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“Do you think she will reach them?” Aadinantha asked; his pale gaze fixed upon the stars, invisible behind the shroud of daylight. The hulking lion laid beside his much smaller sibling, basking in the heat of a land that differed greatly from the one that birthed them.

The question made Chausika resurface from the deep ocean, clouded ocean of her thoughts. Her brow furrowed curiously as if she had misheard his words - hearing anyone openly question the beliefs of the pride had become a foreign notion.. “Of course she will - don't be so ludicrous.” The lioness scoffed, rolling her eyes as if he was one of her naive cubs, questioning the obvious.

It caused the lion’s chest to rumble with a soft laughter. “You are truly a convert then?” He teased - a content expression softening his features. his sister's nose twitched at the accusation. “I just… have never knew Ashiki take ‘no’ for an answer.” The Shield shook her head, letting her long, desheled locks hide the conflict in her eyes. Aadin had only ever known the Queen in ill health - but if he had witnessed Ashiki in her prime; Chausika knew that he would not question where her soul was destined.

The dark lioness had never known Ashiki not to get what she wanted.

“It just seems odd; to yearn for a place in a realm that was never your home.” He muttered to himself - his words curious as he tried to picture what it must be like to look down on the Earth like a bird, to burn brightly in the sky like a star - the thought was indefinable. Too abstract for such a practical lion.

“You will get us both in trouble brother. I have worked hard to rebuild my reputation - and you should be more concerned with your own. Those scars of yours will only carry you so far.” Chausika, The Queen’s Vengeance, wife of Azzan, and mother of Scions, Shield of the Ukuhlwa'Izwe - still had Skadi blood running through her veins and when her eyes closed; she dreamed of their sacred forest, she could feel the gentle touch of snow on her fur.

It was a duality few would ever know and the only thought she would never voice to her husband. Aadinantha saw her soul for what it was - and though he offered her a comfort that no other could provide, it also meant he was the greatest danger to what she had built for herself.

“Luckily for you - it's just us heathens here.”

His words earned him a pointed glare from his sister. There was no anger to be found in her ghostly eyes - but a rather a worried warning. The very sand beneath their paws, the very air that filled their lungs; could hear heresy. She knew better than most the price of words within these lands.

The older lion dropped the conversation but pretended to be oblivious to the warning he had been given. He knew how much he could challenge her before he received a claw. “Do you want to go there?” His question was pointed - and the small curl to his sisters lip told him she understood his true meaning.

The black lioness sighed, defeated. “I do not think we get to decide that, Aadinantha.” She gave a nonchalant shrug - the words she carefully chose were the most diplomatic; and most honest she could offer. “I am not sure what will happen to us after we die.” A solemn feeling made her shiver in the unrelenting heat. Too far away from the Sacred Forest to live on as a tree - too much a heathen to be welcomes amongst the Stars. She was not scared of what was to become her soul -nor did she desire the recognition of an ancestor.

There was only one thing she wished for;

“I just hope I go wherever my husband goes. Where our children will follow us.” If she could stay by their side - it did not matter what she became. A tree. A star. Even if oblivion awaited - at least they would be nothiness together.

“I am sure you will.” Aadinatha’s voice sounded so sure. “I have never known you accept 'no' for an answer, either, little sister.” His eyes fell to look upon her- filled with an unspoken adoration that the siblings shared but rarely voiced. “Ha!” Chausika rolled her head backwards as she let out her sharp, bold laugh. It was true - she had all that she could ever want and despite the Pride’s recent hardships, she could not possibly be any happier than she was.

This was not the life she had ever pictured for herself - but she was thankful every day, every night, for the blessings she had received.

From the tunnels a familiar figure emerged - Azzan’s expression, the small nod of his head in her direction told her everything she needed to know. The Shield looked up towards her brother - her expression unfaltering as she quietly gave her order. “Find my children - it is time.” Aadinantha rose to his paws. He bowed his proud head towards the old Claw to mark his respect - and then took his leave.

Chau rose as her brother turned away - jumping from their ledge to take her place by her husbands side. Her eyes showed no concern for him, nor did her expression hold any heartache. No words would be spoken for the rest of the day - and the small lioness stood by his side as silent as she had been when she was Tarnished. Still, she remained there in his shadow; as steady and calm as a stone.

Until they were alone - and let the weight of the changing world wash over their shoulders.