He did a lot of watching, finding his way to the very fringes of societies to sit with the earthly desires dumped by earthly beings. It was... precious, how they always underestimated him. How they thought they could rid of him so easily?

Dear Mortals, Temptation will always linger on the peripherals. You can not, will not, escape me. Your urges will be the flavor on my tongue, your resistance a perfume in which I will follow until I find you. And once you have had a taste of desire, it will be nearly impossible to go back. Knowing is your enemy, and I am a great harbinger of that.

The fringes... they were a hoarder’s paradise for the God, sitting side-by-side with the temptations of mortals; biding his time.

Patiently, which turned out to be the only virtue Majari harbored plenty of. It leant well to his love of the game. The riper the fruit, the sweeter the reward, after all. And try as they might to cast him aside, so long as he got to them eventually; his mortal puppets would never disappoint.

This one wanted love. That one wanted revenge. And another, some ways off, raged for both and in time Majari would cross their paths and invite them all to participate. To let go. He couldn’t hear their every whisper of want, but he could feel it. All of it. Like a song on the wind.


Watching provided insight, but action was where he thrived.

He didn’t limit himself. After all, how could he when he asked so much of the mortals themselves? He was a God for a reason. THE example, in which others strived to meet.

Mortals pined for a great, many things. But the universal interest, and means of persuasion, seemed to lie in the beauty or the strength of a creature. Now, beauty was relative, and Majari often marveled at how what one group found handsome another might be repulsed by… But who was he to judge? Strength was very straight forward for most, although it had its own variances and subtitles that the God was still mastering.

In understanding their preferences, he would bring to life their inner-most ideals of what peak perfection looked like. And from there, his charm would take the wheel. Steer him to victory, where he would see to the loosening of purities knot.

What she bound together in every mortal he would undoubtedly sever. Balance, as it were. Without Him, there would be no Her.

Or so his pride led him to believe.
