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          tab Living as an elf, there were always whispers in the wind. Most were petty and, if he was honest, ill fitting uses to the wolf in question’s time. Others, however, surpassed scandalous. Others shook him to his bones, much like that lumbering giant of a Troll had. What he'd heard during his rounds this morning had been one of those. He'd stopped in tracks and turned towards the gossiping party, mouth agape as he struggled with his wording before simply asking them to cease. He'd known they'd simply start up again when he left, but that wasn't his concern any more.

          tab Fell Fire’s attention had shifted to the she-wolf that was the subject of their hushed babbling, Shaded Amaryllis. It was true, he hadn't seen her about but many of the pack had changed their habits since moving. He didn't see any reason to hold that against any one particular member when so many more were guilty of the same. That wasn't entirely troubling, though. What got to him more was the claims that she took her own pup’s life. Had that gotten back to her? Did she know what the elves whispered right outside their dens? Before he was fully aware of it, he was moving toward the dens of the Court. He wasn't quite sure what he was doing, but there had to be something he could do, right? He hadn't made it a few feet before hearing another elf speak.

          tab “I heard she killed it just because! Can you believe that?”

          tab Fell’s throat went dry and he clenched his teeth, the muscles in his jaw flexing with the effort it took to restrain himself. He told himself to keep walking, ignore their petty nonsense.

          tab “Well I heard the pup’s sire was really a Troll. She must have been so ashamed, that's why she killed it.”

          tab The accusing tone with which this pack member was speaking about a member of the Court did him in. Without thinking, he spun on his paws and leveled the tittering wolves with a sharp glare. “How dare you,” he snapped harshly, looking between them with disdain. “Chronicler Amaryllis may be many things but she is not a traitor or a murderer. It'd do you good to remember that when picking the targets of your nonsense.

          The Moshmonster
          Amaryllis steps in…