The elegant, if bold dress of rich, red silks had been laid out in preparation for the Hatching Feast, just like many other dresses had been before it. She'd always been expected to look her best, regardless of her personal feelings. Who cared for the feelings of a working woman? No. She was there to look radiant, hanging off the arm of whomever had bought her for the evening. Phryana combed her hair, studying her face critically in the mirror. Never before had she attended an event thrown partially in her honor before, and frankly, she had no idea how to react. It was better to fall back on old instincts. Satisfied with her hair for now, she set the brush down--and jumped as something soft brushed gently against her arm.

Phryana turned, and found herself drowning in gently whirling violets and lavenders. A love so deep welled up inside of her that it almost hurt, and wordlessly, the woman sank to her knees to wrap her arms around the young queen's neck. Kleoth hummed gently, leaning into the embrace You clothed yourself in finery--the most effective weapon for these battles. But it was never for yourself. You were never able to even enjoy it. The sorrow in her voice was almost enough to make one weep.

"Yes," She whispered, her fingers running over Kleoth's incredibly soft hide. She didn't have to explain anything. Kleoth knew her better than she knew herself.

Those days are done now. Forever. The words were gentle, but firm--a proclamation from a queen. We will have new battles to fight. But, my dearest.... You never need to do anything that makes you uncomfortable, ever again.

Phryana was silent, processing. She was unable to help the wry thought that, to most, fighting Thread could be seen as uncomfortable.

You know what I mean. Kleoth chided gently, pressing her snout to the woman's forehead. We will never forsake our duty, and I know you are not frightened.

No. She wasn't frightened. It almost felt as though everything she'd feared for so long no longer mattered. She would never again have to fear being sent back to Nabol. Never again. She had a place now, a purpose... and the most wonderful creature on all of Pern at her side. Her lips quirked humorlessly, remembering those who had mocked her. What chance would a whore stand against Thread? She couldn't sleep with it, after all.

Crimson blazed through those multi-faceted eyes, and though the queen did not deign to snarl, Phryana could sense Kleoth's outrage and contempt. She reached out to soothe her lifemate, but her apology was brushed away. Phryana was not the one who needed to apologize. Barbarians. The dragon adjusted her wings primly before continuing. What I mean, my love... is that you do not have to attend the Feast, if you do not wish it. You will never have to attend any parties again, if you do not wish it. And whatever she did wish to do, Kleoth would support her with all of the love and understanding in her hearts. Phryana could feel the slight wistfulness from the young queen, for she would love to go and visit with her siblings and the people of the Weyr... but she could also feel just how much Kleoth meant her words. The dragon would selflessly put Phryana's wants above her own--for it was much more important that her rider be able to choose.

Despite the depth of their bond, the act still shocked the young woman to her core. Such pure love and understanding, without any hook or expectation for something in return. Once, she would have thought of how to use such selflessness to her advantage. Now, she could only think of how she would have to protect her young queen from those who might seek to take advantage of such generous hearts. "No," She managed, and for the first time in Turns, she felt her eyes beginning to burn. "No, Kleoth. I want to attend. I don't--I'm not used to having the option to decide. But I want this, because I'll be with you," She laughed through her tears, knowing she was acting ridiculous. "I want... to get to know the people who are important to you. I do,"

The gold crooned gently, nuzzling into her rider as she offered her strength and support. How brave and strong Phryana was, to keep pushing herself despite all she'd been through. Just remember that you will always have the option. They stayed there like that for some time, the young woman alternating between soft, incredulous laughter and weeping. That carefully cultivated mask she always wore had found itself shattered. She'd grown so comfortable with its presence that she had no idea who she really was, as a person.

But with Kleoth now forever at her side, the task of finding out just who she was seemed much less daunting.