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!Welcome to the Borderlands!

Alright, for a little bit of a recap with the story, I first suggest watching this sorta kinda Recap Video told by Marcus

Alright, so now you are caught up if you haven't played the games (Which they are super fun so I really suggest trying it out~) Anywho, the worlds (Yes, Words. Plural, More than One!) are filled with many many things that could kill you. Besides the many many creatures that can kill you with acid, ice, electricity, etc., There are the Children of the Vault, a family of Psychos and Murderers armed to the teeth with Guns and Buzzsaws. The C.O.V. are lead by the Calypso Twins, powerful leaders looking to become Gods of the Borderlands~
But you are in luck for you won't be alone. Within your journey, there are powerful Warriors called Vault Hunters who are in search of Alien Technology which are within places called the Vault. Also, Lead by the Siren, Lilith, are the Crimson Raiders, a band of warriors who are fighting for their freedom and to stop the C.O.V. from getting to the Vaults.

Alright, lets talk about each planet. There is Pandora, the main planet where you play in all three games, and the new planets with the help of the Sanctuary to travel to if you don't have a ship, can take you to Planets like Promethea, Home of the Atlas Corporation lead by Rhys, Athenas, a planet filled with Monks ready to protect their home with the help of the Siren, Maya, and Eden 6, a Swamp-like Planet that is the home of the Jacobs Corporation, lead by Wainwright Jacobs. Each Place within each planet will be marked to where it won't be hard to find which planet they are at like this: Planet Pandora: Yadda Yadda Yadda, you get what I'm saying. Anywho, ENJOY and remember, there Ain't No Rest for the Wicked