Giz was back in the rouge lands determined to make his harem grow. His cubs had long since grown to adult and he wanted more little ankle biter running around calling him daddy. Giz smiled at the memory it had been too long and he missed it too much. So now he was roaming the rogue lands looking for another female or maybe females to bring back home. Though he was open to males too he was hoping for females because right now that's what could give him cubs. And of course there was still his affinity for blue. Maybe he was being to picky and that was why his harem was small and had no cubs right now but Giz had always been someone who knew exactly what he wanted.

Najwa was still wandering around the rogue lands looking for her sister, though she had taken on her mortal leopard form as she found the mortals were a little less startled by her that way. Though with all of the gods kicked out of the Haven it was a bit more common to run into a god now days she assumed. Either way this was the best decision while looking for her sister she thought. Today she had run into many others, but no one who seemed to know anything about her sister sighing she kept on trekking, she would find her sooner or later, the Goddess of Mysteries wasn’t an easy one to find.

Giz caught movement out of the corner of his eye and glimmer of blue, it was the first blue he had seen in awhile and he turned his head quickly. He was hopeful until he noticed the female was a leopard a small frown moved across his lips. His home, his pride was for lions. But nonetheless Giz found himself moving towards the female, she was the first she had seen in awhile so perhaps she knew where she could find some others.

“Good afternoon” he greeted her. Smiling kindly. As he approached the leopardess. “My name is Giz. Forgive the intrusion but you are the first soul I have seen in a long time.”

Najwa had seen the blue lion coming from a while away and let him approach, perhaps she could gain some information and if nothing else she was a little lonely. It had been a bit and well frankly she could use a little company. “Hello Giz I am Najwa.” she told him in her soft voice. “You are the first I have seen in awhile too I am sad to say. What brings you out here?” she asked him making conversation. She had gotten better with this in the recent times. She remembered when conversation with mortals was the most unfamiliar thing to her that made her more nervous than anything but now she was almost like an old pro. Though some had trouble with her soft voice. It was as if their ears couldn’t quite make out the soft murmurs of her voice all the time. She did her best to speak up when she spoke to mortals.

“I am looking for new members who might want to join my pride.” he told the female. “As my mates, but it seems I am too picky!” he said with a laugh. Giz knew it but he wasn’t going to back down on what he wanted he would just have to keep looking. “How about you Najwa?”

“Mates?” she said with a c**k of the head? “Do you have more than one?” she had heard of some prides that had valued keeping more than one mate but she had yet to encounter it herself. It interested her but she knew it was never a lifestyle she could live herself, she was a one one one kind of gal. “I am out here looking for my sister.” she told Giz.

Giz smiled when the leopardess seemed so confused by his more than one mate search, it wasn’t uncommon that those outside the pride were confused and he never minded explaining. He wasn’t ashamed of his lifestyle it worked well for him and everyone in his pride. “Yes mates, I come from a pride where we live in harems, multiple mates, both males and females. We live in family units. It works well. But I fear I am too picky. I like to bring rogue blood into the pride to make more diverse blood lines and I have a thing for the colour blue.” he said the last bit with a bit of a blush. It was a bit embarrassed admitting it out loud.

“How long have you been looking for your sister? Is she young do you need help?” Giz’s focus shifted a little worry filling him, he was always wanting to help others when he could. It was a weakness of sorts.

Najwa couldn’t help but chuckle a little at first the male spoke about his pride and harem with so much pride and then when he admitted his attraction to the colour blue he clearly got embarrassed. “Hey its okay to know what you like. Your home sounds like a wonderful place. Lots of family and others to look after one another. Lots of love to go around.” It gave her a warm and fuzzy feeling though she still knew it was never a life that she would be able to live herself, no she would tell her sister about Utako and then it would just be the two of them. Though of course she and Utako would always have a place in her life for her sister.

“Oh no no my sister is not young, and I am sure she is in no danger.” She said brightly. She didn’t want Giz to worry about her sister. Leuruna was not one to worry about she was more than capable to care for herself and she would always Zirka to watch her back. “She just gets carried away on her wondering sometime. I will find her eventually I always do.” She said with a laugh to make sure her mood was appropriately light. “I actually should be heading off though if I have any hope in finding her. It was great meeting you Giz.”

Giz watched the leopardess leave, he was sure he had never met anyone like her and he was sure he would never again, there was just something about her.