"Mom, do you miss dad?" The young cub looked up towards his stoic mother and suddenly wondered why he had asked such a foolish question. Turning to look down at her dark colored son she gave him a smile, "I do, but not in the way you might think." Utako had been a great conversationalist, and he had been very pleasant company as well, in more than one way, but she didn't miss him on an emotional level. More like you would a friend.

"He was a very good Friend to me and he helped me bring you and your siblings into this world, I thank him for that every day and perhaps one day you will get the chance to meet him." She would teach them to be strong, and to find their place in this world. Even if it led them outside of the pride one day.

"Do you miss your home?" He felt the question escape his tiny mouth before he could keep it in and just hoped she was okay with his multitude of questions.

Giving a light chuckle she couldn't help but admire his curiosity. "I do, it was the only home I had ever known. But now this is our home, my home and it will likely stay that way for a while unless I feel my skills are better served elsewhere." She felt as though she was a valuable member of this community due to her fighting skills, but that could change one day.

Isithelo wasn't sure he had any other questions for her off the top of his head, but then another slipped out. "Do you think you'll ever find us another father?" Not that he'd ever known one, he'd just never seen her with any males so he was really curious about the whole thing.

"Ah, Probably not. Unless the fate's desire it of me, the only male I'll ever know in that way was your Father." He was still far too young to learn that she didn't exactly like males in that way, but she was thankful that Utako had allowed her that privilege, while it hadn't been unpleasant it just wasn't something she found herself truly ever wanting to have to commit to again.

"What's going on over here?" Bast said with a sly smile as she approached the pale female and one of her son's. She was newer to the pride but the two females had hit it off quite well and she tried her best to not "parade" herself with her in public, especially around her children for the time being. She was still new to them and didn't want to disrupt their lively hood or be acknowledged as their second mother. She had plans for this brood of her lover's and she knew Amala might not approve completely it wasn't something she was going to shy away from.

"Just answering my son's questions about their father and life it would seem." She looked over towards Bast and the female knew not to show any affection for the time being, and that was fine with her.

"You're young and have plenty of time to learn about life and the world, why not go play and have fun like everyone else?" She did have to say, Isithelo wasn't exactly like most cubs, he didn't want to play all the time or nap. He always wanted to learn, which was something that Bast liked, for she to liked to learn and obtain knowledge, in a completely different way of course.

Isithelo looked over towards the orange colored female with striking markings. He had seen her around a few times, she was a friend of their mother's and he liked her well enough. Though he didn't really know anything beyond those few observations. Standing up the young male gave a stretch and moved towards his mother and rubbed along her legs and side affectionately. "I'm going to go find the other's and see if any of them want to spar with me." While he wasn't the best fighter, he did want to improve on his current skills.

"Alright, have fun." Amala said as he took off. Once he was gone she turned towards the orange female and leaned into her. "You wouldn't think having to explain why they're not going to have a father would be exhausting." A light chuckle in her voice as she felt Bast lean back into her. Looking up she gave her a lick on the cheek and was given one in return and rubbed her head against the underside of Bast's throat affectionately. While Amala was the fighter of the two, she felt as though Bast was more dominant emotionally, even if she could kick her a** physically.

It was a weird concept almost, the strongest of the two being the less dominant, but it was what it was. Wrapping her lover in a warm embrace she bit her ear playfully and looked around. "I'm sure the kids won't be back around for a bit if you wanted to spend some alone time with me. I mean, if you're too busy I understand." Releasing Amala, Bast stood up with a smile and 'walked' away from her slightly and Amala reached out and pulled the female back towards her, pinning her onto the ground as she crawled up her slightly in a half-pounce type movement. "I have time enough for you." Giving her a playful bite on the scruff she pounced off of her and beckoned for Bast to follow.

Getting up the female smiled and gave a stretch, moving along after the paler lioness at a medium pace. She really wasn't using her, not in the way one might think. There was a deep sense of feeling for her but she really wanted the generation that she had spawned with that God of hers. She was in love with the idea of power and in their blood it thrived. She could have her cake and eat it too, and she hoped it would remain that way for a long time to come.