The sounds of the ocean through the open windows and door were calming, inviting on such a warm, toasty afternoon. The changing of seasons was starting to turn, but the warmth of the ocean-side hut still had Ezyzu in shorts and a sleeveless shirt. Sat in the middle of the floor of her hut, good leg folded beneath her, her fingers gently worked the muscles of her healing leg to help the muscles loosen up. Two months had flown by, and within the next few days, she’d be returned to active falls. It was a determination to heal again, to fight again and not let thread batter her down -- scars and nightmares be damned.

Khamaith’s head was wedged in the doorframe, her rider’s pillows having been slid beneath so that she had a soft place to rest, and it heartened Ezyzu that her dragon had made a point to always stay within the closest distance that she could some days. No doubt it looked potentially odd to anyone who was looking at her hut, to see the gold dragon resting her head inside while the rest of her body curled around.

Let them think what they will. Khamaith yawned, nestling into the pillows beneath her -- something the young gold had done when she was much smaller, and the size difference now made no deterration. Atop her head, Ascella chirped and resettled between larger headknobs. I’d be in the hut if I could once more.

The woman laughed, soft, warm; beaming at her beloved. ’Maybe that’s why it feels so empty in here. Flying with you is wonderful, but I do miss when we fit in the same cot.’

As do I, but I wouldn’t trade flying with you for anything, my treasured girl. A vibrant eye slowly peeled open, peering curiously at her rider on the floor. It feels empty, though? How so?

This gave the young woman pause, glancing around her room. It was a standard room; she was any other rider in Western. No abundance of space due to her impression, thank Faranth. The furnishings were cozy. Some keepsakes were displayed; such as the lacquered piece of Khamaith’s shell from Pavari, a painting of a young Khamaith and Baihath playing--the twin to the one she’d given Alya, and lacquered pieces of Ascella’s shell from that warm day. Soft chairs, warm blankets folded up for space and tidiness. Her shelves and closet were all tucked away, folded tighter than normal.

There had been so many days where it had been the three of them, however… Perhaps it was about who was not spending free time with them.

Xanael was.. a complicated subject for Ezyzu to think about. He meant so much to her, yet they’d been working on their dance for over a turn, now that she thought about it. Granted that some of that dance had been put on hold when she had to devote time to her weyrling studies as her goldrider lessons had increased. But oh, the irony in that their dance had been paused once more. She’s ever so glad to have dragged her aching body to the hatching grounds to have seen Killakeeth’s clutch hatch -- though Khamaith might have found more worries to occupy her time, it had been wonderful to see some of her dearest friends find their dragons, to see their faces alight with impression. Xanael--X’ael! She must remember that now--had found the most perfect blue in Cucuaranath, and she had to work on recovering from her injuries.

From the side, Khamaith watched her rider lose herself to her thoughts. Do you.. regret him finding His? It’s a cautious question, as it startles Ezyzu back to the present.

’N-no, not at all.’ Shaking her head, Ezyzu rubbed the healing scars a bit more roughly than intended, wincing. “Oof, ow --” ’Cucuaranath is a delight, and I was so happy to be able to witness it--’

And that they impressed here at Western?

The pinpoint startles a laugh out of her. ’Yes, yes -- you caught me. Though I think he dropped from the swap.’ Shaking her head, Ezyzu rolled onto her back to stare up at her ceiling, rolling her left shoulder in slow circles. ’I mean.. I do miss having him around. It feels.. weird now, I suppose. I got used to him being around.’ From this angle, she’s able to peer up at her open closet, able to see..

Did she always push her things to one side?

Her garments all hung, gently pressed together; a few hung dresses for the next occasion to dress up for, her riding jackets, … and beside them all, a few pieces of clothing that weren’t hers. A jacket, a few shirts.

Ezyzu gently rolled up, taking a slow minute to stand and make certain her leg was still having a good day. She gently moved a few hanging items on the rack, her thumb rubbing over the cuff of a jacket too large for her. When had she done this? Had just made room for X’ael’s clothing in with hers? Pacing over to her dresser, she was almost mildly surprised that her clothes were nice and neatly folded.. to one side once more. Curious facets followed Ezyzu the entire time, as the pieces started to fall together.

I didn’t realize you were doing it unconsciously. You’ve been doing it for a while now.

’Have I really?’

Yes. Crooning from where she lay, Khamaith pushed a gentle wave of love through their bond. Ezyzu turned, smiling at her beloved girl before coming over to rub the tender spot on her nose just between the nostrils, kiss the space between her facets. Is this.. a bad revelation? You are fond of X’ael, are you not?

’Mm, not bad, no.’ She gazed at her bed, to the open closet, to her dresser. X’ael was someone she was fond of, yes. But when had she made space in her home just for him? When had she let that door open that he might fill?

When had she fallen in love with him?

It’s not the thunderstrike of realization that she’d always heard about. She isn’t floored, about to faint at the final conclusion she had fallen for the boy she’d been having a.. dalliance? No, that’s not a fitting word for what they had going on. A slow-tempo dance, she’d just failed to see when the song had changed to one more romantic. She was in love with one of her dearest friends, one that she admittingly had been having some relations with, but it was there. A soft feeling, one that filled her with delight. The thought of it warmed her heart, making her smile softly, like a hidden treasure all her own. A hand found Khamaith’s head, gently scritching her eyeridges as she beamed at her beloved girl.

’ how in Between do I tell him.’

The truth always works.

A soft sigh, a weary but happy smile. ’Perhaps it does, but right now.. He needs to focus on his lessons, on Cucuaranath. I don’t want to be a distraction, or Faranth forbid make that tentative bond…’ She trailed off, shuddering.

You are more responsible than that. Take heart, my darling girl.

With the waves of love and support, Ezyzu smiled, gently sitting down next to her beloved Khamaith’s head, stroking down the side of her muzzle. ’Perhaps after he’s reached senior weyrlinghood, I’ll find the time to. If he hasn’t found someone else.’ The derisive snort from Khamaith startles her. ’What?’

Oh, nothing. I thought I felt something tickle my nose. No, she knew, she SAW how X’ael had looked at her beloved rider when Ezyzu could not see. But this was not her information to share, and only soaked in the contact as her darling girl leaned against her cheek. No, time would tell if there would be anything to come of her rider’s revelation.