Had she meant for it to come to this? No, not really but she would have to say that she was fairly certain Isithelo was in love with her and that proved to be a bit of a predicament.

She'd have to tell Amala.

"Bast!" The deep, silky voice of the male she'd been spending time with cut through the air and she turned to look upon the youthful exhuberance that was Isithelo.

"Ah, hello there. You seem well today." Perhaps she should have thought things through a bit more, but he was an adult and could make his own choices, but still. Was she going to have to play the bad guy and tell him that he couldn't see her anymore, though a part of her didn't want that. The male was full of youth and vigor, plus he kept her on his toes. Amala was like this emotional support and deep rooted emotional connection sorta romance.

"Something is troubling you, that's not a usually response." He said, butting his head against her in a brief moment of affection. He wasn't the cuddle type, he was more of a quick hug or kiss sorta male and he knew that wasn't everything she craved but she got what she wanted out of him and that was all he was really needed to do, right?

Watching him she mulled through her thoughts, couldn't she just have them both? Her biggest fear was losing Amala because of her son. It wasn't entirely frowned upon, the whole ordeal. It's not like she was related to either of them. "We should tell your mother about us." The words came from her lips before she knew it and she just wanted to know his thoughts on the matter.

Tell his mother about him and Bast? The young male knew he was a 'love drunk' fool right now and he wasn't even sure he would call it love. It was nothing but physical between the two of them but he might be overthinking the whole thing. Shrugging his shoulders he looked over towards her, "If that's what you want to do I'm not against it." Chuckling he took a seat, "I'm not completely oblivious of you two, you know that right?" He just chose not to think about his mother when it came to Bast because then it sorta made it weird.

Bast had always wondered how much her children knew of their mother's personal life. "Let's go and find her then, I didn't want to keep it from her forever anyway." If and when the time came that she was going to have children of her own, she'd of had to tell her who the Father was anyway and Amala had always been a bit of a free love sorta spirit. It was still her son that Bast had taken a liking too so it might not go down as smoothly as she thought.

Finding her was easy enough and she suddenly felt a little uneasy, would she turn her away? "Amala, we have something to discuss with you." Really she should have said something long before all this but she had been having her fun and playing her little games and wanting to keep things secret.

Looking between the two of them she raised a brow, 'we?' she thought watching them curiously. Though the way Isithelo watched her made it rather obvious what had likely transpired between the two of them and she honestly wasn't entirely sure how to feel in that moment, especially if her thoughts were correct on the matter. "Go ahead."

"I've been seeing Isithelo for a few weeks now. I know we never stated that we were exclusive and you know that I've been wanting to bring some children of my own into our lives, but that doesn't excuse me from not telling you I had chosen your son as the sire." She knew Isithelo may or may not care one way or another about the whole thing but Amala was his mother and she knew that he would take her side in this no matter what, she just hoped the small amount of time they'd spent together had been enough to accomplish what she had wanted.

Thinking it and hearing it were two different things and even Isithelo was a taken a little aback by the whole thing. While he had known she had been using him to sire children, he hadn't entirely known that his mother wasn't 100% out of the loop. Even when Bast had told him that they should tell her. "It's true Mother, I have been seeing her and while I find it rather unexpected, I've started to have feelings for her." Uncertain as to whether or not they'd pass in time would be another story all together.

Well, they couldn't very well all be together, together. That would just be weird and she had a deep spot in her heart for both Bast and her Son but was really unsure of how to handle this bit of news. The female lover she had taken had taken a lover of her own, in the form of Amala's son Isithelo. If it had been any other male they'd be able to co-habitate easily enough but this was her flesh and blood and in a way, she could understand why Bast had done it. He was a part of her, and therefore any children would be. Amala wasn't sure she'd ever have more children but she knew Bast wanted them and she wouldn't deny that of her. "I am a bit surprised as to whom you've chosen but I'm not mad about it." Eyes danced between both of them as she spoke. "Though I do wish you would have told me before hand, but at the same time it doesn't change how I feel about it. I would still be happy for you because I know it's what you want. I've never been one to limit the feelings you have, no matter who they were for. If this is what makes you happy, then I am happy." Her eyes were locked on Bast this time.

A weight seemed to lift from her shoulders and the sun-kissed female moved to hug the pale lioness and allowed herself to sink into her. "I'm so happy that you feel that way."

Isithelo knew that in time he'd have to make a choice, to see Bast on the side or stop all together but for now his young mind and heart were confused so he was going to do what was easiest for now, keep doing what he was doing and when he was able to make a decision about it, do so then. Knowing that they wanted to be alone for now he backed off from them and disappeared to go and think.