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Y'shtola x Ysayle x Cyr

Y'shtola rolled around in the snow with little care in the world. She enjoyed the coldness and how the snow felt against her fur. She stopped when she caught a glimpse of a small creature bouncing about in the snow, she licked her lips and got up but kept low into the snow. Did her eyes spot a hare in the distance? Her stomach let out a loud rumble so loud she thought that even the hare might have heard.

But, to her luck it was only an exaggeration on her part. She quietly began to move in the snow, slowly and steady careful not to make loud crunches with her big paws. Her dark eyes glued to her prize as he bounced about. She noticed the hare stop suddenly and she sunk down low keeping still as possible so she blended well into the snow. The hare looked in her direction as if sensing danger.

Just when she thought the hare had caught on, it then turned away and went back into it's hop mode. She watched as it shifted the snow looking for something to eat. She smiled, good because she needed her hare to be nice and fat ready for her. Once she felt like the hare had become distracted in finding food she continued to inch her way closer and each time she drew closer she would stop because the hare would once again look her way.
Surely, if the hare had spot her it would had taken off but lucky for her that her fur blended in nicely.

Just as she got closer she crouched and positioned herself watching the hare who now had it's back to her. She knew now was the time and leaped towards the hare, who turned around just in time to catch glimpse of it's killer. The hare's eyes widen big as Y'shtola pressed down on but something hit her own her side pushing her off.

"Ooof? What the heck?" she turned and found a female lioness growling at her.

The hare quickly got up and ran off, didn't go far though stopping and watching the scene play out. The female leopard narrowed her eyes "You better have a good excuse for freeing my meal."

The lioness's crimson eyes looked dull and bored "Not really."

Y'shtola growled. The way that female lion looked to her pissed her off. She got up and smirked "Not every day I see a lion protect a prey or perhaps you wanted the hare? My bad, didn't mean to try to steal your snack. I call it a snack because a big thing like you wouldn't be satisfied with something like that."

Ysayle narrowed her eyes at the leopard. Did that leopard just call her fat?! She growled "Another word and it will be your last." she bared her fangs.
The leopard laughed "Now come on, do you take me lightly? I'm pretty hungry so hungry I might just have to try to eat a lion."

Ysayle smirked "I'd like to see you try that." she then got into attack stance mode.

Y'shtola as well went into attack mode, she was first to lunged at the the lioness. Her big paw coming in contact with the female lion's face, sending the female lion back into the snowy ground with great force. She looked at the lioness with a smirk but it faded pretty quickly when the lioness got back up and pounced on the leopard. She could feel the claws digging in and the lioness's hot breath on her neck, she didn't chomp down yet to rip out her throat. She closed her eyes and her heart raced as she awaited death to take her.

But it never came. The lioness got off and she just smacked her "Leave before I decide to end you."

Y'shtola blinked her eyes "What?"

The lioness growled "Did you not hear me? I said leave!"

The leopard seemed shocked, what kind of lion was this? She got up from the snow. Suddenly the leopard decided it was best not to take on the lioness.
She let out a sigh and flicked her tail "Never mind, I'll just go and find myself something else to eat. Enjoy your hare!"

As she began to walk she was heading in the direction of the hare. The hare watched her with fright and she looked towards the hare "Consider this your lucky day prey! Be it not for that lion you'd be in my belly right now." she said to it.

The hare looked towards the lioness. He was shivering with fear and was scared the leopard might take back her word and kill him anyways. But to his surprise the leopard simply just pushed him aside with her front paw gently, he quickly did a barrel roll in the snow while hopping away towards the lioness who watched them both. He seemed both nervous and overjoyed that his life was sparred today. He approached the female lioness who saved him who simply just looked to him with little interest.

Y'shtola glanced back at the two, they seemed to make a weird pair. Perhaps that lioness was part of Schnee? She did hear that the pride favored hares as companions. It would make sense for a lion to defend a hare if that was the situation. Still, the lioness didn't have much of a smell to her and just seemed to be a loner.

Weird if that was the case to protect something that most lions might consider prey. If she was wondering in the snow for days alone anything that could be eaten would sound nice to her, but she wasn't a lion nor was she part of schnee to understand the dynamic of a partnership with a hare. Sucks she lost out on lunch looks like she'll just have to try extra hard to find something to eat before nightfall. She'll be dammed if another lion stops her from her meal. She continued in a sulk for dinner.

WC - 1,007