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    • Abide by all Gaian ToS and Kells Shop rules. Those come first, before any pack ruling. If you have a question, please PM/DM Shia.
    • Players, be kind. Be considerate. Respect your fellow Gaians.

    Lifemate Ceremonies: Updated!
    • In-shop life mate rules apply, however at this time The Murkwood Court is in no position to enforce their 'old' ways. The counsel has agreed to allow members and rogues alike to mate (and grieve) however they see fit. For OG members purposes: Partnerships were viewed as two 'Earth Bound' souls recognizing one another at long last. The bond was considered to be eternal during the peak of the Elven Kingdom. Divorces or separations of any kind were not performed/observed, and in the event of loss a widowed wolf was expected to remain alone, devoting their energy entirely to the pack until their own death. Those who chose to separate after a ceremony did so at their own discretion, knowing it would likely ruin their reputation. Behind the scenes, particularly when it came to the Royal Family and higher ranking members, it wasn't uncommon to find a few flings happening despite the separations/losses.
    • Partnerships held between any and all genders are smiled upon and the ceremonies a big occasion. At present, however, unions and their celebrations are far less extravagant and tend to be intimate, held between elders/Terran who 'officiate' and the couples themselves.
    • Rogue unions are more encouraged than they are discouraged. Prior to the Fallen Era, children born out of wed-lock would be shunned. At present, the Counsel welcomes most members regardless of how they find the pack.
    • Elders and Terran are the only ones who can officiate a partnership.

    Naming rules:
    • Elven children are given two-part names. The first is decided by the father upon birth, the second by their mother after 6 mo. (OOCly your character can already have both names pre-determined for certing purposes. Ex. 'Blooming Grove' or alternatively 'Snapdragon')
    • Tradition speaks of an Elven child's 'father-name' being a synonym or a spin-off of the father's given name. (Ex. 'Flower Bloom' fathered the child, 'Blooming Grove')
    • Tradition speaks of an Elven child's 'mother-name' being an attribute, landmark, or character trait that the child exhibits. (Ex. 'Blooming Grove', where a local grove covered in autumn leaves reminded the mother of her child)
    • Less common, but a custom shared with the older members is a third name claimed by the Elven child when they reach their second year. There is no clear format on how this name is chosen, or what the theme should be. This practice is fading quickly.
    • Rogues must keep their given names. The distinction helps differentiate between the true blood from the outsiders.
    • Rogues may utilize these naming traditions for their children, however, so long as those children are born within the pack.

    • A soft, elegant speech was created during the first era, meant to segregate The Court's ancestors from the rest of the world. It was coveted, translations kept a secret, and passed down for generations. Now, archaic and dying, it is spoken only amongst the few remaining Elves in private, with their families and the Elders -- lest they attract any unwanted attention.
    • The language is forbidden out in public, and those caught using it are given fair warning before severe actions are taken. As it stands, no member is so stubborn as to risk their life, and so this has not been an issue.
    • OOC: To denote a shift into the The Courts secret language, please set the speech in all three text patterns (Underline, Italics, and Bold) as well as choosing a different color for the text itself. Any color will do, but please stick to one per character as it will represent the 'tone' of that wolf's particular voice. Wolves with similar colors might have similar vocal ranges, or cadences to their speech.
    (ie. "It is not safe to speak here." )

    Coat rules:
    • Original members tend to favor shades of brown, from deep to creamy, however there are currently no coat restrictions.

    Dye rules:
    • Simple and elegant dyes are preferred. Most elves choose shades of green, but have been known to explore the full spectrum of color.
    • Rogues may join with a dye already applied, regardless of the style.
    • Rogues who want a dye applied after joining are expected to abide by the dye restrictions. Choosing to do otherwise may result in their reputation being tarnished.


    ((OOCly, this is your character. You choose the name that works for you! All that we ask is that you keep the naming tradition in mind, as it will enhance the RP environment. Additionally, players/wolves who choose not to abide by these rules may face IC inquiries and dirty looks. You knew what you were getting into when you joined.))

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