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Something was coming.

He was surrounded by a deep blue darkness and large trees that blocked out the sky. They were sentried on either side of an open path laid out before him, just wide enough to travel on. Their thick-barreled trucks were set so close to one another that peering through was nearly impossible. But something was out there… and despite a dread simmering in his gut he strained to see out at what lurked just beyond. In large part curious. But also fearful. For one who struggled with his other-sight, he always seemed to entertain its tidings.

He thought... it was better to be aware of what was coming than to run from the unknown… especially now that he had his mate to look after.

His mate.


Looking around him, Kanene realized that he was alone. He could neither smell nor see the peach female and the area itself was wildly unfamiliar. Was this a dream? Was he dreaming? Or perhaps. A vision?

In an instant the darkness of the forest became that much more oppressive, deterring him from leaving the path in search of her. A discordant voice, apparating out of thin air seemed to agree with this thought…

yes… stay the path.

Below him, in a large clearing, he could see the moon. It was strange, of course, that the moon be where it was because it usually was somewhere else. Not... here, lying prone and flat upon the earth. An eerie silence enveloped the landscape, causing his ears to ring and its presence was so palpable, so looming, that it at last lured him out of paralysis.

He moved.

Illuminated by a milky white light from a source somewhere up above it, the moon grew bigger as he approached. It was indeed flattened against the earth and stretched as wide as the clearing would allow. Maybe thirty feet? Maybe more? Its pocked surface marbled in a strange way and moved as if it were liquid. It constantly moved. It didn't seem solid.

The voice rang out again. Do not walk on it. Look up.

And he did. From the surface of the moon to a large boulder rising from its center, hearing the voice whisper sharply -Stop- as his crimson gaze settled. It appeared out of nowhere, when he wasn’t looking, and was so close to him that with a decent running start he could make the jump to it. But what caught him breathless was that, resting upon, it was the lounging form of his mate. Of Awiki. Looking into his eyes with a tiny smile.

His voice was lost to the illusion, but he mouthed her name all the same and she nodded. They exchanged a long, adoring look before her blue gaze fell… very slowly… to the great belly she bore. And the smile that had been small at first grew warmer upon her face, and wider too, pulling her ears back in an expression of pure delight. His own attention followed, looking to her round stomach quizzically.

Then with shock.

Followed by doubt.

And at last… excitement?

From her, a brilliant glow erupted as her attention rose to the skies above. And again, he followed her lead. He was not disappointed. What were normally white little lights all scattered across the heavens, were now golden orbs of fire. Like the stars seemed to be, they were randomly set at first glance. But with time, and he couldn’t quite tell how long it took, they moved to form the shape of a lioness.

Of a familiar face.

Of his mother.

And the darkness at his back sprung to life as well, illuminated by a thousand tiny lanterns all revealing a thousand different paths. Each and every one spilling out to one.

This one.


Kanene turned to face his mate, feeling as if the moments he had left in this place were fleeting… and he mouthed the words ‘I love you.’

To which the voice, once broken, came to him much like his mothers. And much like Awiki’s. And something more melodic than anything he had ever heard before.

And it said:


WC: 655