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Galaxia & Proteus

Galaxia seemed troubled for her son. She wished he would stop disappearing for days without a word to her. She knew that he was grown now but she still doted on him as if he was still just a cub. She sat on a large boulder while looking up at the starry sky. It was clear night with no clouds in sight.

In the distance she could see a form heading her way at top speed. She frowned and hopped off the boulder giving the figure a stern look once it came to a halt before her. There standing there with a new fresh claw mark to the cheek was her son. His eyes averted her gaze and she sighed "What happened this time?" she sternly asked.

"Stupid big beast thought he had the best of me." he growled.

He kept his eyes looking elsewhere. He feared the look his mother was giving right now. But he could guess, probably confusion and a tad bit of anger. When she said nothing her silence made him uncomfortable which lead him to look her way.

Galaxia frowned at Proteus. She just shook her head with disapproval.

"What have I've told you? Do not pick up fights with things that are larger then you!" she lectured.

"What was it this time? Please tell me it wasn't a lion."

Her son has done some pretty questionable things, so it wouldn't surprise her if this was the case. She glared at her son waiting for an answer. He seemed bothered by the question and once again averted his eyes from her. Only making it pretty obvious.

"REALLY? A lion?" she snapped.

He hanged his head low. His ears flatten. He was preparing for her to unleash her wrath.

"It..was his fault.." he said quietly.

Galaxia blinked at her son with disbelief.

Proteus growled "He was after the same thing I was after! He threw me off from my run..." he snarled "Took my food!"

She couldn't help but laugh. Her son was truly foolish and thick headed, shaking her head her anger began to wash off. She could never stay angry. Let alone be angry at her own son. She moved closer towards him and licked at his wound earning her son to recoiled from her touch "Stay still, so I can clean your wound!" she said softly.

Proteus sighed. He kept glancing around as if worried someone may stumble such an embarrassing moment.

"That's enough! Please, I can bear no more.." he said while inching away from his mother. He really hated how she doted so much on him. He was a grown boy after all! He doesn't recall his mother being this overly needy of his other siblings. He's not even the youngest! Not to mention he had a twin, speaking of twins he wondered what his brother was up to.

His mother smiled "Next time you'll know your place! You may be faster but a lion is stronger."

"Yeah, yeah." Proteus grumbled. Not enjoying thinking more of that pompous lion. He can still picture that jerk's triumph smirk as he made off with his food. To think that lions where thought to be kings pissed him off.

"Do you always have to dote on me so much?" he frowned "Perhaps it was time you had some more cubs..."

Galaxia blinked "Oh is that so? Do you wish to have more siblings?"

She was beginning to feel lonely these days. It wouldn't be such a bad thing to bring more cubs into the world. She loved being a mother. It seems her children now being old didn't need her much anymore, which didn't make her sad just a bit lonely.

Proteus snorted.

He looked to Galaxia "Well I mean, you enjoy being the doting wouldn't hurt?" he kind of felt awkward now. Was he being pushy? It's not like she had to go out of her way and go have cubs again just because he said so. At least he hoped she didn't take it personally. It's not his business what she does.

"I mean if that is what you want?" he laughed "Or I guess you can continue to treat me like a baby" he joked.

Galaxia grinned "Oh. How will your mate feel when you bring her home to me? Would she be uncomfortable with me acting like your still my baby?"

Proteus narrowed his eyes "Pft? A mate? I'd never even entertain the thought!" not even his own mother seemed interested in finding a mate. He didn't even know his own father! Since his mother didn't talk about him other then the fact he was a one time fling. He wondered if his father even knew he had kids. His mother has always been a free spirited sort of cheetah and didn't follow basic traditional rules, being not part of a pride made things easier for her.

Even made things easier for him. He didn't want to be part of a pride or group of some sort, he enjoyed the freedom. Though getting into scuffs with rogue lions was probably not the best thing for him, a bitter reminder as his deep scratch began to sting once more. Though he couldn't help but desire the idea of messing up that lion if he ever saw him again. He felt his pride be picked away with that stupid lion.

He wouldn't let this go. He hated carrying grudges but that fight deserved a rematch. No way was he a joke. He would show that lion not to mess with him and take what he claimed his.

He looked to his mother "Shall we sleep?" he was feeling a tad tired, that run back was a long one. He headed over towards the large boulder big enough for two and he laid down stretching out.

His mother just nodded and headed over towards the boulder, laying beside her son. She closed her eyes hoping when she woke up in the morning he didn't once again run off and do something stupid.


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