhaps it was her turn to be able to trade information for a change. Everything had value, after all. "My pride has been stirred up as well, I am out looking for new trade routes myself, though not many other prides farm I have noticed."

It had honestly taken Ahe this long to realize this lioness might not be a rogue, but someone from another pride as well. It just went to show how often he thought about places that weren't his own pride.

"And where are you from?" he asked before stumbling over one of the words she used. Farm?

"And...what is farm?" he added, nose wrinkling slightly as he tried out the sound of the word. The Bahari certainly didn't do whatever that was, or perhaps her pride simply used a strange word for something like building dens.

"My pride is called Vaeringjar. Its a long way from here," She admitted. This probably wouldn't be a viable route for heavier items or individuals, but perhaps this pride had something that would be worth it.

"Ah, yes farming," She nodded. "We foster hers of prey and the food they eat so that we have a fresh supply of food all year round." She explained it the best she could. She was a livestock farmer herself, and so was Verktygs, but there were a few plant farmers as well, who she traded with most often.

"We trade amongst ourselves and other prides, but with our old routes cut off, I am out finding new ones."

Vaeringjar...hm. Didn’t ring any bells, though there weren’t many bells to ring when it came to Ahe. He knew of the Kizingo’zaa and the Sûzat, but that was only because of Moana’s discovery of the latter and proximity to the former. Oh, and he supposed he knew of those Stormborn lot as well.

As she explained farming to him Ahe tilted his head in confusion and wonder. They had herds that lived in the forest but they didn’t do much for them, though he supposed they relied on the Bahari to keep other foes away.

“Interesting...I’ve never heard of that before,” he said honestly, not worried about being ridiculed. “I’m not sure we have much to trade with you, I’m afraid. And even if we did our king is...mm. He’s looking for allies but in a very measured way.”

"Not many prides practice farming," she agreed. Her search hadn't resulted in anything so far, but she was determined. She didn't mind that this pride might not result in anything. She gave a put upon sigh but nodded. "That makes sense, it's good to be wary of strangers."

She smiled at him. She still couldn't shake the feeling that he was familiar. She didn't want to waste her time here, though and she made her choice to take her departure.

"Thank you for indulging me, I'll carry on in my search," She told him kindly.

“I see,” Ahe said with a little nod. It didn’t sound like something lions did frequently but perhaps her pride wasn’t just home to lions. He had learned that other prides allowed all sorts of types in.

“Good luck,” he said, giving a little nod of his head as she shifted to move. “Perhaps you can visit another time when our borders are less tight.” He did hate to see curious lions turned away, but if it wasn’t in their interests to be bothered with the heavy security currently in place it was best to let them continue on.

Ahe resumed his watch, keeping an eye out in the distance for a familiar silhouette. He’d have to ask Moana if she’d been to any prides with farming when she returned.