Najwa was on cloud nine, she had been spending so much time with Utako lately. It was more than she could imagine… and she had spent a lot of time imagining a mate, what female didn’t. Today she was spending some time in the mortal lands because things down her were calm and quiet down here and well she found she liked it more and more. It use to intimidate her but now she found it a sollice. She was going to tell her sister about Utako soon and she wasn’t sure how that was going to go but she was excited to tell her sister about the male that was making her stomach do flips. She hoped her sister would be just as excited for her as she would be for her sister if the situation was excited.

Resaka had been working hard to get her pride up and running and she was pleased with some of the changes that she already saw happening. Today she was on the edge of the pride land looking out towards the rogue lands. She liked to see those who were near the border, not to mention she always seemed to get her best visions here, sometimes about the prides future, sometimes just foggy things that just came through and she had no idea what they meant. She had been blessed with decently strong visions, her mother had told her father had been a god but of course she had never met him. She had heard from many children of Gods that this was not uncommon. Gods did after all whatever they wanted, they came, they saw, they left.

As Najwa made her way through she spotted a lioness not far from where she was walking. The lioness had caught her eye because she had such familiar colouring, and the markings. Najwa found herself moving towards her almost like she couldn’t help herself, her paws had a mind of their own. “Hello” she heard her voice say before she knew she was going to speak.

Resaka looked up she had been lost in a bit of trance but she smiled when she saw the Goddess standing beside her. There were a few Gods and Goddesses that lived among the pride or at least visited frequently enough that the sight was not super strange to her. “Hello” she smiled happily. “My name is Resaka welcome to our pride Mimi’naona.” based on the way the Goddess was looking at her she wagered the pride was not the reason she was standing before her, it was something about Resaka herself.

“Hi, Resaka, I am Najwa.” Najwa greeted her trying to be polite. She never wanted to be rude. “I didn’t mean to just barge up on you, I just, your colouring… you look like someone I know.” Najwa realized she was ramboling and she realized she probably sounding completely silly but she couldn’t help herself. She was just about to introduce Utako to her sister and now she saw this lioness and felt a need to know more, though this lioness was older than the time she had known Utako so would it really matter anyway? Should it matter?

Resaka smiled kindly, “My colouring? It’s the same as my father’s I have been told. I’ve never met him though maybe you have? He is a god, though I don’t know of what… or even his name.” Resaka told the female with a smile. This wasn’t something she was bitter about, not anymore anyway. Perhaps when she was younger it had bothered her but now she had a pride that was hers, and many who looked at her for leadership, she couldn’t be caught up on things that weren’t really that important in the grand scheme of things.

Najwa listened carefully a frown creeping across her brow. She wasn’t really sure how to take this news, now that she knew this lioness got her colouring from her father there was no doubt she was Utako’s daughter, but she didn’t even know her father, or anything about him. Did that perhaps change her opinion of him a little? Maybe he didn’t know these cubs existed, but then again maybe he should be a bit more careful about his relationships with mortals. She was now even more worried about her telling her sister about Utako could she keep this a secret from her?

“Well I uh..” she began but was quickly stuttering over her words what an awkward conversation this was, “I think I do know your dad” She said looking at the lioness for a reaction to know what she should say in continuation.

Resaka was excited to learn a bit more about her father, it wasn’t critical to her life but if she had the chance to learn about him she certainly wasn’t going to turn it down. “This is exciting. I didn’t know why I was at the edge of the pride today but clearly it was to meet you.” she said eager for the Goddess to continue.

Najwa smiled relieved that the lioness wasn’t distraught but instead seemed excited, “Well his name is Utako, he is the God of Labyrinths and you have been told correctly your colouring is very similar to his, though you are a bit lighter. Right down to the marking on your leg.” she said nodding down to the lioness front leg that had a tattoo like marking winding its way up just like Utako’s did. “He is a nice male, though quiet. I think he keeps to himself a lot. I only recently met him. I don’t think there is a whole lot more I could tell you.” Najwa said a bit of sorrow in her soft voice.

Resaka grinned, her cheeks puffed out in true pleasure, “Please don’t apologize you have just told me more than anyone ever has about my father and I appreciate it very much. You gave me a great gift.” she said brightly. “Is there anything I can give you in return?” she asked.

Najwa thought for a moment, “No.” she said after just a moment. “I think I have all I need. “Though I know where to find you if I ever need you.” she said with a smile before she quickly left.” Today had been a strange day but a good one she was pretty sure.