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Months of wandering had led Ididhi to this moment. The strong, intelligent lioness with no shits to give, freed from her duties as 'waller' to roam the wilds in search of placement and purpose.

It was incredibly annoy how quickly she could be summed up. How little she had accomplished. Fortunately, soon, that would all change.

Idihi didn't expect to find a pride, especially not one akin to this. She had always traveled, she had only ever known travel, and thought she might come across a similar group as the one she had left but... fate had other plans. And things were interesting here. Their passion for the fight was admirable. 'Scars', she had overheard. And most, if not all, sported them.

With the Kuta's, her life had been frustratingly simple. Guard the boarders of random prides (who couldn't guard them efficiently themselves), and, as payment, be offered wild and fattening hospitality. It had never satisfied her, but it was easy. And convenient. And all she had ever known.

She was looking forward to this, agreeing quickly to the duel to establish her rights within the pride. Ready to step into the warrior-hood she had always felt inclined towards. She may be a little out of practice. She may not sport a dozen scars, yet.

But this wasn't her first rodeo.
